Friday, April 12, 2024


 Are we in fact at a point of tilt in our lives, nothing left to allow for either defensive or offensive maneuvers? No way out, no detour available. All cupboards bare, all think tanks non thinking.      Nothing left. Where do we go from here? Do we shake the machine trying to get it back on track? Do we check pockets for just a few more tokens enabling more play, more time to undo the done?    Or do we shrug shoulders, turn away and say, "Well, we did our best, gave it our all. Can't do any more. Whatever happens - happens."

 These are the very same players who have been at the arcades for far too long, imposed their Knuckleheaded theories on society and pushed the game to Tilt! status. The same group now say the game is over. Those who have instigated, roiled the world to such a degree, that no alternatives, no paths out of this mess could be found. A morass of stupidity and evil. Knucklehead theory. Knucklehead stupidity. Knucklehead hate. Knucklehead instigation. Knucklehead denial.

Biden and cohort swore to have Israel's back. "We stand with Israel" was the cry.  A faithful ally. Israel has the right to defend itself. Tears and hugs on October 7. But on October 8th already a change. The weather was shifting. The winds were changing direction. No more tailwinds but headwinds growing stronger by the day. Gale force against Israel. Statements of support now came prepackaged with preconditions and limitations and threats - or else. How to wage war. When to stop.  When to shift to aggressor role as desired by the world. When to cede defeat and accept blame. When to KNOW the hostages were abandoned, of no importance, mere collateral damage to be written off. Though not the 'innocent' civilians of Gaza, who sheltered Hamas and captives, cheered their abasement and abuse, who shielded the terrorists. Bottom line: defend with limitations dangerous and ineffective and risk the lives of your citizen soldiers. Dim the memory of Hamas and its brutal butchery in its attack upon civilians, no hold barred. Who stole human beings with evil intentions, disappearing them from life. Hamas is to blame, but never mind that.

Today there is another pandemic, one of acceptable reenergized, fashionable, virulent antisemitism morphed almost instantaneously into severe acidic life-threatening JewHatred. Now the entire world is suffering with the malady of hate, vicious and vile and directed at the Jews of Israel and the entire body of world Jewry.   

To be a Jew today is frightening and more so to be an American Jew for we are not used to such open animosity, the real death threats and chants, and the determination to isolate Jews until they disappear from every facet of life, public and private. Both extremes of political thought have embraced JewHatred and each other in their accursed campaign against Jews. Open season.          Israel's back? Hell, they do not even have the backs of their own citizens of Jewish descent.     

It is frightening these days to be a Jew, in Israel and any nation of the world. The factor of fear is the same. Jews, Israel, are being blamed for rampant acts of violence round the world. Verbal attacks have given way to physical, even existential level.     All the while the nations of the world, guilty of crimes against humanity of their own, rail threats at Israel as they promise aid AFTER Iran attacks.  After the barn door has been left wide open already. Why not, right!?  As useless as a punctured balloon.       

   The hostages, many feared dead, have been written off by our fickle allies, disappeared from   their radar screens, a mere business loss, in the minds of the Knuckleheads running the show. In fact, they have been disappeared for the second time, barely mentioned, if at all, their importance in a 'deal' with the Devil downgraded to no importance at all.         

I do not know where we go from here. My head, my heart, my soul, my bones are shrieking to the world, to G-d. The knuckle headedness of false leaders has led us to this ugly level. They and their deluded followers went straight into the arcade machines. So hard, so fast that the machines had no alternative other than to cry out tilt. Flashing lights, horns beeping, din emanating from their depths - all for naught. Tilt - end of game. Are there more tokens enabling more game playing time?    None. Nothing left to be done other than to walk away in defeat. Tilt for all involved or not for we share the same earth, the same ultimate fate, to the point of tilt. The tilt will be not only for your targets but for you as well. We have poisoned our own world.  Aren't we proud!  We walk neck high through acid and are burned. We spew forth poison and then wonder why the very air is polluted.       

There is no way one can avoid consequences of one's behavior. Nor the thoughts which encouraged and invented and promulgated the actions based upon perverted thoughts. Though consequences might be delayed, they definitely do show up. and oftentimes they are so severe there is no conquering them. Certainly not without great cost. Great bloodshed. and a realization afterwards that what the hell did we just do? At some point this vicious game goes tilt!  Nothing left to shoot. No more blinking lights. No more tweets and whistles. No more honking horns. No more loud music. No more anything. Only scarred, ugly landscape left behind. Left behind too are the books of culture. The music of beauty. The best of humanity.   

Humanity still has some time left for them to think and to put aside those knuckleheads who have endangered us and assume our rightful responsibilities. Place them squarely on our shoulders and fix the world. Tikkun Olam - the repair of the world. It's not a question of what we want, but rather what we must do. If we do not - well, look at the title.

We ignored the noisy warnings of the machines. We were quickly running out of tokens, the only link to sense, succumbing to Knucklehead theory and life.  The growing silence was profound that it deafened us.  The results were awful. The Knuckleheads and their Knuckleheaded theories and the inevitable knuckleheaded consequences came swiftly, one after the other, a deadly train - but we allowed it free passage and no red lights.    

Where do we go from here? Only the good Lord knows, and He ain't speaking. He is now incommunicado. This silence is more deafening than the Knucklehead one. Well on its way to a permanent one - nobody knows other than the one who has wielded the knife to the lines of communication. Are we worthy of being saved? Have we not crossed the line? Have we not encouraged the sound of tilt to resound through the lands of the world? Are we not responsible and are we not liable for the consequences? Frightening thought. Frightening fact. Frightening reality. No      matter where we live, or think, or what name we call our God, no matter if we deny God, the game is the same. No escape. No delusions. We, humanity, are the culprits who forced the game to go tilt. We have allowed the Knuckleheads to rise to the surface. The scum of the earth. Finally, we hit the end - tilt, tilt said the machine. I don't know what is next. I don't think anybody knows. We have allowed this, brought it down upon us. Now we wait on tenterhooks. Our guiding patterns are weak, many false. We need much homework to bring pattern discernment and value to the proper level.


Yitzy, you had such an eye, a talent. to discern patterns, even as a toddler Your beautiful eyes were able to see through the confusion and find the truth. You made it through difficult games (and yes, full disclosure, beat me when you were five!). You made it through tough mazes. Would that your eyes were here today for you could have helped the world to discover the pattern we need to follow. 

But you are not here. Only in our memories. But always in our memories.  

 Always and forever. Always and forever.    

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