Wednesday, October 23, 2024


 As clear as mud. What precisely are we learning about? What is the 'thing' of reference? What, precisely, have we learned? The answer is as informative as the title and I fear that nothing will be learned other than what we already know. Present day media is a tainted. twisted. biased entity and we can look forward to nothing other than future statements which solidify this current state of affairs. Journalism and journalists have sold their respective souls and for a rather cheap price, for access to " protesters" of the worst kind. 

 In fact, these gatherings of hate, of voices of wild chanting calling for violence of physical nature, are not protesting but rather advocating. The "learning thing" is the knowledge gained that violence works. Hatred conquers all, enveloping all it faces, far more attractive and alluring to all levels of society. An honest, unvarnished truth is that members of these crowds are not protesting. They are advocating for support of murderers and terrorists who not only think nothing of spilling blood, but instead actually treasure that act.

One cannot claim to be "pro-Palestinian” if one is supportive of those who deem slaughter of innocents and civilians as a proper tool of war.  The more violent, the higher the number of these deaths, so much the better. This attitude is given voice and nourishment by the fumes emanating from the stinking rotten core of corruption which have increasingly eaten away at the pillars upholding society. The only question remaining now is not if society will fall, but when will that fall occur. 

The moral spine of humankind has suffered millennia long attacks with few, if any, periods of respite. This is a manifestation of a deep sickness, a stinking rot from deep within the bowels of a terminally ill society. Fevers arise and burn away all opposition to perversions of truth. Blatant   terrorists with blood dripping from their fangs and claws are deemed 'militants'. Leaders of the world who should know better, who indeed do know better, romanticize violent causes and goals and give them wholehearted seals of approval. Lessons of history are denied.  Growing piles of discarded Good and Moral pollute the environment.  Daily the cleansing light of the sun dims, and the only question remaining is have we reached the point of no return or is there yet some space allowing for a radical turnaround? 

Too many mealy-mouthed self-proclaimed purveyors and interpreters of religion prove to be false prophets but not before they have inflicted much damage. Religion becomes a hammer with which opponents can be subdued. It gives rise to an evil zealotry which persistently builds Towers of Babel precluding any understanding and collaboration among nations of the world. It encourages the growth of new generations of Sodom and Gomorrah with nary a pure soul to be found. It ignores the warnings of huge floods and the awesome frightening power of massive fires.

Mankind has lost its way and find itself within a deep and dark forest primeval with no discernible path providing for forward movement and finally, a possible exit. 

 And here we are.

And here we will remain until and unless we come to our senses.

The future?

Any future?

A true and non-compromised leader?

Any 'thing' learned yet?


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