It is not so difficult to fool oneself. We can hallucinate, voluntarily or involuntarily. We can have partial even selective vision. Whatever works. However, the brutal facts, the brutal truth, is that eventually, sooner or later, the truth will out and the ugliness of what we have been denying will be front and center. And then what? How does one deal with the assault on one's eyes? How do we handle the salty sting of tears? The very bitterness of what we see. Its undeniably there presence. Just what do we do, how to handle it? Will the grit ever leave our eyes and halt the torment?
The truth is no one, nobody knows how to handle a truth which was so voluntarily, mightily, denied. It smacks us upside and downside the head, punches one deep in the gut. Hard, unforgiving. We turn it away, in the vain hope that it will go away, be totally gone, when we turn back. But it does not vanish. And so here is the truth of what we have been denying. Like it or not, we're going to face it. If not now, then later, though, in my opinion it's going to be much, much sooner than later. We are well down the road to a really bad situation. Actually, we are getting to that there in record pace, breaching the border now. When will we arrive at that point of realization? If and when we do, I am not even sure if we can retrace our footsteps. Correct the errors. And clear our eyes, so that they see the truth before it becomes too late. Too late to find our way back, and then our way forward. Frighteningly, we might already have missed that reckoning point and have lost the chance to find our way back and 'unstep' all those missteps. Horrid thought.
So, from the top. Crap flows in both directions, but generally, the flow begins at the top and the rotting of the body becoming more powerful, more prevalent, more destructive, as it flows downward, as the numbers of victims increase exponentially. So, truth.
The eyes of the nation have been affected and infected for many a year. We have long ago become expert at denying the vision before our eyes. If we actually do get a glimpse, we blame its possible presence and indelible stain on those we find intolerable, indigestible. We deny the visual rot and the stinking odor of that rot as it permeates the air, ever more powerful. But deny it we do. We continue until we swallow it with no chance of regurgitation, or we mount a dangerous last ditch Hail Mary effort to give humanity more hope and optimism. But once again, the truth is there. Will humanity be able to turn aside, step back from the brink, step off the erroneous path, see the truth and rebuild yet again. Be better than before. Again. How many chances do we get? Have we reached the limit already?
In three states a bizarre law is being promulgated which will in fact not only deny the right of choice, of abortion if necessary for whatever reason, but will actually force women to have more babies. The states claim they are harmed, face grievous damage punishable by the law, by these abortions as it denies them more workers. Anybody here see, feel the echo of Slavery? Do not make a mistake. Do not indulge yourself in the thought that nah, this will never be, for the courts which will rule on these attempts to pass these laws and keep them on the books, enforce them are polluted by Trump appointees who do what Massa wants lest they lose their jobs. The judiciary has been compromised, and its tangled threads of compromise and rot will not be easy to untangle, if even possible. The worst of it all is that the courts and the system are rotten. Right to the Supreme Court and the justices of that bench in majority numbers. No aid from that corner.
Perhaps you think education will do the trick. Think that not, as in our system and current idea of education, we're already at a dangerous point of no return. We are burning and censoring, denying wise words of the past and stunting the present and the future. We have one state and other states following, a tad under the table at present, of rejoining Church and State. Teaching lessons based on readings of the Bible. Whose Bible? That of the “Beloved Christians” of Trump.
How do we explain to that little Catholic boy that this is not his religion, that he is not going to Hell, as he is not bad. How do we explain to that little Jewish girl that no, we do not worship Jesus, nor follow this Bible, that Jesus was one of us. A plain old simple Jew attempting to right some wrongs of society. As many Jews have done and do, much to their detriment. What do we tell atheistic parents who do not wish to have the child dipped in a pool of belief contrary to their beliefs and their lifestyle. It is so wrong that its blare deafens the ears even as the colors of its presence are shocking to the eyes. Yet Texas is ordering textbooks, and too often, where Texas goes, so goes the nation's educational world along with the textbook printers.
Do you erroneously think that these are the only problems that we must face and fix? If so, you are ever so wrong, ever so fooled. You're right in thinking there are other more ingrained problems more difficult to fix and to replace with the proper laws, proper attitudes and proper visions and hopes that we in this nation need so desperately at this time. In fact. the world does as well. However, the fix is not easy, not in any of the problems we face. Our opponents will put forth mighty efforts to keep the status quo so beneficial for them, not for the rest of us, the nation.
We, the crowned leader of the West, have tossed aside that crown. and spit at our allies and played footsie with our enemies. We've gone into the wrong stores and bought the wrong items, not only incorrect, but actually dangerous. To all and everything we hold right and proper and even holy. More on that tomorrow.
I sincerely hope that writing about it along with others writing about it, will begin to put on the brakes, and slow our track down the wrong path. Perhaps even allow us to possibly take some steps back. Erase the erroneous ones. Step freshly anew in the proper direction.
Will we? Can we?
How much of a betting person are you?
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