Monday, December 11, 2023


 Our world today is surrounded by a huge area of darkness. This darkness is not a phenomenon of Nature, but rather one totally manmade and powered. Nor is it new, but rather a reversion to a shameful flaw in mankind, one that should have long ago been stricken from the lexicon of approved vocabulary and behavior. And yet, it has not and sadly, I believe will never be. Instead, there is a continuing vicious pattern wherein this flaw remains in uneasy stasis until some barbarian resurrects it and it blossoms and blooms. 

The worst of mankind is celebrated, as the scum of humanity rises to the top. The rank odor this scum emits is ignored and then savored. Its poisonous reek infects those who breathe of its noxious air, ever deeper, and rather than discarding this scum, it is celebrated. Its acceptance pleases the worst of humanity for it declares void all the rules of civilization, of true progress over the millennia.

The hard-won ethical values and behavior of the ethos of the world's nations, were discarded, shredded, twisted beyond recognition. People returned to the ugly side of mankind, resurrecting that which had been tamped down, and the eternal ugliness of antisemitism, plain speak - Jew hatred - emerged in full bloom and blossom, wholly adopted by growing numbers within a formerly decent society. 

That which had been discarded, now became a treasure to unfold, and the worst, the very lowest, basest, worst of humanity became the vogue, even as it released all rules and restraints on appropriate social behavior. What was then forthcoming with bold defiance and then acceptance was the roar of the crowd demanding genocide of the Jewish people. Same old, same old, a handy tool for evil, a deflective tool for leaders who have failed at their jobs. 

Apparently, this ugliness is part of the genetic makeup of evil troglodytes. Their 15 minutes of fame are rife with disaster and bloodshed. It is with voracious appetite stimulated by vitriolic invective and deeds, that the growth of this hatred is fed. The inevitable result:  death to the Jews once again, and for always. This all evil allowing hatred, a dangerous virus of humanity and decency, frees all to indulge their worst traits and desires. It is a part of the past which hangs on to future possibilities and loves to find its way to a very active present.

 The outcome is revealed, made very clear, by gathering hate maddened crowds, mobs, controlled by instigators, who chant of genocide, enabled by adults who should know better - and do. Suddenly dehumanizing groups of people has become okay - as long as that group is Jewish. Try the same tactics and ramp up violent attacks in streets, institutions, a similar chant of genocide, but with a different minority group and the world rises in indignation.   So kind, so caring - but not if they are Jewish. Butchery is okayed, even recommended and praised. Sheer barbarity is ignored even as organizations become deaf, dumb and blind, refusing to speak out against violence aimed and perpetrated upon Jews. Not simply indignities, schoolyard taunts, but real wet blood. Lots of it. No Hollywood fakes here. Streets begin, once again, ever again, to run with the blood of Jews sacrificed on the altar of savagery.

The world is in darkness. The separation of light and dark of Creation has gone awry, darkness now dominant. The darkness seeped into the air, seeped into the first humans and Cain killed his brother, Abel, and so it has continued. Except this time, after an ugly realization that this Jew hatred is alive and flourishing, we are prepared and will fight with every tool in our toolbox, with words and hands.   Attuned, we will not allow this to get worse. Justice is demanded. Perpetrators, enablers will receive or feel the blows of our anger and our strength.   A world which accepts Jew hatred is unacceptable and will be vanquished. 

Israel's right to defend itself is a fact. The fault of dead civilians is upon the Gazans who allowed Hamas to rule, allowed them to build war redoubts among them. It is upon the UN, that bastion of Jew hatred, who allowed its buildings to store arms and ammunition, entrances to tunnels. The silence re the crimes against humanity by Hamas, the brutality   with hostages, where are the outraged voices?  Silence. Deafening, dark silence.   Darkness has shrouded the world, keeping decency at bay and has allowed for a thriving evil to grow at giant rates with horrid consequences.

The darkness also has invaded my personal world. For a year, my hero, my 13-year-old grandson, has valiantly fought this awful cancer, ugly and vicious   but the battle has been lost and we are now told, after a week and a half of a rally and a possibility of a compassionate drug, that time has run out.  Once again, we are returning to Pittsburgh, precipitated by an urgent call:  "come back, for it is a matter of hours." So again, with tears in our eyes, with shattered pieces of our hearts littering the floor, we   are on our way early this morning. Again.

Can we hope for a miracle? I hope so. We must continue prayers for that miracle.    


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