Wednesday, November 22, 2023


  In fact, if you do see that line, the one in a perennial state of being drawn, please notify me and indeed, any sane person, probably shaking in the shoes along with the shivering spine. In fact, if one is not engaging in the above two activities, either you are ignorant of current day reality, or are one who is among the inciters, the consistent violators of those lines, the more violent, the louder, the better. 

What is amazing about those lines is that while perpetually being drawn, presented with stern voce and resolute face, they are sound and fury of nothingness. Instead, silence reigns. Deafening it its volume of silence, nothing, a void in space, as those lines are violated, myriad numbers of times with no consequences of any consequence! The violations increase in number and effect, fading into nothingness. Meaningless footnotes of history, dangerous, sad jokes writ in the blood of those who were targets. Jokes that should never have existed.

So, here we are. I cannot figure out whether the Big Man upstairs is either crying at the crimes of His creations, the futility of it all, or overcome with sidesplitting laughter punctuated by cackles while viewing the pathetic antics of the selfsame creations, already written off in His book, plans for next generation humans, Humans 2.0 already in the works. Less prone to hatred, less inclined towards violence, certainly more protective of their home planet. 

As for His People, well, perhaps a redo there, as for sure, that favoritism always seems to have worked the wrong way, as favoritism they could have done without as they became instead the favorite targets of violence and hate, victims whose blood ran not as ripples in the streets, but rather pouring as rivers through the veins of humanity. As their blood was relished for its taste for satisfaction and an apparent source of joy to those who shed it, complicitly or implicitly, no air between the two terms. None at all. In fact, without the implicit, without their approving, enabling, and encouraging silence, there would never have been a realtime  complicity to ever having been realized.

So, Man Above. I have my differences with you. massive ones. Personal first, on a truly close level. Why the hell do you pick on the little ones, the innocent. Not yet corrupted by the contaminated air and residents of earth. Those who could have saved the world, given it a chance to survive. But no, these innocents are sacrificial lambs to the cause, to the adults who failed in their jobs, allowed for the loss of these kids and the fading of options and hopes for a good future. You allowed for their endangerment, to the point of death or worse. How are we to cope with, to possibly understand how children, babies, could be beheaded, burned alive, torn from the desperate grasps of parents, left alone, to die, to be lost forever, never to be returned to their   people.

 Why, WHY, are you taking away our Yitzy, the heart of all who know him. To think of his disappearance, no longer to see that signature, infectious grin, or be inspired by his faith - it is unthinkable, unbearable. How are we ever to understand that, accept that? How are we to understand Your refusal of the pleadings of literally thousands, asking for the healing of Yitzy, a complete refuah that would allow him to grow, to become a man whose goodness emanating from his soul, would provide and encourage warmth, goodness and hope for all who knew him. Allow us  to keep and cherish Yitzy, and indeed all those little ones in danger, mortal danger, be it from illness or brutality inflicted upon them because they are Jews, Your people. Or a member of some other endangered people, hated and hunted by the worst specimens of humankind.    

Your creations. Yes, free will, but perhaps these creations needed some kind of reinforced and strengthened, of morality, or moral courage, an ability to withstand, resist, the temptation to partake of evil. Lord, I have more to say, lots more, but now I am tired, exhausted in body and soul, and all must wait for the morrow. 

I can only pray that the leaders of the political state of Israel have made a wise decision in that deal with Hamas. I do not think so, for I do not trust Hamas. Nor is it good or advantageous for Israel.  Yes, my heart breaks for the hostages and their loved ones, but how to explain and justify to those left behind, again, perhaps forever.

 In that I am at a total loss, answers impossible and certainly not understanding of the entire mess and why we have lost so many and will now endanger more as Hamas is now to be given time to regroup, rearm, and kill some more. And keep our hostages, especially those they cannot 'find'. Or will it be more dead bodies, as yet another hostage has died while in their blood stained hands and corrupted souls. 

NO, no more words, no more energy, only and always - tears. No more useless meaningless lines.

G-d, where the hell were You that day and where are You now? 

Answer the pleas of so many, now multiplied by so many, so much. Heal our Yitzy, our so sweet treasure. We need him more than You. 





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