Sunday, July 14, 2024


 The thing is that many of us don't like to think too much. It gives us a headache and aggravation. It takes away from the joy of the moment because thinking is not generally about which ride at the amusement park you should go to first, but about far more serious things. Questions of life. In fact, sometimes life itself. Therefore, most of us delay thinking as much as possible or limit it as much as possible. Perhaps that's the thing to do, especially to safeguard one's sanity during a time of major crisis and pressure. But, in fact a major but, those are exactly the times when thinking is a must and cannot be avoided, nor shirked. If we try to do that, hide our heads in the sand, mute our brains, we are asking for trouble to rain down upon us.  

Refusing to think, deliberately refusing to face reality, and the need for immediate deep and clearheaded thinking will simply enmesh us deeper, ever more entangled in a negative situation. Thus, making it even harder to emerge safely and as quickly as possible. That awful reality will not remain passive but will proceed to hunt us down, no matter where we hide. Objection and denial are futile. Escape and immunity are nonexistent and what happens to the nation, to the society, will happen to you and yours as well. 

Authoritarian governments do not work the same way as democratic ones. The go to tool of such a government is the use of fear and violence. Threats, the implementation of threats, even the mere possibility of its implementation and application are enough to foster compliance along with rebellion and resistance. Fear, deep, dark, intensive and eternal, works well to create a bloody, hopeless reality.

At present time we are late, very late, perhaps too late for a convocation of thought, of thinkers. We have almost permanently silenced all thinkers. We have negated validity and truth, and the impediments and resultant delay has given rise to frightening circumstances. Take a look around. See with clear eyes. Hear with open ears. Think with a mind finely tuned and oiled. See what we have allowed. See how close we are to the point of no return, facing difficult defense and offense in extremely hostile circumstances. We are on the brink of the installation of a totalitarian government. Jan 2025 quickly approaches and perhaps it will not wait till then.

Using the tools and techniques of democracy against itself, the proponents of totalitarianism have brought democratic society to its knees. Their heroes of the fascist worlds of history are crowing with pride from the depths of Hell at the success of their modern incarnations. The thought of the role model of democracy being forced to her knees and denied existence overwhelms them with joy.

Who has done this? We are the culprits. Why have we enabled this horror? Because we didn't want any headaches - not today. Not tomorrow. Not yesterday nor in all the yesterdays of the past. We should have been thinking years ago, but we did not. Now we must invest in a marathon of thinking in opposition. We must think with our heads. Not with wishful thinking. Not with outdated outlooks. We are well past that time, very much so, with little time left before a decision must be made as to which fork in the road we will choose. Choose the wrong one and our America dies.

Actually, I am not quite sure that we have not already buried our democracy. Yesterday was an example of our future unless we take a step back and get a clear picture of what is happening around us and what will happen if we do not act, if we refuse to understand reality as it is. A young man little more than a child shot at Trump. He missed.     Nicked his ear. Enabling oh so dramatic small rivulets of blood to flow down Trump's face. He ate it all up and raised his fist. That miserable, iconic, vicious thick fist, to shout to the world that he remains and is also brave. Why was he shot at this particular time or place? I have no answers as of yet. That is being investigated at present. However, just the thought. Perhaps he was put up to it, urged on.  Why? Think of the publicity value.   Who comes out of this shooting smelling like a rose. The aroma of that bouquet is strong enough to overcome the reek of at least some of his lies and inherent evil and risk to this nation. To the world, in fact.

I hate thinking this way but how can I think otherwise? Our ethos has changed dramatically and hastily, and we have been helpless in the onslaught of its proponents. All other roads and pathways have been shut down. We are at a point in our history where we take the proper, though difficult, road, or we take the evil fork, the one of surface simplicity and serenity - and roiling currents beneath it all. On that fork we will continue our trek into the dark of a hopeless future and take us further and further back into past darknesses. From the time the first caveman discovered that his hands could hold the rock with which to hit another man. And then to sharpen that rock in the first step of a weapons race which is permanently ongoing, we have not changed at all.

Violence breeds Violence. There are some wars that have unfortunately been necessitated but each war fought is a failure. We never should have reached that point, though we have- far too many times.  The future ain't looking any better, is it? This version of violence emerges every more powerful, ever more inclusive. Ever more existentially threatening. Perhaps it is even the time of when, not if.

 What goes around comes around is the maxim. If one is an adherent of violence, one day that violence will turn around and snap back revealing who is the true master. Not a pretty picture, is it?  

Perhaps there is a weird kind of light. Finally, the nation has become more aware of Project 2025. If you are not, please. google it. Read it and weep. Cry my beloved country indeed as a clear outline of the death of this country in its democratic form is laid out clearly. Every aspect of life is touched upon. Delineated. Every backward step of humanity is contained within. Worst fears are recognized as   we become more cognizant of our surroundings, the fetid swamp burial place of the best of humanity's hopes.    

Where are we to find the leaders untainted by corruption and extremism from the right or the left? Where are we to find qualified, competent, intelligent people to fill positions of leadership and government? When are we going to rid the bench, all the benches of the nation, from those who demean it. When will we muster our courage, clear our eyes and Do What Must Be Done. We must be firm and determined.  We must see past the lies and go to the truth.   Are we to vacate democracy or reinvigorate it Not a clue. Only hopes. Prayers. Ask me what will be on the Wednesday after the Tuesday of Election Day. One of the most important, perhaps the most important Tuesday of our history.

  Where will you be?





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