Thursday, November 28, 2024


“Put your money where your mouth is.” Basically, telling any gasbag around who loves the sound of his own voice as the syllables so easily and smoothly trip and drip from false tongues, to watch it!! Align the truths better with one's words and intentions and backed up by actions. If a picture is worth a thousand words, deeds are far more telling, worth 10,000 words at minimum. Words can be possibly 'walked' back, explained, albeit inadequately, but deeds are here, never to be erased, always lingering somewhere in the memory files of historical truths.

Hence the cruelty innately within those nursery rhymes, telling the truth of history, reigning triumphant over attempts to disguise and diminish those very truths. Always, truths will out, even as much time might pass before the obfuscation of liars and their words are revealed as such. From the very first creature who used sounds to convey a thought to another creature, language, words, have become an integral and critical part of humanity and its choices - to go forward or to reverse any, even all, forward progress.

Wordsmiths, those who know how to use words, to   say one thing with those words of their craft even as the truth underlying those words are diametrically opposed. At times caught red handed, (red mouthed), they are forced to 'walk back' those words. Inadequate, the truth bares all, sooner or later. Always. 

The Pope's recent words re genocide, his obscene accusation aimed at Israel accusing the very victims of the first recognized genocide in human history as genocidal criminals, is a prime example of walking back one's words, though extremely inadequate at hiding the truth beneath. Infallible? Most definitely not. Here are his original words, followed by the words of 'walk back' attempt. 

 " ... he called for an investigation into claims Israel was conducting genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. "...dialogue must be the soul of the international community."

"I simply mention two failures of humanity today: Ukraine and Palestine, where there is suffering, where the arrogance of the invader prevails over dialogue," he added in an unscripted remark.... regularly prays for the people of Gaza ... (in) a forthcoming book, he called for findings that Israel was conducting "genocide" in Gaza to be "studied carefully". ...Pope Francis: "I continue to receive very serious and painful news from Gaza. Unarmed civilians are subjected to bombings and shootings. A mother and her daughter were killed by Israeli snipers while going to the restroom. It is terrorism."

Walk back:  Following the wave of criticism, Pope Francis said during an interfaith gathering in the Vatican Monday that ... had taken his comments out of context.

“I did not claim that Israel committed genocide,” the pope said. (But in fact, he did.)

“I was shown materials from the war, and I said that if this is true, then it needs to be investigated. I understand what is happening in Gaza. I think Hamas should no long exist in the world, but the war should also not be prolonged.”  

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Ignore other risks Israel took to lessen the harm to civilians caught in a web of their own making. In those attempts many of Israel's own were lost or   severely wounded. Ignored are those risks and consequences, in a war initiated by an invasion of Hamas beasts into agricultural communities of Israel. Slaughtering innocents, burning children, raping women, shattering a "permanent” ceasefire. Words and actions, including the ongoing torture of hostages held in inhumane conditions, dying over    the course of a year. Even as the ice-cold flames burned blazingly hot once again. Antisemitism openly embraced by the world, ever and always so. A burning cauldron of JewHatred, its ashes carried by the winds of hate, finding well-nourished homes in blackened hearts and souls.  

Words and actions. False words of an international figure, one who should know better and present better.  Even as more of the same continues on throughout the rest of the world. False words.  Frightening words. An ugly truth hidden beneath.   

A UN dominated by Muslim and Arab nations, by those who celebrate antisemitism, who practice their own war crimes within their own borders, now dismiss a renowned figure - "U.N. will refuse to renew the contract of Alice Wairimu Nderitu, the Kenyan who is the Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide. ... dismissed because she has stood firm in her belief that Israel’s war with Hamas isn’t genocide. ... her refusal to endorse a lie in service of a political agenda has been a profile in courage. Ms. Nderitu’s removal is a political choice."

When the UN uses these words, these lies, what can we expect from any other organization supposedly dedicated to the betterment of the world, to a beneficial peace and respect of all humanity.  Not much, if anything at all. Not here. Not today.

 Additionally, not here within the United States. Not with a new president, actually, a tired yet threatening rerun, a retread whose tread is quite dangerously impaired. Not one whose governing and guiding principle of international and national politics is labeled “maximum pressure”, defined by experts as " Scare your negotiating partner into thinking you will do what most think is unthinkable". Rule by fear and intimidation. Rule with words of blatant lies dished out in heaping spoons of pap. 

Words diseased and contagious continue within the government itself. Departments are corrupt and bootlicking and loyalty to person rather than nation rules the day. How is it possible for the little people to combat the inequities such as unfair differing rates of compensation for the same thing varied by state and entity. How? No answer.

We perhaps need the example set by a brave teenager during the time of Nazi occupation of France when she received a literal "kick in the pants" and was energized into action and resistance. She knew and indeed suffered the consequences, was tortured, and lived. Where are our heroes today? Mostly, what I see around me are people afraid to speak. Afraid to engage in discourse. Afraid even to reveal themselves in public lest they get damned and attacked for it. This is not a way to live. Not within the United States of America. Surely not in 2024. Going on 2025.  

When a judge's legal reasoning is faulty and riddled within, when a Supreme Court is openly corrupt, engaged in taking bribery. when the incoming government officials refuse to sign transition agreements attesting to their honesty. and their loyalty to the government. When words and lines and limitations of power are not clearly drawn leaving gaping holes wherein the nation could drown, how do we find the words to explain it all, to try to understand it all and to act accordingly. How can we ensure good health of democracy when we are bombarded by false words whose intent and content fudge and wiffle-waffle the truths, denying comprehension of our dangerous situation.  What about the future? Beats me!!

Niceties of nursery rhymes with awful truths of history beneath. Fairy tales which are thin disguises of historical times and events, where we see the evil, though we hardly ever gain sight of a "happy ever after". No, life and the words which accompany it need major attention and remediation. As do the people who use words with evil intent. Who pierce and demean truth as easily and naturally as they brush their teeth.  

 Jewish tradition tells us that while we cannot think or take upon ourselves the responsibility of fixing every form of the 'off ' of this world, we must take a step forward and begin or add to ongoing efforts of remediation and improvement. 

Do we?  Really? In words of truth?

A question for the ages.

And for words.

And for choices.

And for the truth and the right, of those choices.

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