Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Both the lyrics and the notes of songs can send messages - of hope, despair, sorrow, joy, courage and encouragement, et alia. In fact, anything needing to be said can be said with music. Similar to artworks, the message and meaning are open to individual input and understanding. Too often, however, music has been purposely misinterpreted and hijacked to represent that which is opposite of the original intent of the creators of that music.  

A prime example of a misused song is Lee Greenwood's Proud to be an American. I have no idea of Greenwood's original thoughts or purpose, but I used to love it and its patriotism. Today -not so much; in fact, not at all. It has become a theme song of the Trump campaign, of a repressive and oppressive America. No, no pride in being an American of that America. 

Neil Diamond states that he "writes the songs which make the whole world sing". And in many cases, it does. People enjoy his concerts. Enjoy his music. Sing along and feel better for it. He sings of an America of which one can be proud to be an American. In the same manner, the music of Broadway shows also contain meaningful music. One of the most powerful, particularly in these days of hate and outrage, is one from South Pacific. entitled “You've Got to Be Taught”. What 'must' be taught is to hate others not like you. It is a hatred illogical and pervasive and delivers great harm to individuals and the world at large. I wonder how many people sing along with that music, shake their heads in agreement and then proceed to engage in some act of prejudice.

There are many great songs and singers true to this tradition. In fact, every society of this world has music which conveys its traditions, rites, history and legacy. At times, however, important thoughts and events cannot directly be expressed via music. Too huge, too emotional, too horrifying.  As time progresses it might be possible but in the current time, the music might present more of the emotions connected to the events rather than of the event itself. 

Before the music can be written words have to do the job. Words might be abrasive, emotional, condemning, praiseful, whatever is necessary. It can be in the form of a story and a lesson learned. An event and an interpretation. A bare bone presentation or a somewhat disguised one. At times it goes right over the heads of those immune to it. Others take it to heart and act upon it, hopefully in a positive truly progressive manner.  

At present, much of the music scene is overstressing of violence, hate, brutal sex or are totally inane. Too often these words and tunes pander to those of limited intellect. They appeal to a desire to be led, to be freed from decision making and responsibility for those decisions. These are the people who buy into the chants of evil, so prevalent today. These chants are nursery rhymes for those immured and wallowing in hatred and bloodlust.   Easy to remember. Easy to follow. So easy to join in, be of the crowd and add the power of your voice as you spew these words of hate into the public. These chants lead to the belief that these words are to be followed with actions of hate. These words and actions rise to the degree of a purposeful intended genocide. It is frightening to those at whom that hate is directed as the mindless rage of these chanters rise to deafening and dehumanizing level.

All truths are. smothered by the words of these chants of hate. Anything that could serve to deny the power of those words is debased, discounted and presented as lies. Hence, present day current thinking, especially re the Gaza war. The entity which vomited the beasts of Hamas onto Israeli soil to maim and murder, to behave worse than the wildest beasts of Nature. Hypocritical statements that Israel has the right to defend itself and why is that needful to be said in the first place!!  Even as there are constant ever ongoing threats to embargo arms shipments to Israel, thus denying her the actual possibility of defense. Until the last child stands there with his last stone in hand, accused as a war criminal by the UN 'peacekeeping” force. Bottom line, if that were actually to happen, would be the final demise of the state of Israel. Period. World Jewry to follow. Not a doubt in my mind.  

 When Israel, in the midst of fighting for its very survival, is demanded to feed the enemy, to take the blame for the horror of October 7, to tolerate the denial of facts as tens of thousands of Israelis have   had been evacuated, their homes destroyed. The terrorist attacks within Israel, on the streets, the trains, the stores, the roads - ignored, denied. The new revitalized weapon of suicide bombers demanded by Sinwar. How long can this go on? What kind of world is this?  Where is the acknowledgement of the truth? Where are our hostages? Where are the Bibas babies? Why has Amazon not spoken of nor acted on behalf of their employee now held hostage for over a year with no communication. Even as an executive of Amazon sports an obscene Israel denying pendant.   

Words of denial and hate echo in the air. Visible actual proof of the nefarious plans of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah are ignored or claimed to be fakes or presented as “Israel says” or it cannot be confirmed, even as the numbers of Hamas are accepted as words from Sinai. Even though it is a well-known fact that Hamas lies through its teeth, does not recognize truth if it rose up right before them.      f 

So, what is the truth? Very simple. It is what will be known as the continuation of the Final Solution.    Part two of genocide. It will be another six million plus Jews gone. disappeared, vanished. What has happened to truth? What has happened to be understanding? What has happened to humanity? Where and when did we totally discard the burden and the responsibilities of truth, of true humanity. When did we deny any sense of communality. When did we descend to the depths of this insane behavior leading to a headline such as “Some believe in Trump but without believing he'll carry out threats”. This despite the fact that while he was president, shamefully so, he called for a revolution to overthrow this government. He still will not concede that he lost the 2020 election and in fact, will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. He actually did set in motion a ban on Muslims, ordered investigations of his foes and plans for much more. For "one really violent day” which   will expand to many awful days. In fact, always awful days. Be it the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe. the medicine we swallow, somewhere, we have gone way off track onto an evil track which leads only to destruction. We must make a concerted effort to reform, acknowledge truth and abandon ancient tropes and memes of hate.

We must heed the words of John Denver in his song, Rocky Mountain High. We can change. There is time, even if it appears to be past time. We can achieve a new understanding and move forward.    "Rocky Mountain High"

"He was born in the summer of his twenty-seventh year
Coming home to a place he'd never been before
He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again
You might say he found a key for every door."

Please note that due to Jewish holidays there will be no posts util Sunday morning.

A good weekend to all.

 Stay safe.

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