Thursday, July 11, 2024


    Is it ever the time? Will I ever again be able to pick up a paper, a magazine, log on to some social media site or news report and not read of more anti-Semitic actions? More outrageous accusations and more instigations, ever more, of a growing despair and worse, a growing fear. It is not pleasant to live with fear. It is not pleasant to wonder if this ugliness, this newly refreshed revitalized now in the open toxic. manifestation of JewHatred will persist in its growth and erupt with blossoms of thorns with blood sucking capabilities, already bloodstained with the nourishment it seeks and finds. Finds too easily, helped along by the willing, eager, hands and minds of filthy Haters who now pollute this planet ever increasingly, ever more toxic, ever more apparently contagious. Or enjoyable. Or both. A world pandemic with no long-lasting vaccine to be found.

Woe upon us. Woe upon the world. History tells us that no campaign of giant extermination proportions is ultimately successful. Instead, the perpetrators, the instigators, the executioners receive their just dues. Their regime is punctured. and leaks supportive air and ultimately collapses. However, the time lapse between initial onset and growth pattern to time of collapse is way too long. This pattern must stop. It must. But how? How can this be done? Just taking a minimum account of the incidents of JewHatred, of the discounting of the persecution of the Jews once again. Of a persistent campaign to isolate world Jewry in any capacity, venue, or appearance. Well, here is what I picked up on merely between yesterday and this morning. And not really having to dig for it at all. It was there in fact, on a rusty, ugly platter already bloodstained and reeking of that awful coppery odor of spilled blood.

The most outrageous? Read and weep and sob, hopelessly, even as you are consumed with rage. I personally know a twin subjected to this horror.

Candace Owens " theorizing that some of the horrific experiments conducted on Jewish children during the Holocaust may be nothing more than propaganda."

But there is more to her ugly words of dangerous ignorance and stupidity, all mired in a cesspool of obscenities and hate. Virulent senseless, vicious hate now burgeoning round the world. Read and weep. What is to be done, can be done?

 "Some of the stories, by the way, sound completely absurd," she said in a clip shared to social media. "The idea they just cut a human up and sewed them back together. Why would you do that?"

"Literally, even if you're the most evil person in the world, that's a tremendous waste of time and supplies," she continued. "That just sounds like bizarre propaganda."

Denying Mengele's horrendous inhumane twin "experiments. And she is not alone. Sadly, tragically, so.

Further examples of the erasure of Jews, their agonies, this persistent hatred, this overwhelming Hate that continues to wave its ugly teeth and claws, time and time again, always finds eager hosts to nourish and grow it, are unfortunately always there. Do you not want to hear it? Well, we cannot indulge ourselves in selective deafness for like it or not, we are all affected and suffer via this dangerous virus of hate. You must see the necessity. of making a decision: on which side of that decision will you be? Will you go along? Get along? Wallow in the blood of that hate. Or will you stand up and fight against it? Help make people understand that hate consumes all. No particular pickiness or focus, for its permanent hunger for more, always more, is always there. If for nothing else other than self-survival, then hatred must be fought on that basis. Whatever works. Whatever is needed. Whatever must be done. 

JewHatred finds its own way to wherever it wishes to go, wherever there is an opening. Harvard, after allowing the ugliness of the encampment and the voices chanting for violence, for murderers, for rapists, for baby killers, now reneges on the little that it actually had done. Those who had received a penalty for their participation in the encampment, or worse, have now been pardoned. No consequences and no lessons taught. No, I am wrong. The lesson taught is clear. It is OK to violate your word when it comes to the Jews. They do not count. They are not important. In fact, the more we can isolate them, the better we are. 

Truthfully. the ugliness of this hatred is to be found in the highest ranks of Harvard as they made a joke of their supposed investigation and new Commission. Even as many other universities move along the same jagged lines. Supposed promises and settlements have been reached with Colombia and other schools. To be watchful and wary of Jew- Hatred, to combat it. Well, fat chance of that based on past performance and future "promise". There is no optimism within me. 

Furthermore, the path of destruction is clearly to be seen. More and more of academia, of business, of industries, of research, are joining in the oh so fashionable boycott and exclusion of Israel, Israelis and Jews. From the sublime to the ridiculous, from Airbnb's to the highest halls of supposed learning, Jews are being isolated. A demand is growing to have nothing to do with them. To not converse with them. To not work with them. To not acknowledge them as human beings. Hence, any dismay, any nastiness perpetrated upon them must be discounted. Belittled. Perhaps even ignored totally and completely.  Oct7? Feh! Citizens and civilian infrastructure deliberately under attack by Hezbollah with growing deaths - so what!  Our hostages brutally kidnapped, tortured, threatened, raped, killed, the few remaining alive, oh - so what! is the reigning movement. Slight hope or bit of light - Meta has acknowledged that there is in fact a use of anti-Zionism as antisemitism and will block it on their site. Hoorah! Hurray! But too little, too late.

There is more, unfortunately so much more. So many incidents of hate. So many moments of growing fear. Haters feel that they do not need any longer the official status of an OK of the UN or formal declarations of boycott from nations. No. All they need are the energies of the deluded and the foolish young. The haters of the right and the left, and even of the middle. Catchy chants of support for evil and extermination and the growing attractiveness of the freedom that hatred confers upon its practitioners. Read this and understand the significance of this movement and its consequences. Where are you in this whole ugly thing? Are you a descendant of fascism? Of a hate as old as time, perhaps even older than that. Or are you a member of the Righteous. Your choice. Your thought, your acts. Your humanity. Where are you?

As an aside, the vicious attacks upon Biden if indeed he has Parkinson's, are uncalled for. Physically, yes, there is generally a growing problem with flexibility of the body, but cognitive degeneration does not follow as a dog does its master. I have PD and am not cognitively damaged. I know many others, many, many others who are the same as I.

That's what the arrangement and dementia mental instability and illness look no further than Trump. The embodiment of evil and malice of forethought and "everthought" Think. Think Democracy. Think civility. The ugly wave of hatred and its poisonous growth have much to do with the Trump era. and it's continuing unfortunate and tragic existence in the world today. 

We all must think, delve deep down into our consciousness and understand truly what we have before us. We must make a decision. That decision must be firm. Hopefully it will be the right decision.


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