Friday, August 25, 2023


 Didja' ever? Never thought I would live to see the day. Democracy in action, or at least a first step on what will be a very long journey to completion - if ever. The defendant's go to plan is always delay, ad infinitum as nauseum. Until beyond the reach of human courts. However, the next judge will prove to be a tad firmer in following the schedule, as the line grows and must be kept moving along. Unless Trump would like to wait out his requested delays in the rather unique, permanently heated spa. 

Hmmm, such pleasant thoughts, a bit, just a bit, vengeance tainted. Vengeance is said to be a dish better served cold, but in this case the heat will be a rather satisfactory substitute. Yes indeed. A fitting and final meting out of justice and a permanent place in history to where shameful people, traitors to their countries, to all that is decent are relegated. To be despised. To be damned by the truths he denied so vehemently. All the while sitting in the   thick, smothering layer of heat. In contemplation of his navel and his entire misspent lifetime, sweating just a bit - or more. 


The mighty will have fallen, accompanied by his crew of obedient flying monkeys. Justice delayed, nevertheless, justice finally served.

Perhaps we can draw some satisfaction or hope that at least some of those who chose him as their guru, will take heed and lesson. Perverted, mad politics - verboten. Compromised, compromising judiciary - verboten. Baaing flocks of sheep will finally understand the purpose of that brain, that heretofore unused organ coming alive. The remnants of the debased and deluded base will come back to their senses and shed all remaining Trumpian habits. Such a pretty picture.


Looking so pretty in his couture orange jumpsuit.

Such a beautiful sight, inducive of a calm sleep.  

And back at the ranch, exponentially growing, is the ABCDEFGH list of growing areas of concern in the Caribbean and Atlantic, along with similar events of Nature gone berserk round the globe. But not to worry, for 7 of 8 disgraceful idiots daring to present themselves as candidates for the office of president, deny climate change and Nikki Haley, admitting to climate changes, typical, certainly of the current GOP and people in general, lays the blame off on others - China and India. Even as it is well known how generously we contribute to that cause!  But hey, what's a few billion or trillion difference among friends. Oh, we are not? Oops. Ideas, anyone, now, please.

Gotta' love it, gotta' laugh - or you will cry. 


Are you laughing? Yet? Or still? Or have you given up on that as you sit there in your uncooled cell? Let me raise my A/C just a tad. There. Perfect.

No, I am not sitting here, cackling away, certain of my witchy talents, enjoying the difficulties of others as they do the time for their crimes. However, the harm that Trump, his followers, his monkey see, monkey do mimics, have inflicted upon this country, are existentially dangerous, life threatening to rights of people, to sanity, to truth, to equality, no matter race, ethnicity, point of origin, gender, orientation, religion - well, they are beyond the pale. 

We are threatened by current terrible changes being  made, now, forced upon us, by self-empowered overblown egotistical frauds: changes in curriculums, banning of books and even thinking, and use of censorship. By egotistical illegal, immoral, firings and manipulations within the system, crushing opposition a la Third World. See how oh so cleverly we have learned from them.    

We have challenged Time. We have harmed the Present, perhaps beyond any chance of complete rehabilitation. We have imperiled the Future arising from a faulty flawed Present. We have even impacted terribly on the Past, as we change facts, redefined truth, related vastly differing versions of historical events and trends of thoughts, of the   progress and hiccups of humanity. Harm incalculable.


You are accused of and judged guilty of crimes against humanity, for that is the truth of it  all, bottom line.

Bottomline is also our guilt by allowing this cancer to grow and thrive, to flourish, to blot out sanity and justice, to conquer morality. How? Why? I can only theorize, attempt to understand, but it is extremely difficult to do so. Way beyond my capability to understand, to theorize, to simply comprehend the perversions of people, their attempts to go to evil, to stray into the Dark Force, no light saber with them. Staying with it even as the detritus of inevitable failure falls round our ears. 

For sanity turn to the power and comfort of prayers.

 For Yitzy, who had two miserable days of chemo this week. For all   those in need, for a world, for a country sick with positive cancers of the soul and psyche. Prayers. More of the grit and courage inside ourselves. To do the right thing. To stand and speak.

 Show PO1135809 that he and his minions have lost. America has returned to her senses.

Will we ever learn the value, the reality, the necessity of togetherness?

 We can hope and we can do our best.

Together, always together.

Together, united for good.



We can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 


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