Friday, September 15, 2023


  These days we all welcome the 'wisdom' of the lady in Waze or GPS. Seemingly an expert in all road USA, we do not panic anymore re travel into unfamiliar areas or where construction is or even accidents. On the other hand, we have lost that ability to kind of sense the way, learn it and even do that miracle - read a map accurately, know which side is up, and then the gradate skill - to refold that map until it is tamed, no longer a bundle of crinkled up paper. The skills we lose when we do not use it. Truly, a use it or lose it situation.

That holds true as well in the rather more challenging yet necessary critical skill of getting along with each other. We appear to be suffering from lack of a vital piece of our national web of life. We have lost all gray cell  memory of shared experiences and goals. Our shared debt of gratitude towards America for proving to be the haven we needed. The America which is now reneging on that promise of refuge for the hopeless of the world.  

Terribly wanting of the skill of discussion, of shared compromises, of backing away from harmful extremes, we are jamming at faster and faster pace into a terrifying world of division and violence, of the grand Republic shattering into a bunch of negligible nation states - nothing more and probably even less.

We no longer tolerate, or even allow differing opinions without threatening dire consequences to those who are not in agreement with us. We even spurn those who agree somewhat but not lock step agreement. We see our faults as the faults of the opposing forces, creating battle plans for the war to me - actually, already here.    

Our inner ladies of our Wazes, our GPSs, our   antiquated maps, all are no good these days We rove the desert that was once America, the one of legend, the one of hope, sans any direction at all. Simply look to the headlines of the day - today- and then ask yourself - what the hell!!!

McCarthy opens an impeachment investigation   into Biden, even as he refused to convict the obvious notorious criminal, the demented traitor, Trump; he who had the entire GOP standing before him, bareassed, awaiting their paddling for daring to disobey him - though all the cowards never did in the first place. Which is why we are now last place as a positive, world saving domain. 

Why now after futile months and months inquiry? Because he is in a political power play crisis and needs a distraction; hence, the impeachment tool. (At least not the Jews this time around.) Quite the well-used tool now by the GOP as they threaten to impeach each and every official who does not parrot their viewpoints, possibly proving to be fatal for their grossly gerrymandered illegal, vastly immoral, district divisions. All to ensure their reign forever, under the demented King Trump and his royal yucky chips off the old block descendants.

A country, a globe under Nature running amok on us - or is it that we have run amok, right over the rules of Nature and backed up and did it again and again. Why? Because of greed. Because of lack of foresight and rethought. Even lack of backsight. Until possibly too late. A GOP welcoming climate change denial and deniers, like the fascist DeSantis and others of his ugly ilk.

 A GOP welcoming extreme over the top supremacists. Not that the Democratic Party has not done the same with their own crew of bigots and purveyors of hate- especially those world dominating Jews of the outer space laser! Clump these so lacking in everything politicians, the lawmakers of our nation, G-d help us, as they blatantly break legality and morality. 

Watch as others, even doctors who should know better buy into their garbage warning us of the conspiracy of Covid, to stay away from lifesaving vaccines. Will they take care of those left behind, bereft of a loved one, or who die? Or have Long Covid, unable to function properly? NO, they will not, telling you the government must stop spending money - sorry. Tough luck!

What the hell indeed!!

On the positive side, doctors have uncovered a possible cause of Alzheimer's, that terrible, awful, damned thief of a person. My suggestion - check out the opposition, beginning with Trump and go straight down the membership of the GOP and see if their brains show the same signs. I bet they do! 

I cannot pinpoint exactly where or why we have gone wrong, but we did. If we do not change direction, find worthy and knowledgeable direction devices, one thing will be true. The shattering of life as we know it. Ignore enough, ignore longer and longer, too busy, too tired, and that ignorance will bite us where it hurts, for reality has a way of happening whether we like it or not. Then our busy lives will an awakening and that alarm cannot be shut off.

In the meanwhile, we get the news that chemo for Yitzy must continue 6 more months after the initial first round, as he moves soon into second stage combat of maintenance.  We understand the necessity, trust the doctors who have brought Yitzy so far already, and we anticipate positive endings, but it is hard. Yitzy is just amazing, his spirits are high, his grin as wide and contagious.   

We hope and pray that the Lord Above will send a complete healng and send a special angel to watch  over his family.

In the meanwhile, we know the drill.

I wish you all a Shanah Tova Oo'metukah - a sweet, good year, filled only with the good, the positive, the best of everything.

I will not post on Sunday due to the holiday but will be back Monday. Take the time to catch up on missed postings. You might enjoy them.

Only together, only in unity.

The same message, the same plea.  


And together.

Together. Only and always together.

Together, always together.

Together, united for good.



We can heal the nation.



Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sarah

May he be granted refuah shelaymah bimheyrah beyameinu.


1 comment:

  1. this is phyllis. i wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year. Especilally Yitzy. All my prayers are with that wonderful boy. i have prayed for my own and then for him as if he were my own. we now have 2 great grandchildren a girl named sophia and a boy named michael. one of my blessing is that you and i have been friends for all this time through thick and thin . i pray that G-d looks after you and brings you a "refeera" thank you for being my friend. i love you . phyllis
