Thursday, August 22, 2024


 ...of questions but nary an answer in sight. In fact, when we look for answers, we find we are in the midst of a desert, and the answers to questions are as scarce as water is in a desert. What is also scarce today for me is time to write this blog, yet again another very early appointment. Thus, today I leave the answer finding to you and please, if you have any satisfactory ones please send it along. We, the world, are in desperate need of some. 

Why are some people shocked that the "close at hand, nearly there, ceasefire deal" evaporated into the air?

Why would anyone with even a partially working brain be shocked at the new demand, personalized by Sinwar, that no agreement would be signed until Israel promised not to kill him!!! Really? Yoo-hoo, take a look around, Sinwar, and ask yourself why Israel would agree and allow a cowardly bully, a damned murderer, a miserable weasel who hides like a mouse in dank tunnels with captives protecting him, to continue to live in assured safety. So many have died because of you. The blood of our sisters and brothers calls out for revenge, for justice, for remembrance. All things come to those who wait, so please, extract a worthless promise, continue to skulk in dark places reeking of evil - and your just dessert will make its way to you. 

Why do deluded non thinking college students fall as willing prey to the pull of the oh so chic trend of draping a now red kaffiyah (black so last year) over one's shoulders? Bold red, the color of the blood you are calling for. Why do you not understand that you are not pro-Palestinian, for your shouts call for more war and slaughter, more death among Israelis and among Palestinians, the ones you are supposedly protecting! Wake up!! 

Why not call for Sinwar to emerge from his hidey-hole? Why not accept the horrid truth of Oct7? Why not call for protests demanding truth from all? Why not? Instead, you close your eyes and ears, sabotage your own minds and taint your souls. You wallow along with Sinwar and his fellow murderers in the sea of blood that you enable, and indeed encourage. 

Why have the people in the world rather joyously hopped onto the bandwagon of antisemitism raised to a height rivaling that of Hitler and in fact all extremists. It is antisemitism on crack, a vicious viral toxic antisemitism calling for the exclusion and extermination of all Jews, beginning with those rather pesky Israelis. The contributions of Jewish people to humanity and its ethos are denied, as are all the contributions of Jewry to the world and its progress and betterment.  

  Why? Why has the population of America gone so egregiously off the tracks of life as it should be? Why do we now expend our energies and output of our brains onto falsehoods and manners by which to enhance these falsehoods. Why have we succumbed to the Big Lie philosophy, believing the falsehoods we are fed via various social media sites and spewing forth from the forked tongues of the selfish and the greedy. People with no hearts or functioning souls. 

Why do we call for destruction rather than discussion? Why do we tolerate so the goals for violence? Why have we allowed the government in many aspects to become corrupt, to accept bribery in all forms, to allow the incompetent and the evil to rise to seats of power in all branches of the government, in all levels of the government?       

Why have we eschewed progress? In fact, why do we now call those who are actually regressive as misnomered progressives? These people encourage exclusion and separation, violence, loud voices drowning all others out, and deny humanity of those who differ from them.   

In fact, why have we grown so in the wrong direction? Why have we discarded empathy, sympathy, understanding, kindness and in turn adopted ruthlessness, anger, violence, the dehumanization of others.? Why?

These are some of the why questions that I have. There are so many more, but time is short, and I need to get a move on.  

 One last question for old times' sake, when times were sweeter. Why is the sky blue? Where does the sun go at night? 

Modern update: Where the hell have we all gone? 

Answers, anyone?  Please?

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