Wednesday, September 18, 2024


  Years ago, when we were young, (like around 1850 or so) upon seeing a person walking in the street, talking to him/herself, or someone acting strange, or simply someone in disagreement with us for some reason, out came that whirling finger. That handy-dandy gesturing finger indicated quite clearly that the other person was off balance, just    "nuts”. That gesture ultimately outlived its usefulness. 

However, perhaps we need to reinstate it. Those who present themselves as our leaders. are, for lack of a better term - nuts, flipped their lids, way off balance, just about totally immersing themselves in a filthy, impossible to erase or deny situation. It will of necessity be judged by the historians in the future or the present, stained with the remnants of mudslinging, insults, incompetence, and assured danger for the nation they purport to lead.  

They will be exposed for all to see, bared naked before the nation, before the world, clad only in their shame and souls stained by the dangerous, uncaring, simply crazy behaviors, words, and deeds they espoused, by the violence encouraged and sanctioned. They are eminently qualified to be the   recipients of a mass of whirling fingers. With all due deference to modernity and PC talk, these people are nuts. Simply nuts. Worse, even 'nuttier' in the vernacular, is the rather shameful full trail of camp followers who buy into the ugliness and lies and ramp it up. 

Our time will be written about in the history books, presented as a period of mass hysteria, of massive denial of a growing insanity, well deserving of the mass of whirling fingers that historians of the future will assign to this era. Those whirling fingers moving in circles in the vicinity of the temples of the head, say it all, but there was no understanding it, no excusing it. No denial of the wrongness of it all. The damage these people and their supporters. have wreaked upon this nation is perhaps permanent or at the very least it has certainly damaged the foundations of this nation and left huge cracks for future evil seekers to use to further their nefarious plans. There are always those who refuse to see history in the light of clarity for they are "different", flaunting a version of nuts that will inevitably meet its well-deserved end. How many times must we reenact this battle in a never-ending war? How many more times must we try to repair the damage, some incapable of being repaired.       

Verbal images of immigrants massing at the borders, drooling at the thought of the pets, dogs and cats, awaiting consumption. The jobs they will now 'steal' from “true Americans” although in truth these jobs have gone begging for no 'true American' deigns to take them.  We decry their laziness even as they are the very ones pounding away at our roofs in the heat of the day or plucking the chickens for our dinners. Yes, some criminals or ill are among them, natural statistics, and there are   identical statistics within the 'true' population of the nation. The same adjustment problems as our ancestors had upon immigrating to this nation exist. It is the sane who recognize those truths and those denying it, well, there are fingers awaiting circling. 

There are so many issues to resolve and all we do is shout and shriek at each other. We refuse to hear the good within each side's proposals and do not wish to discard the negative and wrong. Be sure that   there is not one side or the other that is perfect in its presentations of its platform planks. It is always easier to deny reality, deny the hard work that awaits any kind of a true settlement, but that does not work. We all seek peace in the Middle East and there's going to be pain to achieve that peace and denying that fact is silly. How else can we avoid an impossibility of remediation of a tragic situation? Others decide they can impose their solution, and they too are barking up the wrong tree.   Denying reality, denying historical imperative, ignoring. the facts that are on the ground, refusing to see the integration of Arab citizens of Israel into every facet of its life, the lies and cries of Hamas as they rain down horrors and terrors upon ALL, the violence by all extremists - this has got to stop. It must be settled. But for that to happen, there must be truth, only truth. No more lies. No more excuses. Truth and fact. Truth and fact. And finally, peace.  

There are those who support murderers. When the executive director of the Arab American Institute is asked if she supports Hamas, she responded with   puffed up feathers of indignation rather than with a simple yes or no. Hmmm. When egregiously loud supporters of murderers protest the ruling against a Pro Hamas vigil on October 7!! oh, the piteous cries of indignation and confusion from the mouths of those liars. Enough already. 

We, as a nation, with all humankind, must make a decision. Either we support truth, or we resign        membership among the sane and we take our well-earned place with the nuts, those who deeply need the application of those whirling fingers. We must refuse to buy into those lies hook, line and sinker. We must stand firm for the truth. And we must accept that reality demands compromises. We must decide which side of our nature will we choose? That of sanity, compromise, discussion, warmth, welcome, adjustment, or the negative side That of bloodshed, of constant war. Constant violence. Total uncertainty. And yes, even the possibility. of extermination and extinction. 

We must find better leaders. We must find humble leaders who do not consider themselves the gift of the gods to us. Our present ones are more likely a curse from the gods to us. We must find and protect those who are willing to talk peace, not allow their slaughter by those who prefer war and bloodshed. It is all up to us. And we are falling down on the job. Whirling fingers. Or words of wisdom. Anger and hate. Or peace and prosperity. Working together to solve the issues confronting this entire globe upon which we reside. Or wasted and harmful energy expended on matters which long ago should have been settled.

The choice is ours. 

The future is ours to gain or lose. 

Whirling fingers or the shaking of hands. 

Which is it to be?



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