Tuesday, August 22, 2023


  Oh Lordy. Where the hell are we? I recognize almost nothing, a bizarre take on a once normal scene, extremely disconcerting and worrisome. I took the day off yesterday but unfortunately that   seems to be all the allotted time of sanity. Madness prevails, grows in its outrageousness, giving credence to the reality of even more madness, even more threats to a sane status quo. Perhaps we have even passed the point of no return, unnoticed as we rolled by it embroiled in our dangerous stupidities. GPS, Waze, paper outdated maps, still unable to be refolded, nothing works any more. We are caught up in a new vista of unknown and frightening views and we are lost. 

So, time to return to a reality, ugly indeed, for no one can postpone forever the intrusion of ugly truths. The truth will out will it not. Despite our very best efforts to deny it, even as it snaps at our heels and mines the paths ahead. In Monday morning quarterbacking, we continue futile efforts to deny truths, to obfuscate facts, to refute truth. But hey, there it is.  A dangerously skewed reality, one inimical to graceful, gracious, moral and safe living. 

But not to worry, for ABC has issued a revamped TV schedule for the Fall, giving us two hour weekly installments of Batchelor in Paradise. A show wherein seventh grade mentalities are wrapped in adult bodies compete to set up their own middle school society, falling in and out love for eternities lasting as long as an hour or two, indulging in pettiness. I find it fascinating, even rooting for my favorites to indeed find love eternal   - until the next distraction, that is.

In the meanwhile, back in the ranch, so unappetizing, rancid, and devoid of any shred of decency, of morality, of a just society, the ugliness   is revealed. One GOP candidate now demands to know how many Federal officers were on the 9/11 crashed planes! They admit to preferring a policy of government by blackmail and they do it oh so well.   Cassidy, Tuberville, the grossly misnamed "Freedom Caucus", and the perverted bunch of thinly disguised New Age outlaws, the "Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association" whose mantra "teaches that elected sheriffs must “protect their citizens from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government” by refusing to enforce any law they deem unconstitutional or “unjust.” Truly pots and kettles calling out each other even as they are in dire need of the boiling cleansing waters within. 

Not to forget the truth of the parallel worlds of Man and Nature. There is a most frightening video from California portraying a huge powerful spout of dirt and debris breaching the surface, spewing forth ugliness and danger, even as we do the same in our own world, breaching the walls of decency and goodness meant to safeguard us. As both worlds seem to link directly to Hell. Even as humans have chosen to emulate Hitlerian era mobs, as they followed the enticing music of crooked Pied Pipers.  

Remember the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel, when and where humanity chose to challenge the gods, building unto the heavens where the gods resided, challenging and defeating them. All they got for that hubris was confusion of languages which to this day has meant an inability to talk with and understand each other. 

We literally drill down, attempting to reach the center of the earth in our hubristic display.  For  what? Do we know what is there, what we might be releasing or destabilizing? No, most definitely NO! 

Time to stop the world so we can get off? It does not work that way, does it. We are here for the duration, whatever the timetable is. We can remain apathetic or indulge in grievous behavior, hastening an end or we commit to Tikkun Olam, the repairing of the world, beginning with the 'fixing' of ourselves. Difficult, but can be done-if, only if, we do it together.

Togetherness has a powerful effect. A synergetic power and effectiveness. We have seen its power with Yitzy, the wind beneath his wings in his battle with cancer.

We turn to that empowerment of   togetherness, a good, soul cleansing, sanity encouraging togetherness.

 We do have the power to change things if we are together in goodness. Together we can sow the seeds for a better world, a repaired world a world. if not of love, at least of patience and respect.

Where are we? Wherever we choose to be.

For all of us.

Together, always together.

Together, united for good.



We can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu. 


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