Monday, July 22, 2024


Those words, a future iconic line from the new Alien movie, are shouted by a character in that water. He is doomed. In a real-life moment, the IOC held a conference. in which they responded to death threats directed to Israeli Olympic contenders. The idea of the meeting was to calm things down. After all, said the spokesperson, it is not uncommon, been done before, and the words are basically antithetical to the purpose of the Olympic Village and the Olympics themselves.      Evidently. these threats. mirror the world we live in, "a divisive world". Ya' think!!  Playing dumb, no mention of yet another Olympics where the divisive world made an appearance, invading that Village, oh so peaceful.

 The   Olympic Village of 1972 was the venue of choice for terrorists to invade and slaughter Israeli athletes and members of the team. A taste of what was to come down the road, on Oct7, a date which will "go down in infamy". (Thank you, FDR.) Yet another manifestation of the horrors perpetrated upon the Israeli people. The Olympic Committee ignored the violence, the horror and continued on with barely a blip. Much as the world has continued on time after time after time of every terrorist attack directed at Israeli civilians. The Olympics of 1972 gave us a brutal foretaste of what was to come, culminating in the brutality and carnage of Oct7, a mere 10 months ago. 

Downplayed by the Olympic spokesperson these threats have been presented as merely symbolic of the world we live in - the edges of it are quite sharp. Humanity, quite clumsy, slash themselves open on myriad occasions and have grown quite blase to the blood spilled with every slash. And there goes humanity, down the same road, to slash itself again and again, not rethinking its chosen routes, merely trudging on.    

We don't learn, do we?   

  The presence of thick-headed humanity is quite evident, readily seen and observed in America. (Yes, it is also to be seen in other nations of the world, but one nation at a time!) For the purpose of this post, we are focused on America. The sharp, divisive. blood seeking, blood spilling edges have flourished, cutting deep and often into our nation and there has been blood spilled.  So much venom has been slathered on those edges, that when they cut, an infection sets in. It sets off friend against friend, family member against family member.  

The culture of today does not do well for conversation and compromise. We tend to shout in real time or online We choose podcasts which testify for our beliefs, solidify them. Rather than opening our minds to present other possibilities such as improved understanding, tolerance and compromise. We reinforce the dams blockading the positive pathways. and remain mired in our own stupidity.

You think not. Sit back in your chair, close your eyes. and think. What is the state of the nation today? What is the status of our unity? Our accepting, our acceptance of such a thing as a typical American ethos. Have we grown selfish along with stupid as we bar fresh blood, new blood, new ideas. from entering our doorways. Think of what would be today had we blocked the immigrants of yesterday, those who in large ways and small contributed to the betterment of the nation and the world at large. In fact, had we shuttered, totally, irrevocably, our doors before, where would you and yours be - or not be? Are we that selfish and unthinking, mired in it all, refusing to think ahead?

To wit. our current presidential campaign, such as it is, such as it was. and such as it will be. As of yesterday, there was one old, demented, damaged. candidate left. This candidate has “gifted” the nation with a frightening possibility. Should he die, not unexpected at his age and condition, he has left us with the rather callow, mean, hypocritical person to follow. Total ban on choice, on abortion for any reason. NO contraceptives. Yet another man deciding for women. Go to Hell on that one. He wishes to turn the clock back to 1960. Sorry, JD - impossible, nor recommended for we do not want to redo all that which we have already remedied. It was not Happy Days 24/7/365/ Grow up. Do something productive other than playing yes man for purposes of advancement and spin on a dime, depending upon where it is best for you. While I support your statements re Israel, are they to be trusted? Or will the winds blow another way and carry you along with it? Show me how you can be trusted, firm and steady in your position.   

Last night Joe Biden followed LBJ and stood down from the race. Dementia afflicted Trump then shouted and waved that annoying, fascistic fist in the air, shouting "It's not over. Joe, it's not over." Well, sorry, Donny, that competition is over and onto a different race, with a younger candidate, a woman, which should definitely unhinge you. Not frozen in body and mind and not perfect, but then again, nobody is perfect. Not alive and on this planet. I await her clear policy statements even as I truly wish that she rethinks some of her recent statements regarding Israel. 

There are many issues to be discussed. Tariffs? A trade war with other nations re who buys what, so we all suffer, higher inflation, higher costs to buy? Dumb! Tax cuts for the rich? Again? Xenophobia? Medicare and Social Security. Our allies and promises. America First - again?! A dangerous retread idea.

It is now for the Democratic Party to pull up its pants and get to work. Stop the infernal internal yet out in the open bickering. That is most definitely unhelpful - for you and for all of us. Time to get back to being American. Time for the GOP to also pull up its pants, though in their case they will need undergarments as well, as their cowardice and groveling before Trump has been might powerful. 


Yitzy, what a mess. Hope the Heavens are a better scene.  Love you, special child =

Always and forever. Always and forever.


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