Tuesday, September 3, 2024


  Balance is the state of equilibrium, when nothing. is weighed more heavily, of more importance, than all other issues in that particular matter. Unfortunately, in attempting to achieve that perfect balance too often we stray into the areas of danger, of overemphasis of or in a particular issue. Even if begun with good intentions, the consequences are generally not good, even harmful. I believe   humanity is incapable of pure scientific balance and attempts to reach that pure balance without taking into account the imperfections of humanity, does more harm than good, particularly when taken to excess. 

For example, before I am labeled a backwards person, I deeply believe that All people are. entitled to equal rights. Within that category, there should be a perfect balance. However, that does not mean that one who has an extreme talent should be whittled down to the lowest common denominator. In fact, it is the person with a talent, a passion, an instinct, who can move us forward. It can also lead us to despair and desperation and a total imbalance of society.

Hence, it is incumbent upon humanity to learn to distinguish good balance from good imbalance. Both, approached properly, can lead to true progress for humanity. Nurture those with great talents and gifts such as artists, musicians, teachers, orators, doctors, researchers, etc., and clamp down on those who use their talents for evil and the dismantling of society. 

Sadly, we continue to be extremely deficient in that area. We have ignored those lessons. of history and repeatedly found us right back in the trenches. In fact, welcome to September 2024.

The disaster of two astronauts stranded in space, with every attempt to retrieve them failing. Why? Because we do not think things through. We do not follow threads. We do not allow for Plan B through Z. Nor do we pay attention to those who counsel, who can think out of the box, as our arrogance makes us deaf and blind in so many, too many areas. 

Utter disaster for women in Afghanistan under the brutal rule of the Taliban. After a time of great advancement, all has been lost under the return of the Taliban. Women are erased from public view and even within their own homes, where their voices are muted as well, forbidden to sing or read aloud. Forbidden to be humans. All the while international organizations mostly dominated by men cover their own eyes, ears and mouths. It is easier to ignore than to combat. Balance?! 

Now we arrive at the cauldron known as the Middle East where anything and everything connected to it reeks of an ugly and persistent imbalance “as old as time" with a staying power uber alles. A nation is attacked by 6,000 beasts with one goal. Kill and rampage in the most violent vicious manner and take hostages, women and children so much the better. Abetted and fortified by and with “innocent civilians”, there has now been an ongoing war for 11 months with no end in sight. Why? Because there is no balance here. 

Within this matter, there's only a gross imbalance and false attempts to create a “balance". Countries of the world have given the invaders, the brutes of Hamas and Gaza, the cloak of victim. Nations such as Qatar and Egypt who gave arms, aid and comfort to the enemy are the 'negotiators' while Hamas is not even present. Orders are given to slay the hostages if rescues are imminent - and so they do, the most recent victims the six people shot in the head as rescue approached. The result? A convulsing, grieving nation and a Biden et al who chide Netanyahu to do more.   

The truth of who started this war, this horror is clear. It was Hamas. Yet this fact is forgotten. Violence and hatred for Jews spikes worldwide. And the world, the nations, the authorities, stand by. Hamas revels in its victories, in its new nomenclature. The poor picked upon victim even as they splash through the lakes of blood of their victims, Israeli and their own Gazans, along with the haunting voices of the hostages, dead and alive, calling out for rescue. These hostage victims are forgotten by the world unless a vicious act reminds them -but for a moment only. Balance? Where?   Israel is awash in tears. It is frustrated and angry.    They take it out on the political leaders and in doing so give comfort to the enemy who believe Israel is weaker and weaker and ripe for invasion. All the while, Iran gloats.    

Is Netanyahu perfect - no. Might there be an element of delay of his trial? Might he want to remain in his seat of power? Possibly. Probably. He's a politician, most of whom always have an agenda of their own. But he is in a position nobody else really wants. They might scream and protest and shout and condemn and curse and lay blame but perhaps he is acting as a leader, a head of government.  As such, he must weigh things differently. He must hold in the one hand the number of the hostages and the grief of the families. Grief that the entire nation feels. In the other hand are the lives of millions of his fellow Israelis and the massive casualties and fatalities should there be, G-d forbid, an invasion on multiple directions along with the weight of world Jewry now under siege as well.  

He must make a decision. Whatever decision he makes is going to hurt. It will mean bloodshed. It is going to mean curses upon him and people will hate him for whatever decision he makes. For even as they protest to stop the war, to cede to Hamas whatever they want, foolishly, dangerously, there are also those of the families of hostages who also protest, asking that there be no deal until Hamas is totally defeated and cannot even think of repeating the horror of October 7.  

 I don't believe that any of those now shouting and screaming would do any better than Netanyahu. There are many crooks among them. There are many of those within the government guilty of neglect who must take a share in the blame for allowing October 7 to happen because they did not do their duty. They were negligent in their own duties and responsibilities. "Al chomotayich" - on your walls, stand watch - not only those in Jerusalem, but those of the nation. 

I do not envy him at all. Nor do I have any faith that there is some miraculous politician within the government who has the knowledge, the capability and the chutzpah, the strength to make a correct decision. If there indeed is such a thing. Perhaps G-d can give an answer but frankly, I am not sure He is paying attention at this moment.

Balance? We, the world is at a time of such imbalance that I fear an existential threat to us all. 


 Nor was it balanced yesterday as we remembered Yitzy, dedicated the Torah in his name, danced down the streets with it and then cried as we remembered why we were there, why we were doing this. In every ounce of our souls, hearts, bodies, memories, we felt the imbalance of a world bereft of Yitzy. We would give it all up if we could turn back the clock and keep our Yitzy with us. But that is not to be and for us the balance. never ever be achieved. 


Sleep tight, little boy. Rest easy.

Always and forever.

Always and forever.

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