Monday, June 17, 2024


 Code Blue! Code Red! STAT! Whatever works is just fine, no matter the color chosen.   The problem is that we are so inundated with emergency calls with cries of alarm, of impending danger and apocalypse almost upon us, that we don't hear any more. We see and hear nothing at all until it smacks us right in the face. Then we wonder why. Why were we caught with our pants down? Why were we caught with our thumbs where they shouldn't be? Why did we not pay attention?  In fact, how the hell did we get to this place? Where and when was the first misstep? Have we reached a point of no return?

The above are questions in need of answers. Perhaps we need to reorient our search. Stop looking backwards and start looking forward. Where is a safe place for us to put our feet? Where is a place in the road which allows us to move forward. Are there any places along this road for us and for others who wish to walk alongside?  Perhaps a leader will arise from their midst. How might we expedite that?  All of these questions and more have their answers remaining still in the shadows some deep into the darkness.

I believe that one of our problems, which in turn leads to other problems, is that one can't talk straight anymore. We don't want to say the truth. We don't want words that have ugly connotations.  We do not want to say words of truth due to a ridiculous, destructive desire to erase that truth if it is ugly. However, that pretense only leads to more ugliness and plays into the hands of those knowing how to take advantage of naive souls who think denying evil erases it. It does not. Try as one might to disguise it by going around it or softening it, actually exacerbates the situation. Wrong way down a one-way street. A dead-end street at that.

Unfortunately, even as we soften words of condemnation, yet of truth, we ramp up and allow for the usage of ugly, terrible words. Words of untruths. Words which cut deep, deep into the soul of their targets as well in those who actually use them. The ugliness taints all that it touches. Written in indelible ink. We immerse ourselves in cruelty, in disparagement of others and we ourselves turn into what we supposedly are fighting against. That monster in the abyss is our reflection.   

That brings us back to the title and the first lines of the blog. We need help, apparently unable to start the engines of reformation of society nor keeping it fueled up and on the go. Instead, we fall prey to those who shout the loudest and the longest and are, in fact, the worst of the problem. Where and when are the boundaries of free speech? When does speech cross the line? That famous red line. Does free speech mean the right to scream out words and mesmeric chants of hate, of incitement to violence? Does that free speech enable one to be a traitor and not pay the consequences? Why our blind eyes and deafened ears even as society is being dismantled. Surely words of hate, words which incite violence, words of treachery, shred the boundaries of "free speech". Even so we seem to avoid the truth as we hang disguising shades and confusing terminology all round it. As we pat ourselves on the back for being such open souls. Even as that speech threatens the very existence of its target.

When is a felon not a felon? In the 57th edition of the style book of The Associated Press, a brand-new chapter dealing with criminal justice   quite generously ever so kindly disavows the words convict, felon and incarcerated. Apparently, those who have achieved that stage of life are too delicate to accept the facts and reality and need words of amelioration and lessening of their current state of affairs. How many crimes do we redefine, excuse and soften?  Are we are forgetting, in that softness to the criminals, to be kind to the victims of these crimes.  Who is being dehumanized here? Who is being discounted? How have values become so distorted? Serving good does not entail a must of enabling evil. We must be careful not to dismantle sane societal guidelines in the name of progress, for then that progress actually induces regression rather than progression. To be kind to a criminal in the hope of rehabilitation does not mean one is to be cruel to others. 

  When a raging mob of lunatic traitors scream and shout as they break into the Capitol with malice, mayhem and murder in mind and intent, they are exactly that. We have ginned up a whole category of new words to disguise the facts, the truth, and in so doing, we enable those who wish to destroy us. When an ugly mob stands and shouts “Pro Palestinian.” words, the truth is right there just below the chants. Palestinians are suffering under the cruel rule of some mass murderers and thieves and the incompetence of the Palestinian Authority.   The truth of is that they are supporting murder.   Hate. Kidnapping and servitude - slavery, pure and simple. Dehumanizing their victims.  They are murderers. and that is what those chanters are pro. 

We are preventing truth from sharing its light and enabling progress. We have become not only part of the problem, but also activators, catalysts and woe upon us. Indulging the deluded and allowing for cynical evil characters to have room to maneuver, we have allowed danger to encroach further into our territory, our lives, our futures.

I favor an end to this ugliness. I so deeply wish and pray for an end to the war that Hamas instigated with its brutality and bestiality. But with whom can we talk? With whom to compromise? Who can we trust? I don't know that there were any answers of validity and chance of success. Yet somehow somewhere a leader must arise. 

The question of the day. Is there in fact any possibility of opening up this blocked booby-trapped road? Is a fair and equitable settlement   possible allowing for peace and quiet, even if warmth never arises? Can live together? Can life go on to a future to be envisioned with hope? One   day. Some day. We will be able to use words of truth rather than disguise. 

However, the enemies of Israel must know. that she does not surrender. She is not perfect. No nation is but she is certainly far better than most. She is a home for Jews persecuted. She is a home for those wishing to return to their ancestral homeland. She will never, ever surrender. Not to evil. Not to those who persist in vile JewHatred. No more. Ever.


Yitzy, you left behind a troubled world needing help - now. Surely, there must be some Angel there who understands that we are in need and in danger. Immediate aid. Surely there must be some angels courageous enough to take on the Big Guy and insist He wake up. and care for His children. NOW! Code Blue!! Red Alert! 

We missed you this past week when we were together for the holiday but there you were, in our hearts, in our memories, on our sweatshirts, and in the beautiful nest of a robin on our tree. I know you loved that.

As we love you.

Always and forever. Always and forever.




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