Wednesday, February 14, 2024


  Have you felt confused of late? Have you wondered whether somehow, after the night, you arose in a new environment? Are you confused as to the relevancy of truth within millions of words?  Have you felt an overwhelming despair at the odds of resolving the causes of huge cracks in the firmament of life? Have you wondered if in fact, there is any refuge on the face of this earth, a place where hate, lies, cruelty are denied breathing room, where people feel safe, secure, trusting in a future undefined by catastrophic encroachments to existence? Have you felt commonality with the rather amusing, though not really so, mantra of    "stop the world, I want to get off"? Have you felt deep within your core that "want" to get off has been, more and more, replaced with "need"? To breathe. To feel safe. To regain trust and faith in people. To feel love rather than hate. 

Well, you are not alone, though it sure as heck feels that way. When one's shoulders are more often to be found in the vicinity of one's ears, what is the meaning or possibility of a capability to "relax" commands.  Not likely, is it? Certainly not when one perceives an existential threat as real, doing quite well one might add. When the scum of existence rise to the top, bloated with ingested blood of victims, drooling at the thought of evil enabling chaos to come, the myriad opportunities to indulge in one's worst urges. To feel as one with the Devil and his minions. 

Not to worry, not to feel alone. You are joined by many, and despite the prevailing unease, the rampant shouted slogans of "Death to Israel" and "Death to Jews", all the prevailing overwhelming hate and negativity, despite all, somehow, after yesterday's conversations with friends, some of whom much contact has been lost, or those of frequent contact, I felt the fluttering of that little bird of hope and a bit of growth of confidence and trust.

No, not as naive or as good, as Anne Frank, I do not buy into the sentiment that "most people are good at heart".  Equally, though, I do not believe that most people are bad at heart. Apparently, most people are too busy in their lives to actually focus on the outside world. They mean no harm, nor do they believe in the words of hate. What they do know is that their knowledge is lacking and are open to discussion, time permitting. And that is okay, for when push comes to shove, these are the ones who will stand against hate, stand with us, the shared values far more powerful and motivational than the values which are not values or of value. 

When people are informed, presented with truth, with real facts and knowledge, they tend to the just and proper. They do not stand with the brainwashed, the confused, those needy souls lacking in self-direction and confidence. We have found the truth of that via history though it takes too often too long to find others and coalesce into a functioning unit powerful enough to vanquish the negative - at least for a while. 

Perhaps, one day, soon, we pray, we will be on time to catch the early train of resistance rather than have to run, gallop, to catch the late one already easing out of the station. Perhaps. One day. But until that day we must continue to fight, imperative that we do so. Fight against inequities. Fight for justice. Uncover the veils of lies and misinformation. Choose far more wisely of the caliber of leaders. Present to the unsure, the unknowing, the truth, combat the lies, the cruelty espoused within those violent twisted beliefs.  

It will take a great deal of effort and fortitude, and patience by the gallons. Foremost, we must convince people to take an interest in what goes on outside their personal four walls, before those walls are breached, with malice aforethought. It is difficult to believe that we can find allies, ones who treasure truth, who have values true to the definition of that term. While it is depressing and demoralizing at present, we must retain hope and not give in to the debilitating belief of an inevitable triumph of evil. No chance of alleviation of the misery. I know the feeling; it has become too much a part of my life and thinking. However, my   conversations yesterday did shore me up-for a while at the very least and I hope for a longer time than that.   

Asked as to why we had begun a quest for an apartment in Israel, my answer was quick off the tongue, straight out of my inner core, prompt and truthful. 
"I do not believe my country wants me anymore."     

Pollyanna and Cassandra. Two opposite views and which will prevail? The coin is still spinning in the air, the landing uncertain. Personally, even as there is a huge despair present, there must also be some crumbs of hope and optimism. Every crumb   tossed out finds an end. Just maybe, one of my tiny crumbs will find a home in one who will fight the good fight -and win. Perhaps. Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.  

 So yes, come again. Let us all try again, or try for the first time, the hundredth time, whatever it takes. Frankly, there is no other possibility. Not anymore. 


Yitzy, the world is a challenge at present. The outcome is uncertain and nerve wracking.    Holocaust survivors are in despair and in fear, in disbelief of an awful unthinkable yet real deja vu.

See if you can knock on doors up there, on heads anywhere and help resolve this ugliness in a positive reassuring manner. 

We, I, so miss you. No more Times for Kids. No    articles re birds and snakes. I reach instinctively for the scissors to cut and send to you and slowy my hand is retracted.

Love you so.

Always and forever. Always and forever.

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