Wednesday, June 26, 2024


  So, if somebody would have told me that at this point in time, I would be questioning the continued existence of the United States of America as she was, as she is supposed to be, I would have assumed that there had been a disconnect somehow, somewhere in their mind which had led to confusion and disorientation. I certainly would not have supported their view. However, today, today's reality, tells us otherwise, for they would have been correct. More than correct for we were already on the precipice of abandonment and destruction, worse, a purposeful destruction, of the entire concept of America. 

That precipice was crumbling quickly, unstable and disappearing beneath our feet at an amazing rate. In fact, I am wondering if our supposed leaders had already gone over that precipice and we, the herd that followed, blindly, followed their lead and right over that precipice we went. Reverend Jones Kool-Aid in new presentation, though the end result is the same- death. Death of a nation. Death of a world order. Death bodily and intellectually. A huge step backwards, one extremely unlikely to be reversed and undone.   

The term originalism is defined as such: "the constitutional text ought to be given the original public meaning that it would have had at the time that it became law". The American public is generally unfamiliar with its impact upon us, quite clueless in fact, to its impact upon this nation if officially the policy of the nation, the law of a newly emergent throwback to nasty times, an abandonment of all that has been achieved over the centuries.

 If followed to its full intention as interpreted by the nasty originalists of our day, mean, selfish, boding no good for this nation, we are in fact "canceling" ourselves, our history, the wisdom and lessons of centuries, and all realistic hopes for a better world in actuality. Quite a sour outlook for our future, but so we will have enabled unless we quickly, almost instantly, knock ourselves on our collective heads and see the Truth as it is and as it will be and stop in our tracks, call out whoa! Only then can we try again to move forward rather than continuing on the backwards paths we have chosen of late, too often, too demoralizing and inimical to freedom as it should mean and be in truth and reality. 

It must be based on the true originalism of the concepts our Founding Fathers, in fact, of every man, woman and child sacrificed in its name, for its perpetuity. To do otherwise is to dishonor their deeds and doom ourselves. It is to demean and degrade the boldness and intent of the original originalists: the Constitution is and must remain a living document changing over time, improving upon itself as it was meant to be, as it should continue to be, as it must be. The consequences otherwise will be terrible to contemplate. The Constitution is and must remain a living, changing document meant to continue to further the progress of mankind and this nation in particular. It is meant to grow with the times rather than remain an ossified useless document that only ensures the loss of freedom and the loss of rights and the loss of progress for humanity.  

A bold step of its time, the writers of the Constitution, those who voted on its creation and implementation, meant for a truly new entity to be born - a democracy, a political entity which would serve the people rather than an elite group. It would lessen the impact of privilege and allow for upward movement for the population. It would indeed become a glowing lamp of hope and freedom for those in need and we are all those people.

 The details were not necessarily all they should have been. However, written and taken in the context of the times, the Constitution is and should remain a most remarkable document. It was not meant to be static. In fact, it was meant to be exactly the opposite to grow with the people, to change with the people, to meet the needs of the people of the then and of what will be. 

Unfortunately, the so-called Originalists of today are exactly the opposite of what was meant to be. They are pushing for the exact opposite, to remain a static nation with hard earned rights of women, of children, of all political thinkers and toss aside all positive actions onto the trash heap of history, and even resurrect our most awful missteps.  No one is recommending wild and improperly versed changes, but our Originalists, the writers of the Constitution understood that times and needs change and provided a pathway for those changes via an informed electorate. We have certainly fallen short and in other ways grown in the use of that provision for change. And that is the way of democracy. To grow, to change, to err, and to amend. The originalist of today wish to totally contravene the truth and intent of true patriots and supporters of democracy, even if flawed as we look back with different vision. Without that, that understanding, we would not be who we are today. In fact, we would never have been. Imagine that!

Over the generations, we have tried to improve ourselves. Generally, we have succeeded: from George Washington who turned down the crown to Abraham Lincoln of a nation "of, by and for the people", to Teddy Roosevelt and his national parks system to Woodrow Wilson's quest for peace. to FDR, to JFK, who inspired so many. And now where the hell are we? Where are the like today?  Where are they? Where are the like today? We are plagued by a most selfish, incompetent, corrupt group of insane or nearly insane seekers for themselves. No concept of honor. No concept of statesman. No concept of impartiality. No concepts of decency. Selfish legislators. And judges who have never met true justice up front and personal.  

  We are who we have made, whom we have enabled and accepted. To change the situation is simple. Look deep within the mirror, through our eyes, deep into our souls and decide. Make a decision. What will we choose? What do we actually wish for the future for ourselves and for our children? It is upon us. It has always been upon us. We get what we deserve, a simple concept. Democracy is only saved via the efforts of its people. Are there fulfillment and acceptance of their responsibilities? Without that, we will have nothing. Perhaps we have reached that status already. Responsibilities shirked give rise to inevitable consequences.    

Where do we go from here? How do we stop the onslaught of dangerous ignorant thought and misinformation? How do we relearn to define the outlines of a better pathway into the future. How do we undo the damage of the past decade. Is it even possible to do that so egregious have been the failings of our leaders and our own stupidity in denying all that we have seen right before our lives. Claiming the Emperor is indeed clad in stunning clothing even as he walks naked and bareassed  before  our unseeing eyes. 

I do not know where we go from here. I do not know if it is possible to go anywhere other than where it will be worse. As an American I feel tossed aside by what was, what should have been, my country. As a woman I feel defiled and consumed by anger.  As a Jew I am now cloaked with uncertainty and fear and dense confusion as to how the hell I and the nation, I and my people   have gotten to this point. And if there is any possibility of true reformation, of true interpretation of the Constitution, of an originalism which is meant to be the originalism of the thinkers and fighters for our nation's destiny. Am I optimistic? Definitely not. Are we beyond the point of no return? That remains to be seen. But if we are to avoid reaching that point or if we are to be able to turn back, then we had better do it mighty quickly. Like now.

That means think before you pull that lever or X that box, or circle the name. Demand your rights. Do not let others turn you aside in their own ignorance and hate. Do not be afraid to demand your rights, but do not step on the rights of others. Free speech but not words of hate and incitement to violence. The acceptability of moving onward and upward but not by stepping on the people along the way. In other words, to be a decent caring human being who sees and knows the shared humanity of all of us. Have we lost this ability? Even this desire to be better and do better. That remains for each and every individual to seek deeply within his or her soul. Seek the truth and acknowledge it. Then   make your decision. Hopefully to be a true Originalist. Hopefully to be a true American. Hopefully to be a true human believing that all are endowed with certain inalienable rights and act upon that belief. 

Who'd a'thunk!    

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