Friday, November 17, 2023


  Too often, for far too long, Jews, in whatever guise, wherever they live, have been expected to follow norms non applicable to any other group. Perhaps arising from the peaceful inclination of Jews, to be People of the Book rather than the People of the Sword. Perhaps, but then again, during the entire period of history covered within the books of the Old Testament, Jews fought. Bravely.  Boldly. Triumphantly. 

They were both people, two sides of the same coin. However, when in exile, in the Diaspora, Galut, as we referred to it, restrictions crippled, disabled, and forbade the ability and the very right of Jewish   communities to defense. Crammed within actual ghettoes, surrounded by walls, towers and armed guards, denied most exit from the ghetto, had severely enforced curfews, and were required by law to wear distinctive items of clothing meant to isolate, demean, and debase the wearer. 

Forbidden to bear arms, possess weapons, even to resist the murderers, the pillagers, the rapists unleashed upon us as we were used as relief valves for discontent among the people. For sure, we became the People of the Book. That idea and reality was challenged sporadically through the generations, but a reality in the late 19th century said otherwise. We will no longer remain without defense. IDf. Resistance among the battered and bruised Jews within ghettoes. In the forests. In the camps. All the while, under the most adverse conditions kept up schools for the children, wrote, painted, created music - the People of the Book alongside the People of the Sword. One and the same. Whenever called for whatever needed, we were there.    

Rebuilding our ancestral homeland, we were challenged by many, unaccepting of the idea of Jews within their own land. Denying Jews of the privilege of a state among states, a Jewish state, even as there were myriad Moslem states, nations with heavily favored religions. No, Jews were different. In fact, other nations rejoiced, as once again Israel served as the pressure relief valve for other nations who committed dastardly acts against their own citizens or neighbors. Russia. Iran. Afghanistan. Rhodesia. Philippines. Ethiopia. Darfur. Sudan. Nigeria. Venezuela. Argentina.  Brazil. Saudi Arabia. Egypt. Hamas. Yemen. On and on, never a shortage; however, only Israel was deemed a suitable whipping boy. Even the UN, that institution that should be disbanded immediately had this to say yesterday." Israel does not have a right to self-defense against Hamas under international law and accused the country of committing "war crimes."  

Nations are so busy demanding a role in Israeli interests that they forget completely their own needs, and their devious criminal actions. Nope, Israel is there for rabid criticism as they refute the history of the world, wherein Jews were the scapegoat of all, as pressure relief, the monster all loved to hate. Daring to challenge the past and become a powerful, thriving, contributing nation among nations. Daring to succeed against all odds.      Jews around the world shared the joy, the victory against the ugliness of history. They stood tall, heads up, with determined strides and high goals.   Prominent members of society in all facets. The vow of the Jewish people was Never Again. Never. Even as it has now morphed, tragically, into Never Again. Never is Now.         

   Today the world has turned once again into an ugly cesspool overflowing with the excrescence of Jew haters, again, apparently always. Incorrigible enemies of all mankind. We know terrorists are not 'militants' We know savagery and massacre are not equivalent to defense. We know who is innocent and who is not. We know friends, true friends, from enemies. We are forever vigilant against their ugliness within and their love of bloodshed. Especially if the blood is Jewish blood.  

The world needs to know that Jews today are different. We will not go down easily. We are the People of the Book, as well as the People of the Sword. We will walk tall, head up, defend ourselves, and countries under attack and always protect Jews round the world. One day, hopefully soon, the world will return to sanity, fire hatemongers, teachers who are not teachers, and universities will return to safe and inspiring sites   of true education and enlightenment. Light radiant rather than blocked, dimmed by evil.       

One day. One day. When?   Beats me but I and so many others long for it. 

We Jews say - od yavo hayom. The day will come. 

We must have faith that it will and remain strong in that faith.  

 Am echad, lev echad. One nation, one heart. 

I do so deeply hope that the One that we are, remains strong as well, along with us, in the battle for Yitzy. The news yesterday is still incomplete and the worry remains. It eats away at us. We look at that sweet boy, so generous, so kind, so deep and sincere in faith in his G-d, so true in his admiration of creations of G-d. We look and we cry and we pray and we rail at G-d, demanding how could He even contemplate a negative answer. No, we demand, we plead, we beg - heal him, hear the prayers said literally round the clock round the world for him. Hear them! Listen to them!

Yitzy, with his big grin. 
Yitzy, my youngest grandchild.

He who loves chocolate, arguing that it is not candy.  

Yitzy, whom I love, we all love with a love so deep as to be bottomless.

Yitzy - son, great grandson, grandson, brother, nephew, uncle, friend.


Yitzchok Elimelech ben Chana Sarah.

Hear us.

Amen. Amen.     


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