Thursday, June 20, 2024


For what, you are asking. Well, unfortunately, I was waiting for a giant rogue wave of. despair. A despair so deep that I could only describe it with the Hebrew word 'Yeyush'. It can be translated into despair, but it is far deeper than that. The wave hit    and knocked us off our feet and then dragged us back as it ebbed. why? No way out as we tumbled helpless in the tons of raging water. No way out. 

We are right back in one of the same vicious repetitive cycles of history. These cycles bode no good for Jews nor for the world in general. The balance of the world., certainly the balance in so many lives of people, are a tilt, wildly askew.  And apparently at least at this time the possibilities of reset are not there. Not in the reality of America and the world since the presidential campaign for 2016.  after which the unspeakable, the impossible, took place. and a joke of a man, a pathetic imitation of a man with an oversized ego and criminal tendencies took office. Suddenly we were awash with crookedness and actions of only harm. Our path forward sprouted potholes so deep, they could not be repaired. Any path forward became almost impossible. Hence navigating in the world was even the more difficult and more hopeless.

 We now have two doddering old men, long ago past their sell by date. One is a nice old guy battered by the winds of fate. He is desperately trying to recreate a world in which he feels comfortable, familiar and hopeful. Unfortunately, that world is no more. The other doddering old fool is more than that. He is a vicious man, a criminal, indicted with more to follow. He is a man with absolutely no compassion. Nothing is beyond his reach. He judges all by how it affects him and his supercharged oversized ego, his narcissism.      

I think to myself, I wonder, stare into space. How the hell has this happened? How has a big, beautiful country, yes, a stumbling giant at times, many times, shed the map in use and turned to an evil GPS which directed us into myriad areas of danger? No room to maneuver, nor to go in reverse to safety. The generally benevolent uncle and guardian of the world lost his balance and took the world along with him. America today has lost its power. Lost its will. Lost its ethos. Is embroiled. in the useless attempts to negotiate with those who openly advocate for its destruction.  We forget to remember what happens if we fail one to stand firm. Waves and tides of Evil, of injustice, baseless hatred. We are in bogs of unexpected quicksand and have forgotten how to emerge safely from its grip. We squirm and move and only push ourselves deeper and deeper into it.  Desperation grows. We call out for help, but those cries fall on deafened ears.    Hence the Yeyush, the existential despair. Those who do have the ability to pull us out of the quicksand and the bog we have made of our lives   are too busy amassing wealth, status symbols, power and forgets that when I'm asking wealth. accumulating power symbols, all of which will be for naught when the world implodes and explodes.  

Pick up a paper today. Any newspaper of quality and compare them with those of years ago. The same old, the same cycles and even the same names at times. We have learned nothing at all. And always and forever the baseless hatred of Jews. Anywhere, anytime. in any format possible.  Yeyush is upon us and certainly upon me, even as I know that there is still so much. good that remains in this world. The innocence of babies. The pure sound of their giggles. People who continue to reach out their hands to aid others for no recompense other than knowing that they have done the right thing. But is it enough? Can we overcome and beat back and finally cancel all this hate, this rush to violence?  Can we recall and practice humanity? This morning not really sure about that at all. In fact, I come down on the side of too little too late. Too much too early.

 What is to be done? How can we aid those who fight for their freedom, for better lives, for a world for their children? Why can't we turn our eyes and ears and arms to those who deserve our sympathy?   Why do we not shout to the heavens?  Wish I knew the answer and the cures.       

I will fight this despair today and concentrate on the happy, the good.  Would that the world would do the same at every level. Unfortunately, we never seem to coordinate our efforts. And we forget that the power of many united is the power of many that can destroy the wrong. and get the world back on its feet again. Solidly planted. 


Yitzy, sweet boy, golden boy, of whom no one could speak evil and who never spoke a word of evil. Perhaps you can explain from above all that has been happening in this world. Wherefore are we forsaken yet again? Why are we once again subjected to existential threat? Why and why and why?

The only why which never needs to be why we love you. 

Always and forever. Always and forever.


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