Cool beans? Cool beans!!! What kind of children have we raised, have our children raised? Where are the working minds, the compassionate hearts, the recognition of evil and good, the ability to discern the one from the other and make the correct choice. What have we gained for the sacrifices made so that these over-privileged kids could attend fancy universities, boast of academic achievements? Where has it all gone? It has gone, disappeared, empathy, understanding, thinking, appraisal, justice - all discarded on the waysides of their journeys. But be assured that it indeed has amounted to something - to a hill of beans or let me correct myself, to "cool beans".
"Cool beans"
Out of the mouths of overgrown babies we hear the ominous knell of the future. It is caught in the tinkly light tones of joy and amusement of the silly coed or the oh so manly newly deepened voice of the boy not yet a man, desperate to show all that he is and can make independent choices so far away from the trite, stale maxims of parents who tried so hard to get some ethical values into your souls.
Such a pleasing tingle of glee and smugness, for you are now for sure a grownup, a person of independent thinking and decisions, and your parents would have a cow if they saw what you are planning. But how could you possibly turn down this exciting day of adventure and daring, a true rebel. That intense oh so sincere boy with the megaphone, boldly shouting curses re Israel and the genocide they are perpetrating upon innocent civilians - wow!
Curious, you ask for details, quickly forthcoming, words and proposal of hate crimes sliding smoothly out of his mouth, cloaked with toxic base and goal. Simple, you are told. Just rip off any posters with pictures of missing and/or kidnapped and/or murdered Israelis, all lies, of course. In fact, the whole story of Oct. 7 is a myth perpetrated by the Jewish controlled media. And yes, that little girl who reminds you of your little sister is guilty, complicit of the same crime.
You think a bit. No big deal, really. Your parents never have to find out. Just a bunch of posters anyway. It could be fun. so ....."Cool beans" and away you go. How grownup you are. That is exactly what is happening on campus but if were simply that level it might be ugly, but not at the point -not yet - of physical harm. By now it has gone way past that point, with Jewish kids running for their lives from crazed hate filled mobs. Professors and administrations are useless, worse than that. Ancient horrors are being revived, stinking of death and destruction. However, while the world might sit still again, we will not. We are aware. We are strong. We do have a Guardian up there, albeit a bit inattentive these days.
We are resolved. We will not allow another Holocaust. Strike for strike. Blow for blow, we have no alternative. This is our homeland, our home, and we are here to stay.
So, my G-d up there, removed from up close and personal views of the horrors. Remember Your people down here, the people to whom you made a promise, who have tried to keep theirs to you. If we have failed You, need to be taken to task, surely there is a better way to do so. This nation cannot survive another Holocaust, one in which the entire world partakes, slaking its thirst for Jewish blood.
We are tired, so very tired.
I am angry. Beyond words.
I am frightened, very much so.
I am depressed at the level of danger.
I despair at the acquiescence of the world again.
Am I hopeless?
Ask me another day.
Well, here we are not even another day, simply a few hours later, and here is yet another bizarre take of the NYT re the issue of kidnapped victims and their posters. Rather than being called out for what they are, these animals removing the posters, the NYT in all its eternal stupidity and willful blindness, particularly as it touches upon Israel or antisemitism, does it again. That despicable campaign to remove the posters, to negate the victims, the children, the women, the dads protecting families, the elderly is now, thank you NYT- a legitimate method of protest, to release the pressure from years of 'oppression and occupation' in so many words.
Wonder what excuse the NYT will gin up to ameliorate the hate spewing forth from the chief war criminal, the leader of Hamas, who openly states that the destruction and erasure of Israel is a given when Hamas wins. (Which they will not!!!) Wonder what excuse the NYT will create in order to excuse this murderer and his accomplices in genocidal plans. For sure, we will be asked to live up to standards of international law of war, singularly applicable only to Israel as she fights for her life and that of her citizens. Oh, the frustration of that poor man, having to wait so long to full divulgence of his desire to wallow in the blood of Jews. Oh, the tension of disappointment, but not to worry, take heart, for the NYT will explain it all away and the proper modicum of sympathy and understanding will be forthcoming. Not easy trying to top Hitler you know.
Lovely world.
Lovely day.
Perhaps we all deserve what we get as we allowed all this to flourish, granted it approval in view of our 'humanistic' PC outlooks, all the while standing there, even cheering as the ugliness underneath is revealed.
So enjoy the day, folks, for one never knows what the day will bring. 'Gather ye rosebuds while ye may", for they are surely being overcome by the overwhelming rank odor of purveyors and practitioners of murder and mayhem, of hate and savagery.
G'day. Cheerio. Adieu. Bon Voyage.
Have a nice day. Don't worry; be happy.
And if you cannot do that, then join in the fight on the right side in this war of Good vs. Evil.
Yes, I am indeed afraid. Rightfully so, don't ya' think!?
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