Monday, June 24, 2024


  Dear Lord, 

How are You? Are You home? I hope You have opened this letter quickly. The news conveyed is urgent. So, tell me: Are You home? Are You awake? Are you listening? Put away your game console. Stop Your streaming. Halt Your social media adventures.

Close the door, open Your eyes and ears and Your heart to the plaintive voices of those who continue to trust and believe in You. Are You home for us, for those who remain loyal to You?? Are You home for those of us who struggle at this point to literally keep the faith? If so, then where do we look for proof, for the truthfulness of that statement? Where do we look for and see the visible signs of succor, the aid, we desperately need to see, especially if we are in fact to literally keep the faith, keep its candles lit, allow the glow of those lit candles to light the world and allow for some optimism for, of, a future. Even a wisp of a sense of eventual aid will allow us to keep hold of our belief in a faith so challenged by the events of our times.   

Giving up on that faith would be giving up on You. We struggle against that. But we hear nothing. You cannot assume us to be a nation, a people, practitioners of an ancient faith if the deity we worship clearly has abandoned its adherents, its worshippers and allowed the worst of times to besiege them. Moments when You pay attention to Your people are few and far between if any indeed are perceivable to the eyes of humankind. We ask why the hell not? Why have You gone silent and ghosted us? Why have You allowed the forces of evil to dominate and to grow constantly in exponential rate? How and why have You allowed people down here, Your creations to follow the lure of evil? As we blind ourselves and deafen our ears to words of truth.         

Is it our fault that this is the current situation? Maybe. Perhaps. Probably. We have a big hand in it, for sure; however, You the Creator, allowed these weaknesses and openings for them to become the dominant traits in our lives. Are we responsible for their lure, enough to overpower all else? Who created us? Who endowed us with life and set in place this flaw? Perhaps You misjudged the power of humans to overcome temptations as your Angels did. Perhaps, but to be human is to be human. Hence, we are not always, too many times, unable to resist that lure to the wrong side of the road.  

 In desperation too many have succumbed to those wrong paths and engaged in worship of deities not there, who cannot respond to the desperate pleas because they are nonexistent. But where else are they to turn, for the original Creator has apparently abandoned us on stormy seas of little possibility of survival. Desperation, as water, will find its own level and negative outcomes are assured. 

With broken desperate and strong hearts Your creation is bowing down to these other lords and allow them to rule our lives. It brings death upon us, to people we love, to people we know and to the future. Actions and deeds of seeming insignificance generate powerful consequences and we sink even further into hopelessness along with a sense of abandonment. Nor can we find a way back. We cannot find our way back.  Certainly not without help. Certainly not without an extended hand to grab us and help us to pull ourselves out of the ugly quicksand which covers us up to our necks.                A chain of reactions which pose no good for the receiving end ensues, giving rise to yet another link in a miserable chain. In the meanwhile, the chain of generations of those who continue to believe in You despite all the harm that occurred to them, to their families in the past, in the present and most probably in the future, who continue to trust in You - well, Lord, here's the point: Where. The. Hell. Are You?

 Yes. Some of us might have abandoned you, but you are greater than us. You are the creator. You, Lord created us. You inevitably have allowed for this possibility. Thus, you have at the very least, some of the responsibility to rescue those You set up for a great fall. Lord, hear us. For if You do not, if You are out on vacation, if You persist in ghosting us, well, where will Your believers be then? How much longer till You remember us, turn Your eyes and ears and attention to us?  Only You have the power necessary to stop this ugly path of humanity, where bloodlust and hate dominate. Only You, for Your creations have grown weak and unable to do so. Where the hell are you? Where the hell were you and where the hell will you be in these critical moments? I don't know. All I can do is ask. I was trying my best. And yes, my best is not enough. I know that, I admit it. However, there are many others far better than I who are also calling upon You, raising their voices amid confusion and anguish. Where is their God?   

Lord, what is going on with you? Why are we fighting battles we have fought before, and our victories set aside?  Your people, Your creations have grown weary. Is there any hope? Are there to be moments, more than moments, perhaps hours, days, years, decades, of relief or are we to constantly be tested and found failing? Do You not feel the anguish, hear the screams of pain, feel the depths to which people have fallen in their despair? Where are you?  We call upon you as wayward children do to the parents who love them. Always.   We are too small, too powerless. to deal with the evil upon us all by ourselves. It has indeed gone far, this abandonment - on both sides - but You are the greater One are You not? Help us. Hear us. Save us, even if from ourselves. Taste of their tears. Staunch the blood of their wounds. Allow even whispers of hope to penetrate into the miasma so thick around them. You are the last chance we have. At the very least, send us a sign.         

Return to us so that we return to You.                         -------------------------------------------------------------  Yitzy, your earthbound tasks have been fulfilled and you were called home, perhaps to take on new responsibilities, to help those of us who have been left behind. We need your ears. We need your eyes. We need your voice. We need the voices of the Angels around you. Remind the Lord that we are His children. He is our father. The Angels are our heavenly siblings. Remind them of that. They are our last resort.

 Through it all, though, there is one constant. That is our love for you.

 Aways. and forever. Always and forever.        forever.





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