Friday, June 28, 2024


    It cannot be ignored, can it? The pathetic parading of elephant and donkey, a baring of their nakedness and presumably indifferent or unknowing or uncaring of its own debasement and ignominious state of being. And what was it? A scandal? A sad comedy scene? Or perhaps a remnant, a reminder about a once upon a time nation of striving to be a Camelot albeit always a tad tarnished along the way Still retaining within a glow. at times able to break through and resurface and remind us of what once was in mind with hard work and determination. The dream held high before us. Still, it retained an inner glow, maintaining, retaining, enough energy to resurface and reset, remind us of shreds of hope containing enough within its battered selves to restart engines and find its way home. 

Who was that elephant? Who was that donkey? What is their relevancy? How and why did they make their way last night into the homes of so many.  Was that intrusion worthwhile? Perhaps, if it aroused enough thoughts and ideas? Perhaps, if we heard its words reminding all that democracy remains alive and well only when there is new fresh enthusiastic input by the populace. However, when that populace loses its motivations, its enthusiasm, and fails to remember that successful democracy always seeks the high road, a better way, a step forward, what remains is a sad remnant of what once was and what could have been.  

The elephant used its bulk to continue to push lies, ugly lies which boasted of achievements never achieved, and spewed forth lies at least 30 which I picked up and his nastiness oozed out of his scaly skin and all I could think of was the movie and TV show V and the evil lizard people. The donkey, standing tall and erect, could not hide his weariness nor his soft and hoarse voice, very low, often unable to be heard clearly. He is not evil, merely old in the way people are and could better serve as a statesman but not as President. I do not support his entire program, but at least there is humanity within and an effort to serve others and do them well, whereas Trump is simply EVIL. The cognitive ability of the elephant is more gone than present and is overlaid heavily with selfishness and clear desire, even a need, to step all over others and always gain his objective - a better world for Trump! All is subjugated to that end.   

1776 - 2024. A great ride and now to be ignominiously terminated, dead end? That thought saddens and frightens me at one and the same time.  The steps taken forward. -reversed. The ills of the past - revived. Are we to become a pathetic imitation of what once was, a sad reminder of what could have been? A once proud and dignified, energetic nation turned into a shadow of itself with its leaders consumed by personal hatred of each other. Consequently. the debate often deteriorated. to kindergarten schoolyard insult fest and shame on all of us. 

I am not optimistic about our ability to turn this nation around, to turn to sanity and find a unity of sorts. 

America, America, wherefore hast thee abandoned us and how have we abandoned thee?

Optimism in short supply, chain links of delivery weakened, links brittle.

What do we do now? What can we do? What do we actually want to do?


Yitzy, stay safe where you are and let your purity remain as is. Miss you so.

Always and forever. Always and forever.

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