Wednesday, April 17, 2024


  Pardon me if I am in error but perhaps the entire quagmire of Gaza, the bloody, beastly attack aimed at civilians of Israeli communities on a double holy day for Jews, and the ugly ongoing consequences is totally the result of the failure to discover a shared language. We  cannot understand because we cannot truly communicate. 

Puzzled, are you, as there are definitely those who actually can speak the same language? Yes, but it is the underlayer of the words spoken which defeat the negotiations, render them impotent. Seemingly impatient nations of the world, having had their moments in the sun, wish this war over. To that end, they demand the right to make the rules and move the tokens.

 Surprise!  Not working. The languages used are incompatible and merely give rise to more nonunderstanding, more frustration, more anger, more violence and loss of life. We are the living embodiments of a replication of the Tower of Babel where languages shattered the unity of goals. Unable to communicate in any meaningful manner, the world devolved into what we now have in our own times, and, in fact, have had over the millennia. The refusal, the failure, to find a shared language enabled the wars which followed. 

One of the consequences of this gap between nations was the usurpation of power by stronger nations. They demanded to set the rules, choose a language and set the tactics. The nations directly involved were to be pawns, moved around at the mercy of the overlords. No chance of having their voices heard, their words understood. And so, the bloodletting does not end as the wars of incompatibility continue. 

 We remain with the language barrier, one bult up and around with egregious lies as tactic of war, with violations of the rather oxymoronic rules of war.     Differing tactics are put into play and the nations of the world are confused. and almost inevitably come down on the wrong side of the issue for too long a time until enlightenment finally descends upon them. The results? Hamas is a militant group, not terrorists. They are fighting for their people over whom they rule. They follow all protocol related to prisoners of war, treat all humanely. 

Too many bought these lies, not understanding, not wanting to understand the truth beneath those words. Fooled willingly by these egregious tactical lies, they bought it, hook, line and sinker. No concession of any kind. No hostages and anyway, we have no idea where any are or even the life-or-death status of them. But for sure, wherever they are, or were, they were treated as guests! So sorry. Or not. The hostages faded into the woodwork, no words of shared understanding available with which to convey the dire need, the aches of their families, the grief of their nation.

Finally, after months, the truth is beginning to emerge and find acceptance. Even as Israel was pressured to concede defeat and never mind the truth and   justification of Israel, Finally, Hamas is being called out as the spoiler.  Still too little, so very late. But at least a glimmer of understanding, albeit too late for so many.

"U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller called out Hamas for its lack of cooperation with the hostage and ceasefire deal.  it is Hamas right now that is the barrier and the obstacle to a ceasefire in Gaza.”

 More words of lies. The supposed imminent famine, the humanitarian crises. No dehydrated or starving people to be seen. Hospitals are trashed. But this is a result of the fact that Hamas hid within these hospitals. One must go with the enemy is - not where we wish it to be, if they are not there. Iran attacked, of 300 plus missiles - drone ballistic and cruise - merely “symbolic". Israel must cede the right and responsibility of any nation to repay in kind those who would stand against it and act against it. Silly me and all of us who think that Israel has the rights, the equal rights, of every other nation in the world. But no, they are told to suck it up. 

We Jews are resilient. We will continue. We will trust the Lord to remember His people and the promises made to them. Until then we will take our responsibility seriously, to be a light unto the nations of the world. As we contribute research and benefits to them. And through all time we strive for, long for, peace.  And so next week we will sit down to the first seder of Passover. We remember our liberation from slavery and our unification as a nation, always under attack, but always remaining, never to have our light extinguished.


Just as the light of your life, the glow of your eyes, the warmth of your hugs, will also never be extinguished. Forever they are with us.  

Always and forever. Always and forever. 

At this time, I wish all of my readers and supporters, a Chag Kasher v'Sameach - a happy holiday and may it signal a turn for the better within our individual lives and the life of our people and homeland. 

And may the Lord see to a return to sanity among all the nations of the world, including our precious United States of America. 

May we all learn the shared language of love, respect and peace.   

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