Friday, June 14, 2024


 .... Does it count? It is the same principle in questioning the fall of a tree if no one witnesses it by sound or sight. Did it truly fall? Actually, in fact, does it really matter? A fact is a fact. Does the timing of the acknowledgement of the fact change the reality that it happened? Most definitely, most probably, consequences can change in timing or format; nevertheless, the fact is the fact - the damned tree fell. The environment it had provided has been decimated and the fall sends ever enlarging concentric circles of consequences, whether we, especially at the beginning, do not understand the initiating factor nor the proper methodology to apply to the new issues challenging the affected society. 

Even when understood or at least recognized and acknowledged as a triggering causative factor, there remain the stubborn deniers, hampering recovery or changes necessary to move forward properly and positively. An unappetizing reality for them is simply denied; hence, it does not exist. Makes life easy in a way, but reality denied, truth avoided, does not place a hold on it. Consequences continue. unabated, no obstacles in its path. No remediation is applied, nor can it be, as it does not exist for them. Its size and momentum increase exponentially, lessening the possibility of remediation. The deniers and those affected by that denial are mowed down like the tenpins of the heavenly bowlers of Rip Van Winkle. 

Search my friends is the reality of the world today. Deny it as we might. Deny it as we do. Dislike it as we do, it is so precisely because we have denied and/or ignored it. We have ginned up a world of much unpleasantness. We have allowed many trees to fall, stepped over them and the destruction as blind trampers through those forests. The result is the most challenging reality of today, yesterday and all the tomorrows to possibly follow, and believe me, that future is up for grave doubts indeed. Quite frankly, I don't think anyone has any clue as to how to proceed. Even if such a rare brain exists, no one will pay any attention, so caught up is everyone in personal world of illusion and truth evasion.   

And yet the fact is the fact is the fact: the damn tree fell. Even if and when an acknowledgement cannot be ignored any longer, stubbornly stupidly disastrously diehards persist in their foolhardy rallying round the flag of Denial - and of problems ever-increasing in number and severity.  However, deny it as much as one might, does not change the fact - the damn tree fell. 

Eventually, inevitably, this faulty world collapses of its own weight and its grossly shaky foundation fails. I believe mankind has undergone many such false worlds, and now my belief, my fear, is that we are in a similar world at present, the floodwaters of collapse up to our necks and rising rapidly. Safe paths through the forests are disappearing. Can the worst be avoided? Care to buy a bridge or two?

How else are we to understand, if that is even possible, a world in which blatant lies, blatant obscenities. are accepted as statements of beauty and truth. How is it that the nation of Israel is being pressured to accept demands sanctioning its own commitment to suicide, baring its own neck to the knives of its haters. To accept a cease fire which actually prevents them from responding to any attacks by Hamas and similar enemies, calling upon nations and powers of the world to enforce that inaction, demanding that the world forget who the consistent breaker is of so-called permanent ceasefires, such as the one that was egregiously violently broken on October 7. How is Israel supposed to turn the blind eye to demands of the release of murderers with blood dripping on their hands even years after the horrible events they instigated? And yet to shrug shoulders in despair and bitter acquiescence of a lack of return of any hostages. Even if such a return would take place it would not be of live people, but rather of their remains. Yet the world stands indignantly by as Israel refuses to commit suicide, refuses to accept demands that have no other ending or purpose other than to dismantle and destroy the state of Israel. Remember. This is not only the death of a theoretical state, but also of the people within. But then again. those who would die, who would be slaughtered are merely Jews. The world once again, as ever, shrugs its shoulders and walks away.

Is there any place to turn to for aid? I doubt it. Big, powerful nations now cower before small nations of disunity whose basic export is hatred and bloodshed. What kind of world is this? What kind of reality of this? How many trees falling in that damn forest have we missed or purposely ignored or stepped over? What reality is this? When citizens of a powerful nation are left alone to molder in an imprisonment, falsely accused of outrageous claims of espionage, how the mighty have fallen - or abdicated justice. Take a look at the recent picture of Evan Gershkovich and see, feel, the despair in his face. See the shrinking of his physical presence. The United States wallows in its own incompetence as he and other Americans molder in foreign prisons and gulags of bestial entities. And the trees fall around us. There were only so many trees we can dodge. There are only so many blows to the head we can  survive. We are quickly reaching that point.

Tragically, sadly so we have lost optimistic hopes that America will stand up for what is right. One of its major parties actually denies reality as it rallies round an indicted, convicted criminal. A man of evident dementia and no morals. Another Party allows those who deny truth and advocate violence and bloodshed to become powers within the party. And why? Because of a sick need for power. How do we trust for justice when the highest judges in the land are corrupt, their ethics shredded, their loud denials of the trees falling in their own lives. Louder and louder. Trying to cover over the noise of those trees. What chances are there for recovery when the very legislatives responsible for creating the laws necessary for a sane and orderly society, where rights are ingrained, inalienable, are themselves corrupt.  

There is a scintilla of hope and optimism. There is a growing number of people who oppose the toxic growth and encouragement of JewHatred, a growth industry of ugliness and blood.  There is a growing coterie of those who would see the universities restructure, in great detail and return to their purpose of education and betterment of society. To be moral. To serve the people. To better the world. There are some. Are there enough to effect change?  Can we, will we overcome all the blocks, in our way, hurdle over them and arrive at a world where we see and hear those trees falling even as we also do our best to shore them up, to fix the roots, to replant and nourish. The other possibility.

If you speak into a void, if a tree falls in a deserted silent forest, yes, someone somewhere will hear it. Will see it. Will heed your voice. So we hope. So I hope. We must fight for. If you need reasons to do so, take a look at the younger ones, the little ones. Ask what you wish for them, what world you want to leave for them. 


 Yitzy, we spoke much of you this past week with several more days of the family being together. We laugh. We cry We muse. We remember. You are so much a part of us. And yet so greatly missed.         Stay well and strong in your new world. Keep your upstairs family close even as you keep your earthly family even closer. We need that to be so. 

Always and forever. Always. and forever.   

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