Friday, February 16, 2024


  Communication these days can be a real pip! Quite a bit of the time one must check hearing, natural or aid assisted, and then double down on the insistence that conversation take place when a shared language is the language used to convey thoughts, feelings, whatever the conversation demands.  

These days it is a challenge indeed, oral or written. The social sites are rife with sets of capitalized letters with no connection to or appearance of language as we know it. Or knew it. Perhaps people feel empowered by these acronyms as they emulate the acronym habits of government. or perhaps the younger generations are trying to cut out the older generations, make them feel even more enfeebled   and useless as conversation is rendered impossible. What the heck, for who needs true communication, these days. Simply go out there and shout, use violence, ignore the law, provoke frustrated law enforcement personnel, and just go for it! YOLO! 

 Yes, most of us older folk probably know the more common ones, but till we did ..... IMHO, LOL, TTYL, PHCT. Now go figure and if you preen and puff your chest out because you are so with it, understanding these already, forget it. There are so many more of these sets of letters exiting the chute of language and no end in sight. Plethora aplenty.  On the bright side, it is good for our challenged enfeebled brains, thus feel the appropriate gratitude. Simple.     

Now the above is the fun part of language and life. Simple puzzles presented for all; no need to pay money for access. Free crosswords of a type. But what happens when the new words convey horrid meanings, connotations and denotations both awry, replete with hatred assisted by made up vitriolic words, with no positive values at all. The words of the title are two examples of this trash, conveying only the negative, an oral version of "knives out."

These alternate language words have no positive value. None at all. Demeaning, debasing, hurtful, cutting, divisive, invasive, destroying of any true communication and independent thought. How did "troll", meaning a very large or very small being who lived in caves, under bridges, somewhere unpleasant, a noun designation, morph into a verb of nastiness. Now it means to leave a nasty message on the internet, only for the oh so high-class purpose to insult, to hurt, and to provoke more of the same. This is the behavior of a troll engaging in the act of trolling, nasty and crude and cruel. 

And here we have the freshly coined 'ziotrol'. Zion + troll. Simply loverly, is it not? So handy a term.   Noun or verb, so useful, it can describe both one who supports or one who opposes 'zion' - Zionism, Israel, on both sides of antisemitism. Generally, it is far more frequently employed in the more acidic pejorative sense, spouting destruction and total erasure of Israel, of all Jews, down to the last itty bitty oh so dangerous baby -i.e. little Kfir and his brother Ariel.  

Accompanying that term, so filled with the milk of human kindness, with a hope for a lovely future, we have the word or term 'holohoax', meaning the very popular theme of the hoax of such an event as the Holocaust in all its bloody ugliness. Perhaps some Jews were sent to prison for being obstructive, for standing in the way of progress but for sure not that exaggeration the Jews try to pass off as truth to confused audiences. Certainly not to the degree Jews claim. Of course not. How could a sane being   believe that nonsense. Nope, never happened.

Just like the hoax of Oct7. Never was, and even if it was real, as seen in the videos, (obviously so certainly false) it was instigated, planned and desired by the Israeli government, to garner attention and sympathy. Yup. For sure. 

To make it clear, whatever one chooses, it was obviously well deserved, merely a pittance against their just punishment. As for the stories that Hamas began the war, placed the population in obvious unavoidable danger, the placement of war related materiel and people, including hostages, the tunnels built directly beneath hospitals, schools, etc., the complicity of UNRWA in the slaughter and prep plans -merely more lies of the Jews and the Zionists. Of course, for else why are those supposed hostages, barely mentioned by the world.   All false. No doubt about that.  

Well, screw all the oh so clever manipulations of language, all blood stained, supportive of cruelty. The truth is there, in perfectly adequate manner by the oft used terms of hate. Jew Hatred. Excessive over the top antisemitism. Denial of historic truths. Nastiness and bloodshed second to none.

Ever there, lurking in the shadows until empowered to emerge. Reeking of the stink of inhumanity. Polluting the very air we breathe.     


Yitzy, perhaps you can see a better picture up there, far clearer than we see down here. Is there an end? A purpose? For how long must we wait? Perhaps it is better not to know. Maybe. Maybe not.

You stay safe, keep with the family gone before us, and give the Man Upstairs some prompts re His people waiting, waiting. Again, ever again.

Our love for you never dies.

Always and forever. Always and forever.     

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