Monday, April 15, 2024


   Actually, thinking about it, there need be no choice necessary between the two terms of the title. In fact, they are unfortunately quite compatible, nary a scintilla of space between them. If in fact we refuse to heed the warning, the prophecy will become the reality. Inevitably. 

This dire statement comes from the powerful emotions raised by the movie Civil War. These emotions pierce one's soul. At the conclusion of the movie, sans a traditional Hollywood wrap up ending, the viewer is left hanging, wondering, stunned actually as the possibilities and probabilities have become very clear, very near. 

I know that personally, I was stunned, remained in my seat, as did many others. No chitchat to be heard. Silence. As the credits rolled, the background to them began as fuzzy, barely there. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, it began to darken until the darkness was overwhelming, sharp, cutting to the quick. The understanding, the import was delivered to those who would see. 

No little scene followed the credits, as is common these days, for what would that scene show? Further ugliness? Further warning? If we are stupid, dense and/or stubborn enough to such a degree that we do not take this warning seriously, an arrow shot directly into the heart and soul, well, the wound will be profound.  

Think about it. Is this the mindset of our nation today? Are we waiting at the station, listlessly and hopelessly, waiting for ...what - for the rain of blood and violence we have wrung from the heavens?  For the loss of America, its dream, its once upon a time promise negated, dissolved in the powerful acid of hate and a dysfunctional society? What will we have done to and by ourselves?

 Hold our world, our behavior up to the light. See through to the truth. We have willingly, even enthusiastically, ceded our souls to the mobs. We have embraced oxymoronic behavior, where progressive actually is regressive, where leaders are weak, flawed, beyond possibility of redemption. Yet we follow, as did the children with the Pied Piper, seduced by the veneer of his seductive music. 

The American people have turned on each other in the movie, as we are so busy doing today. A nation fractured and are these fractures too deep to bridge? Have the monsters within climbed to the top and found welcome in and with us? Follow the words and visuals of the movie; catch the verbal and pictorial reminders of mass murder. Mention of Dachau. The mass graves where bodies are tumbled in as bundles of used clothing and sprinkled with lime.  

Callous shells are the only way to survive -until the shell cracks under the pressure of what is, what cannot be denied or remain unseen, unfelt, any longer. The demands of humanity within force their way out and the shell cracks. with consequences, with irony of good going unrecognized and unappreciated, or rewarded with death.

  Is this powerful movie a warning to us, a last chance, or is it too late and the movie is a prophecy unstoppable. Who is able to answer? Who could lead us, save us?  The timing is critical. The time, if any remains, is limited.

See the movie. Understand what has been left unwritten. See the movie. Understand the message--------------------------------------------------------------

Yitzy, prod our loved ones up there to help mankind to survive. To give us a chance to do better.    Keep history ongoing. A difficult task, but we are left alone and weak and needy. Will the Heavens abandon us?  

So deeply do we miss you. More than words can convey. In our hearts -

Always and forever, Always and forever.

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