Monday, May 13, 2024


 This is the truth of it all. 

“This is New York. We’re an inch from full pogroms.”

 Actually, that is an understatement. Today, in the modern streets of world cities, not in the Russian Pale of Settlement, nor within Nazi Germany, nor in the blood-stained fields of past millennia, that fear exists. Where? In the cities of France, England, Ireland, Sweden, the Netherlands et al. Ever more frightening is the hate presented in the streets of America, a fabled land of rescue from hopelessness and terror and acceptance, a land of promise.

From the time that God sent a message to Abraham to leave the land of his birth and travel to the land which G-d promised to his descendants, to the land then called Canaan, and through the centuries, this was, is and always will be the land of the Jews. From Abraham's first purchase of land to be used as a burial site for all the forefathers and mothers, through purchases and inhabitance throughout the centuries, from a  constant presence in Israel to the 1860 movement to settle outside  Jerusalem, to the waves of  Aliyah as Jews fled constant  persecution and death, to the immigrants, refugees, from Arab lands and the slaughterhouse of Nazi Germany and collaborators, immigrants from the western nations - Israel always was. always is and always will be the ancestral home of the nation of Jews.
We Jews are the indigenous people of this land, the survivors despite all the conquering empires, of and through the constant rousting out from the land. Always there was a return from exile. Always a longing, a yearning, an integral part of Judaism. One cannot separate Judaism from Zionism. It is well enmeshed into the very fabric of the religion and nationhood. No amount of denial by other nations matter. It is the land of the Jewish people. So it was, so it is, and so it will always be.   Those who returned bought land, sweltered in marshes and deserts, fought raiders, and built the land. The land of milk and honey paid for, always paying for, with blood and tears.       

And here we are today. Not very different from centuries past. Reiteration of the theme - “You can't live here. You can't live there. In fact, you can't live anywhere." That is the meaning of all the chants   of hate, the river to the sea, of calls for the death of Zionists, of all Jews. Growing hostility to Israel's very existence, discounting all it has given to the world. The ugliness of their faces, their words, the very palpability of the venom they spew forth with every breath - frightening beyond description and understanding.  Bloodthirsty mobs reveling in their deep dark ignorance.   

In New York State with its large Jewish population the shouts of hate are striking. Particularly when screamed at small Jewish children. Off to a day at school, accompanied by their frightened parents who only wish to keep their children safe and do not understand why, why, why this is happening.       Simply incomprehensible. 
What has happened? Over the past decade, particularly the last three years, there has been an astronomical increase in anti-Semitic attacks. These attacks have grown in number, in size, in vitriol. They have grown in ambition. They are clearly obviously organized. by some deep pocket organization or individual. One group alone, SJP, has over 500 chapters at universities around the nation and their puppet masters have them well trained.  Openly advocating for the death of Jews.     Naive, poorly educated college students, brain washed by Moslem professors are inculcated and absorbed into a cult of hatred ancient and ugly.

 When asked to define terms of Intifada, of Intifada Revolution, of River to sea, of Zionism itself, of the term Palestine, there's a blank look and then more shouting of catch phrases. Truly GIGO - garbage in, garbage out, only this garbage has sharp edges. It is garbage that insinuates itself into the very cells of people, corrupts their minds, their hearts, their souls. The result? I refer you back to the second sentence of this posting. There is a deep consternation. How and why is this happening? Why is Israel singled out as a nation to be made a    pariah among nations. Stick a pin in a map of the world and it is likely that you will come upon the site of natural disaster, often magnified by the situations on the ground there, and areas of constant consistent warfare, starvation in reality, no water at all, emaciated victims, dead bodies and burning villages, gang violence. Egregious violations of humanity, yet Israel, for the sin of surviving October 7, 2023, and waging a war not of their asking nor wanting, fought in different difficult circumstances to eliminate future promised threats and to rescue their hostages now dying rapidly. Why and how does any of this excuse, justify, lead to the targeting of Israel and all Jews? Why is it?    Primitive. hatred beyond reason beyond any scope or possibility of understanding. 

So yes, we are frightened. An iota of space between what is happening today and the imminent arrival of the first pogrom in the land of America. Should that actually happen the fuel will cross the seas and darken the world even as it lights up the skies with flames of hate and murder. Again. Return to a past of blood and gore. Return to a past which should never have been. Should never have been repeated. A repetition of which is imminent. Right here. Evidently the very thin veneer overlay of civilization over the barbarity within is almost useless.    

Biden has peeled back his outer layers, and his prejudices now are clear to the world. His self-appointed position to be the ruler of Israel, to be its general to misdirect its armed forces, is quite megalomaniacal even as he holds out a rather rotten carrot for their acquiescence. It is intelligence which should have been long ago disseminated to Israel which would have indeed cut the war, the losses. Why?  I hear no answer. And for that matter, why the neglect of the hostages? Why are they barely named? Why is it OK for Israel to pull out without regaining their hostages in such fragile conditions? Why an resounding silence the answer.  Who is alive? Who is in dangerous condition? Silence.  

Politicians have turned their backs on Israel, on their Jewish constituents. It is bitter, quite so. And that is the ugly blunt truth of it all. Try to put as many coats of whitewash as you can, as you wish, the truth bleeds through along with the blood of the victims. Ancient blood of ancient persecution.  Fresher blood of more modern years and centuries.   Brand new blood of Israelis and Jews being killed for the crime, so deemed, of being a Jew.

Well, to that I say F- -K. You. Ugly words. Ugly emotions. Ugly truth. You, the enemies, the haters. have forfeited your right to be accepted as humans. You have taken upon yourselves the role of being the forefront of a new revitalized, brutalized enmity and hatred towards Jews. Judaism gave a conscience to the world and evidently it does not suit you nor please you but know there will be an   accounting for it all.     

We will not go away. We will not lay down before you. We will not bend knee to you. We will not bow our heads to you. No, we will not give in. We will not give out. We will not be Dehumanized, Discounted., and Denied existence. We are here and here we will remain. We will be here for eternity.    The land of Israel, the land which our God has given us, has promised us, is also ours for eternity.

The voices and cries of our slaughtered reach the Heavens, rend its soul. Their tears flood the streets. of the life above. This is not a threat. This is but a promise. Understand what your hate has wrought. Understand the terror you have inflicted upon many. Understand the consequences. Accounting will be done. and payment. will be demanded. 

That indeed is the blunt truth of it all. The good, the bad and the ugly. 
That is the blunt ugly truth of it all. 
Yitzy, I am at a loss for words. I truly hope that your purity protects you from truly understanding the evil of the world today. I do hope that you are protected up there in the heavens. I love you too much for me to think that you might know of the evil to be found within people.
Yitzy, simply remember to remind the One Above that His world is in trouble, His people call out to him. We need help.
Always, our love for you is constant.     
 Always and forever.  Always and forever.


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