Sunday, August 4, 2024


  What if things were different? What if somewhere along the line we had made different decisions? What if the American public and the individuals that make up that public had come to their senses sooner, or better yet, wouldn't have lost those senses? When did we all begin our trek to anger, confusion and anomie? Where and when did we turn at the wrong place, in the wrong direction and end up at the state of mind so hurtful and pessimistic, so unhearing of or to anything other than we wished to hear? 

What if we had chosen not to heed the loudest voices, their pandering to violence and hate, to the worst of humanity? What if we had rejected these voices, prevented their drowning out of the voices of unity and common sense, of compromise and acceptance of others? When did we become so stiff, so unbending and arrogant, so demanding of our needs as opposed to the common, shared needs of all? To the exclusion of others, placed their needs as diametrically opposed to ours? When and why did we do a deep dive into unplumbed waters, ignoring inevitable consequences, and choose to remain in murky waters, ruining the present, denying the past, good and bad, and endangering the positive future, in fact any future at all. And why? I simply cannot figure it out, make any sense of it at all. 

It boggles the mind. As I seek answers, explanations, something, anything to provide understanding, even just a clue as to how we make our way out of this mess, I came across some interesting statements. If not providing answers, then perhaps advice or a bit more comprehension of the peril of our present situation and the extreme fright of consequences, too real, too possible, or even more likely than not.

"It is my firm belief that the infinite and uncontrollable fury of nuclear weapons should never be held in the hands of any mere mortal ever again for any reason.” (Mikhail Gorbachev)

Think about that statement and relate it to our current situation. Most everyone I speak with, of many different lifestyles, backgrounds, even their politics, are finding themselves facing a rather revolting, dismaying choice in a most consequential election. There is a deep and obvious lack of enthusiastic support. We find ourselves with a negative choice, between the lesser evil or the better of the weak choice. 

Pay attention to the quote above and ask yourself who exactly is the better choice to control that uncontrollable power that once unleashed signals the end of it all. Certainly, as we know it.  As we hoped it would be. Undeniably, both mainstream political parties, if there any mainstream as such any longer, contain within crazed extreme individuals. As always, extremes are dangerous. When bought into by the public their danger is exponentially, geometrically increased. Yet we must choose. Most important is that we choose a leader, or one proposed as such, who acts with more sense, more sanity, less jingoism and appeal to the lowest common denominator of the electorate. 

It comes down to an ugly and unsatisfactory choice. One candidate for the office of President   is a woman who has served as a State Attorney General and as a Senator, performing well in both positions. She is the current vice president and has proven her ability to be loyal, even to the downplaying of her own value and talent. She has also shown herself capable of reacting quickly to sudden need, powering up and carrying along others with her. Is she perfect? Absolutely not. But then again, is anyone? 

One of my most serious objections refers to Israel. Though her past record and statements, a two time speaker at AIPAC indicate strong support of and for Israel, more recent statements re the “humanitarian crisis” within Gaza, raise some concern. There is a lack of stress in reminding all that such current "crisis" was begun, instigated and inevitable via the vicious barbaric attack upon Israel by Hamas and their allies, and their purposeful tactic of waging war within civilians, (not so innocent civilians) and the inevitable deaths celebrated by Hamas for the political edge it feels they gain from it.

To be fair, the opposing candidate has not mentioned this crisis, certainly not in specificity, only announcing that he would never have allowed it! What bosh!! This from the man who condemns all Jews who do not vote for him. This from the man who accepts support from those "nice people" of the White Power groups, the same groups now   emboldened by his campaign and possibility of future office. A man who engages in name calling, as a child, who throws tantrums a toddler would admire, who rages and curses and insults, who is a convicted felon, a convicted fraud, who awaits other trials, who has done his best to totally corrupt the Supreme Court, who openly speaks of his desires and plans for revenge, for no need of future elections, who is demented, immoral and an unhealthy man at 78, physically and cognitively, emotionally - no,  not the best choice. 

His finger on that button? No way! His finger, his mind, such as it is, on the button of the "infinite and uncontrollable fury" - NO!!!!!  His opponent unless come to a doomsday moment would not push that button in the midst of a temper tantrum.  I trust his opponent more than I trust him. It is the only sane choice. And our allies agree. This isolationist if in office, will prove to be the undoing of America in so many ways. Even existential. 

In victory or defeat he poses a danger to this country, to the world. He has already engaged in open treason on January 6th, 2020, and has already planned for and readied the ground for a future revolt should he lose. This is not the leader we need. While his opponent is not the best choice in an ideal world, we live in an imperfect world and must live within the reality, face reality, like it or not. It is the only way.

 Perhaps via a sane period of time within this country we will be able to deal with the madness within, with the rising antisemitism, with the toxic hatred and poisonous environment on campuses. Perhaps we'll be able to reverse the vocal  global trend towards the support of fascism. However, most emphatically this will not be possible with a patently demented raging man at the helm. 

Thomas Jefferson said “In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle stand like a rock."  

Time for principles. Time to be brave. Time to be decisive. Time to reckon with truth as it is and how we can better enforce and enliven our principles.

There is no other way. We already, at some time, erred, massively. Time to change, to redirect, to cancel the wrong culture, the wrong elements found in all philosophies. Time to be the best humans we can be. We have been our own worst enemies. Perhaps we can now strive to be our best friends. Perhaps we can even like ourselves better, trust each other more. Wouldn't that be a nice turn of events.





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