Monday, December 2, 2024


 There are times in everyone's lifespan when one is forced to do something which goes totally against the grain. It can be something minor, such as despising the taste of a medicine, or an urging to 'try it" or "take another look." Rethink the process."   "You might like it." Most of the time we do not like it, and our opinions are unchanged. We continue on in our original path. However, there are times when there is an immutable permanent change which cannot be denied, ignored, or discounted when toting up the bottom line. 

Decisions made during one's lifetime grow in influence and importance as one ages. Inevitably there comes a time when a person must look backwards and forward at the same time. What will people see as my legacy? Does it truly mesh with my own evaluation or are there glaring differences when compared with public assessment of said legacy? Which will prevail? Which one do we prefer and is there time enough for remediation?   In fact, has one truly examined the deepest depths, examined life closely? Are there new discoveries and understandings of the complexities of life and has one comprehended the true causative factor of a once downplayed bit of speech or deed? Those little bits can make a deep impression upon one's soul and demand atonement, fixing, or replication. 

 At that point, after one has plumbed the truth of yesteryear, looking backwards, one must take the more difficult step and look closely at the present and into the future. Has one's past justified a positive assessment of the present, and left behind a good taste in the minds of others or has it rather left behind a taste of bitterness, hate, failure and disharmony?  One would hope that wherever we alit in life, there remained a positive impact and aftereffect. Only a true and difficult honest bared to the bone and the glaring light of day assessment and evaluation will pave the way for that truth in advertising moment we all must undergo. 

In the current stresses many people are finding their beliefs uprooted. These roots die from lack of proper nourishment, or they go wide and deep in search of better nourishment and an ability to store up more for future need. At times it is difficult to make peace with the changes in direction imposed upon us. We question -   how could I possibly take that route? Is there something wrong with me? Have I turned traitor to my former life? Have I disregarded everything I once thought important? Critical, crucial beliefs are now challenged. Can I not find a proper amalgam of the before and the after and make my way through life smoothly, with positive intent and effect to the surrounding areas? In fact, are these changes of thought and route actually so different as to be incompatible or are they rife with similarities, union possible, taking the best of both and spinning forth a better, stronger, thread through and of life?  Is it worth the strenuous effort - and I believe so. One never knows the true and final impact of words and actions. Hence, one cannot shed responsibility but must take up the yoke and burden of that onus laid upon us, part of the reason why we are here.

These days, along with many others, I am almost consumed with and by anger of hot degree and sorrow so deep that it often overshadows happier moments. Once again there is an outburst of hate. Once again, this hatred poisons the world. Once again people play with words, putting forth flimsy. easily seen through hypocritical phrases and disguises. Their impact is highly negative in impact even as the evil doers continue on their path and drag people along with them nourishing the negative. 

Britain fumbles with words of denial with phrases of political correctness along with its usual inadequacy. As does France and Holland and Denmark and the USA - never a dirth of those who buy into that behavior. Reenforcing follow up deeds never come down the chute and the temper and fever of JewHatred increases exponentially. Once again, the pogrom has returned to haunt us; to kill us and we must deal with that truth or be consumed by it. Denial does not work. Denying its return to streets of the world, as in Amsterdam, is useless, even dangerous. 

What is a pogrom? How is it defined? Here are the words of a world-renowned expert.

" When you have one section of society intentionally hunt out another section, that is a pogrom. When one section feels so emboldened that they're going to get away with it, that's a pogrom. That's dangerous ...."  

You might be posing this in your mind. You either agree or disagree with that definition. So where is my agreement or disagreement? Where is the shock I am feeling? It needs another day of self-examination and courage and thought. Not to mention wording. For that - come back tomorrow.   

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