Tuesday, February 20, 2024


  While working on the computer yesterday, I needed a break. Between the back and the eyes along with the rebellious fingers, it was better to simply surf for pleasure and as usual these days for information, the latest with the crook Trump as well as the latest in Israel and the ugly wave of Jew Hatred rending asunder every Jewish community. Not really  expecting to find anything new on either subject, both in a kind of stasis and bloodletting, I was kind of surfing with one eye and half a mind when suddenly my eyes opened wide and my fingers froze.

As I waited for my heart to beat again, I wondered if I were strong enough to open the site. Would it be good new or bad? Would it shred our hearts anew or perhaps allow a small glimpse of good news, a possibility of life where we had thought there was little room for any reality of that hope. Even as we prayed so hard, hoped so hard, wept so much that our eyes were drained of tears, as they mysteriously renewed themselves.

The Bibas family has been taken to heart along with the other hostages, those freed or rescued, those remaining in captivity, and those dead either before or during captivity. As these beasts in human disguise wreaked havoc unleashed, brought us the horror of the videos of the brutalized captured and rendered asunder the world, at least for a second or two, it was not so for we Jews and right-thinking people. 

We saw scenes reminiscent of the Holocaust, a perpetration and preparation of future ones already promised and threatened by the perpetrators of this abomination, the terrorists of Hamas. Of course  they were aided by those oh so innocent civilians piling in to join in the bloody fun, along with UNRWA workers and plain old simple peace loving families wishing to have their own private captive, to torture as they pleased. Surely that is all so understandable and forgivable, right?  

However, the most heart wrenching photo was the one captured of a woman whose terrified, horrified face became the face of all Jewish mothers of a bloody history from time immemorial, with their children, aware there was no positive ending possible, no way out, no rescue, no  stopping the horrid wheel of fate, the one that would end their lives brutally, to join the ranks of those millions   already martyred, victims of vicious hatred  sanctioned by the people and nations of the world.   

The Bibas family, father separated, remaining in captivity, alive or dead unknown. Mother and children, two bubbot, red headed dolls of children   with delicate needs, ripped away, with a desperate mother their only hold to sanity and life. They have become the symbolic representation of all the captives and heartbroken Jews from all over have taken them to heart. What is their fate? WHERE ARE THEY?  WILL WE EVER SEE THEM AGAIN? 

Now back to the computer where there is an announcement by the IDF that a video sighting of the family has been found.  News of a video of this mother and two children, one beneath her completely covering sheet and the other behind her. Being sent off like a package, wrapped up, nice and tidy, forced into a car, to be transported to  an extreme terrorist group, the Kataib Mujahadin.  As if they knew she would be available to be this generous gift. And that was probably the reality of it all as these animals had reams of knowledge and had prepared goals, nefarious plans to take advantage of this knowledge.

Was the mother to be forced into marriage so as to keep her sons? Were these two Jewish boys to be raised as Moslem fanatics hating Israel, their own people? Who can fathom the depth of their depravity? Their bestiality topping the charts of cruelty. Who? Certainly not I, nor any normal person. To take babies and mothers as hostages, to slaughter without care, to play with people's lives and sanity? Beyond comprehension. Beyond believability. Yet here it is.

I, along with the rest of the sane world remain in the dark as to the fate of Shiri Bibas and Ariel and Kfir and father, alone, unknowing.  The heart began to beat again even as disappointment sent a sharp pain to my heart. We all will continue to remain with hope for a good ending for Shiri, her babies and all the captives. And the world stands silent again, as Jews are butchered again. Again. How many more 'agains' must we undergo?


Yitzy, the world is all the poorer for your absence. Who knows what good you might have wrought? Perhaps the Big Guy felt we were undeserving and brought you Home. His home, but not ours.

Miss you, Yitzy as do we all.

Always and forever. Always and forever. 

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