Friday, July 19, 2024


 Have you heard the latest? Earth apparently is wobbling on its axis, and our days are going to change by 2029. What is the change? The day will get longer. By how much? Some seconds or nanoseconds, so I imagine consequential immediate effects will scarcely be noted. When there will be enough seconds accumulated to indeed elicit a recognizable effect is currently unknown, but one thing we can be sure of. It will be nothing good, nothing to write home about - or perhaps we should write home about it. Now. Particularly as the same scientists tell us that the cause of this predicted phenomenon falls directly at the clay feet of the human race. 

How proud we are as our desecration of this earth via our willful ignorance of the consequences already here. Climate change denied even in the face of its reality. Most of the globe has been burning up as of late. Heat advisories are heard daily, and people are wilting under the extreme temperatures.   We have droughts where there were none. We have floods where once there were none. Monster hurricanes and tornadoes are no longer rare and the cost in lives and infrastructure is immense. Not to forget the growing eruptions of volcanoes once thought inert and the growing shocks of earthquakes as even the ground beneath our feet becomes ever more wobbly. The ocean is rising, and the land is sinking along with the future of mankind upon this planet. Another plan or approach other than denial must be implemented and ASAP.

There are other areas in the lives of humans which have also grown quite wobbly. The foundations having been eaten away so frequently over the past decade or so are now insufficient, too weak to continue to support our society. And so, we cut back on things, trying to shed some weight. But in doing so, we have shed morality and principles of life we once supported. We refuse to see the truth. We insist on imbibing new formulations of Reverend Jones's Kool-Aid which poisons and kills off our souls, our compassion, our empathy, our drive to do good, to be better. We have gone so far astray that the path to return is barely visible. 

Yesterday was an interesting day. One person told me I should take a flying leap. Another person accused me vehemently of being grossly unwelcoming and unaccepting of the new truths of the day. Other people agreed with me but spoke with despair in their voices, wondering, so uncertain as to what will be in our immediate future. 

In addition, the sour cherry on top, our new candidate for VP of these here United States of America has basically told me and others that we are sociopaths because we support the right of women to choose. This from a man who states that a woman must carry any pregnancy to full term, be the fetus dead or dying, the mother's health in danger, even if the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest. Women will once again be known as breeders. Undeserving of aid to raise these otherwise unwanted, unable to be provided for   babies. Nothing.  Oh, but his beard is just so manly, is it not!!

The whole stink re immigration permeates the air around us, from border to border, ocean to ocean. Actually, a study just determined that there are significantly fewer border crossings now, but MAGA creeps are apparently unheeding of the facts for they do not serve them well. Standard procedure in their twisted minds. Deny truths, shout falsehoods.

Speaking of immigration and immigrants, let's talk a bit of truth. Try to answer or feel some questions. First, those crossing the border, these immigrants are doing exactly what our parents, grandparents and great grandparents did They have come searching for safety from those who would kill them, from dire poverty condemning them to bare existence.  To rescue themselves and most importantly their children, to provide a path for a better life, a life with hope.    

 Contrary to the garbage that has been now inculcated into the souls of MAGAs, the immigrants are not hordes of terrorists. Nor criminals. Nor drug addicts. Nor drug dealers. Nor riddled with disease. Nor desirous of doing various nefarious things to the population already within our borders. They wish to find jobs and build a life - and many do so. Just as our ancestors did. As we do. Are there criminals among them? For sure. Are there criminals among native born American citizens? For sure. Who the hell do you think fills our prisons to overflowing?

We all need to look deep into the mirror. We need to write our last names down. We need to write our first names down and know after whom were we named? We need to know our pasts, where we came from if we are to know where we wish to go. We need to look around our house and see what we hold dear, what we treasure. We need to remember. that every person among the population of the United States is an immigrant or a descendant of an immigrant, right down to the Native Americans considered indigenous for they too came from elsewhere.

I do not understand why so many, too many of us   have succumbed to vitriolic hate. There is no winner in this ugly game of hate topping hate. Only bottom lines of red in the process to get there. We lose our humanity. We lose our unity. We lose our sanity.  We are ceding our very souls and power of independent thinking and decision making. All to a man who somehow has caused grown people to grovel and cringe before him, to bow their heads and bend their knees to him. Loyalty is defined as being true only to him, with nothing else worthy of loyalty, for nothing is higher than he is. Nothing restricts him. Nothing prevents him from further inroads and advances on the path to the destruction of democracy and foster the growth of Amerika. What is this? Why have we allowed this?  

  His policies are destructive to the nth degree as he wishes to initiate a tariff, a trade war which will only result in a weakened dollar and loss of jobs, in the purchase power of our dollars at home, threatening food, clothing and shelter. In fact, our economy is thriving and buzzing along. In addition, he wishes the country to lift its skirts over its head to act as an island in a sea of nations. But there is no way to remain isolated in a world so interwoven and complex. He wishes to challenge and deny our rights, to ban books, to disagree, to vote, and demands that we agree to his lies, to swallow them whole, even as they turn on themselves.  Is this what we want? Is this that we should allow? Recall our wobbly earth. 

While I have troubles with the Biden/Harris team, they are not a danger to democracy. I can hope they will remember their positive contributions to this nation as they served America in various governmental positions. But I cannot trust the Trump/Vance team, not their policies, nor their promises, and certainly not their words as they are most proficient in and familiar with the art of lying. 

What a fine mass mess we have created for ourselves.  

America. America. Where have you gone? Are you planning to return? Will I ever feel welcome here again? Will I ever feel safe again? The answers to those questions are to be found only within us. We    cannot hide our heads in the sand and decide that nothing bad will happen. That is a fool's game.      In the words of Primo Levi, an Italian writer and philosopher who survived the Hell of Auschwitz, words now etched on the National Holocaust Museum of the Netherlands -  

 “It happened; therefore, it can happen again."


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