Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 Yep. There it goes again. All the verities of the world today flying by with madly flapping wings, anxious to get away from a crazed atmosphere wherein truths are denoted as lies and then applauded, with the spewers of the falsehoods ever so proud of their forked tongue speech and their expertise at doing so.  Today is August 13, 2024. It is chockfull with noise and news impossible to ignore or avoid. However, first a more personal note from our sponsor - that would be me. 

Today is the birthday of my son. That alone is enough for me to take note of the day and to wish him "ad meah v'esrim", a traditional Jewish wish for a long life. A good one. Surely, he deserves it as   the past two years have been difficult. Very difficult as he, my daughter in law, our entire family has been shattered and we live today, for us, in a world missing a most vital pierce, that piece being Yitzy. Still, today is his birthday, a day to commemorate the celebrant, and there is much to celebrate within my son's faith, his life rife with good deeds, within a community which treasures him as he does them, and a family beautiful and loving. So Happy Birthday to you, my son.

On the other hand, within the Jewish tradition and history today is Tisha B'Av. the 9th day of the month of Av. It is a day fraught with sadness. and fearful anticipation of what might yet be forthcoming on this most accursed day. It is a day    on which we fast and pray and study, hoping that all this will forestall any further tragedies of this day. We ask that yet another day of terror be withheld.

What is this day that brings with it genetic trauma of so much that has befallen the Jewish nation? Worse, it was engendered with needless, thoughtless behavior by the spies sent into the land of Canaan to do recon, to evaluate the situation and prepare to do their part in the fulfillment of the Lord's Promise to Abraham and his descendants - a land eternally to be the land of the nation of Israel. Instead of singing the glories of the land, these spies, of the most prominent people of the nation, wept - in fear and doubt as the tasks seemed impossible. They forgot that alongside them was the Lord, who had been with them all along. This Lord disrespected and offended by the very ones who were to be models for the nation in belief and trust, violated the tenets of their positions, and wept and spoke thoughtlessly and dangerously.         

For that egregious offense there were both an immediate consequence and a long term one.        These spies, other than the two who did not weep, and the doubters of the nation who wept with them, were denied the privilege of entering the land.  Furthermore, long term, this day of Tisha B'Av was to remain a day of tragedy and loss, of death, to the Jewish nation. Harm and terror would befall the people. the nation. On this day there would be reason to weep. On this day our two Temples were destroyed. On this day the Jews were expelled by Eddward II from England in 1290. The Jews were expelled from Spain on this day in 1492. The first mass transport out of the Ghetto Warsaw to the newly operating death facilities of Treblinka began. All on the same date, albeit different centuries. That day was the date of today - Tisha B'Av.

We were warned that just as those spies. doubting of the Lord's power wept uselessly and offensively, so too will the people of Israel weep until they come to a full recognition and acceptance and respect of the power of the Lord and of the truth of His promise to us. 

That prediction of a day meant for mourning and weeping has been so throughout history. Even so, despite our disrespect, despite our doubt, we did receive the land of Israel. However, it was with a condition which has meant constant war, betrayal by those who are presumed to be allies. And constant miracles that we have survived and thrived. Despite the best efforts of the world. to negate us and wipe us off the maps of the world.

However, there remains a cloud of threat hanging. over us, seemingly in perpetuity. Today, Tisha B'Av Av, that cloud has grown with a multitude of swords. poised ready for slaughter. The people of Israel are besieged and surrounded by circles of enemies and cowards. The nation itself is fraught with cracks within.  The entire world hangs in the balance on this Tisha B'AV.         

The eternal question remains. Have we not yet convinced the Lord that we do indeed know His powers and that we trust in His loyalty to us, even as we must display our loyalty to Him. The Rockets and missiles and drones and planes and soldiers and tanks and cars are poised to enter into the land of Israel. and create yet another Tisha B'Av of horrid memory in our history. Or will there be a miracle.  As the hard heart of Pharaoh weakened for one moment and agreed to the Exodus, will the hard hearts of Iran, of Hezbollah, of Hamas, of Islamic Jihad, the Houthis, the 'innocent" civilians also soften for that one critical moment?   

What is the answer to these questions? Don't look at me for that. Actually, look to the Lord above. Perhaps He is even not sure. The day is not over yet. The week is not over yet. Have we learned yet to think before speaking?  Can we follow the thread to    its culmination, rethink again and again.   

 Today it is status quo. Fast and pray and think.      A day fraught. with horror and sadness for that Jewish nation, reminding us that the next month is Elul, a time to repent and atone. Today is a good day to start the process. In so doing perhaps we can change the day to one of gratitude and life, of joy and trust. Perhaps. 

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