Sunday, April 21, 2024


"Some men are born out of their due place. Accident has cast them amid certain surroundings, but they have always a nostalgia for a home they know not."  W. Somerset Maugham. The Moon and Sixpence   

A feeling of loneliness pervades all, being the only one out there fighting the good fight. Then the rare moments where one can at least try to collect one's thoughts, only to discover you actually have forgotten why you are fighting, what you are fighting for.  Simply vanished. Caught up in the winds of war, but yet the battle goes on and you remain alone. 

I believe that today we are in the midst of such a time. So many of us, have these feelings of being lost, wandering in a land of confusion. Not really sure how we got here in the first place. And what about what was before? Was it the dream place that we seemed to remember or have we called it golden in our minds, forgetting the tarnish that had been there. Are we in fact as Maugham says. overwhelmed by a feeling of being out of place, transported somehow to another time?  All simply appears wrong, and in frantic desire, a driving need, the lonely one finds other lonely ones and suddenly, there is an emergent synergy which bodes well for no one.

 When we seek the impossible, in an ever-growing useless, frustrating search, with efforts bearing naught other than disappointment, another side of "the impossible dream" emerges.  The seekers, the true Quixotes, are joined with others who have other motivations and goal. Positive energies are usurped, twisted, and vulnerable minds are hijacked, wheeled along by the evil-minded power seeking worst elements of humanity.  Thus begins the vicious dangerous game of societal tug o' war, a game most vicious, bloody and of great consequence.  

Building upon the frustrated energies and unattainable goals of the original seekers, the lonely combatants, the worst emerges, shreds the implicit compacts of society, revitalizes the worst of canards and prejudices of the past, and exponentially engenders an impetus of rancid negativity and danger, huge peril to humanity as a whole and certainly for those who become the targets and scapegoats of the frustration of an impossible search. The impossible dream is mashed and trashed, resulting in a cloud of pure ugliness and venom. 

And here we are today. Here we were so many yesterdays, and here we will be again, in the present and future, ever worse, more intense in hate and bloodlust, impelled forward/backwards by voices of evil who prey upon the minds, souls and bodies of the needy, those seeking to be with others, whatever the cost, who accept that progression is regression. Add in those who find personal advantage in chaos, sprinkle in those desirous of anomie, and top it all off with vicious power and wealth seeking false leaders and a vicious eddy results.

 We end in a vacuum within society as the authorities prove to be incompetent. To that, we add in the bewilderment of other layers of authority, and the grief and bewilderment of parents, their hard work and sacrifice spurned, spat upon, even as the spoilers continue to expect, even demand, financial support as they wreak havoc.

 Now enter those who have been waiting patiently, instigating constantly, willing and able to wreck society and create a need for someone, anyone, to control and harness the winds within that vacuum. A devolving society needs someone  to create order out of chaos, to set aside the vacuum. In that desperation all is discarded. Democracy. Civil rights. The humanity of humanity. Welcome the dictators. Welcome oppression, repression, hopelessness and despair, coupled with a growing element of helplessness, victims of their own errors, grown impotent to reverse the powers now in control.   

It is a time pf death to the dream and death to the dreamers. Certainly, there is a constant search for any willing to risk dreaming again. Worst of all is the ease with which society returns to the feral level, the turn to indulgence of mortal scapegoating. These scapegoats provide relief for the rulers and allow the oppressed to feel superior to someone, and wallow in their blood. Voila. Here we are today. The traditional ever useful scapegoat: the nation of Jews. And the modern reincarnation of their ancient homeland, Israel. 

The inability of authorities to see forward, to predict the violence, the growing intensity of hate within these supposed protests is awful. Is it due to a motive, a goal, or is it accidental, an exhibition of incompetence and blindness?  It is clear that these protests are directed by some overhead power or organization.   There is no way to deny that as the chants and the tactics emerge nationwide, as the planning goes nationwide. As the level of violence grows nationwide. This does not happen spontaneously. This happens out of the mulch of hate. It begins and ends with a replication of millennial hatred directed at Jews.  

How can we as a society remain blind to what we have allowed? How can we as a society deny the inevitability of a chaotic, desperate future inimical to the survival of humankind. Certainly not in any positive manner. How can we as a society disavow our responsibilities as the adults and allow our kids to run wild. I have always been a social liberal. I believe that our actions must be inclusive of the needs of humanity without distinguishing based on false statements and differences. Yet today I am afraid to claim that name.  The motivation has been trashed, perverted, its beauty submerged in ugliness.

It has allowed an emergence and growth of a vile, toxic prejudice from minority groups now flexing their muscle. These minorities, actually vast majorities of the world's population, continue to claim the rights of a victim. Yes, there remain inequities, but progress has been made, giant steps taken, and inequities aren't limited to one group, but actually devolve upon all segments of society, even as we strive to progress and improve.  

Why then do we have majorities, false minorities, engaging in vicious blood seeking, blood curdling chants of extermination and dehumanization. These chants resound in the air, poisoning every breath. Why, once again, are Jews being felled by hordes of creatures, caricatures of human beings, of fanged teeth and unsheathed claws? Why has it become fashionable to demean Israel, to attack Jews, to isolate and restrict them, even to where they can and cannot live or  even walk!  Again!!  In 2024! Claiming to be advanced, civilized, even as ancient tropes of hate and superstition find a climate, fertile and encouraging to an emergent repowered hatred directed against Jews throughout the world and Israel as a Jewish nation. Apparently, that fact is anathema. Too goddamn bad! 

The haters scream and kill and plunder. They continue to hold their own people as shields.  They continue to kill their own children and celebrate their deaths. Perverse indeed. They take pride in the barbaric treatment they have inflicted upon the hostages brutally ripped from their lives as Hamas wages war against infants and elderly, the ill and the wounded. Such heroes!!  

I remind them, the world, we have overcome more powerful than you. We have survived great empires. 

We are here.

So it has and will be for all time. One day, the Lord will reach down with His hands and take us home.

Until then, whatever your worst is, it is futile against the power of the Almighty.   

Am Yisroel Chai.

 We live forever.  

  I do hope that one day we can all be understanding of the differences and the similarities of humanity of all mankind. Only then shall we have peace. True peace.

"He will set up an ensign for the nations. and will assemble the dispersed. of Israel and gather together the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the earth."  Isaiah II:12 


Yitzy, my grandson. The good Lord has already reached down and taken you home. I read recently that every soul from time of birth, the purer they are the more they long to go home. Would that you had not been so pure and would have been able to stay with us far longer than you did. Perhaps even as we mourn, as we miss you so, you are home - safe, loved, treasured.  

We down here also treasure and love you. We miss you. Our hearts ache. Our tears continue to fall. Chag Kasher V'sameach.  

Always and forever. Always. and forever.     

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