I am talking here about The Boss. The One Above all bosses. The one who sits at the desk from whence all is activated, and all is returned. There is no hiding nor escape, one way or the other. What, exactly, takes place after physical death remains unknown, there are apocryphal category stories claiming to know the truth and presents it for the perusal of those interested. Obviously, opinions on this matter differ greatly, from one extreme to the other,100% disbelief to 100% belief, and the structuring of life around those beliefs.
Assuming belief in the stories, in their truth, it is clear then that one must live in the best way or manner, so as to ensure entry into the best of the next world. Known by many names: Paradise, Valhalla, a return to Eden, Olam Habah - it matters not, for it represents the highest aspirations of that culture and/or religion.
Please note the usage of the term religion rather than faith. It is Religion which dictates the determining factors and not Faith. That which precedes is that which should follow, for believing in the dictates of one's religion means that one must have a deep abiding Faith, leaving and wanting no true wiggle room for disbelief and doubt of the existence of such a place, a reward awaiting the one who did what was required, perhaps lived a hard life because of it, but nevertheless, will reap the hard won promised reward in due time.
Therein is the kernel of the problem. People are willing to put in the hard work to earn by the sweat of their brow, the tilt of their heart and the working of their brains to achieve that better world. But they want it to be a fair process rather than a segmented procedure, with rules and regulations equal for all, no matter the temporal wealth and standing in society on the First World. Without that faith, all the dictates of religion will count for nought. Religion survives balanced upon the buoy of faith and should that buoy fail, so does religion. Without that faith all the dictates of religion will count for naught. Religion survives balanced upon the buoy of Faith and should that buoy fail, so does Religion.
While it is necessary, or preferable to have a religion, for it gives structure to a faith, denoting the highways and byways so important to the strengthening of the faith, it can also lead to its death. When people feel that their religion is false, useless, even corrupt, they cease belief in that religion. Some lose faith, for if the arbiters of the religion of their faith are themselves transgressors and violators of the precepts and tenets of that religion, how can they believe its Truth.
Some then cast aside the religion seeing no future in it. That discarded religion often initiates a loss of faith. However, mankind, such as it is, needs a faith - in someone, something, and it will find a way to fulfill that need. It might be a new format of that religion, that former religion made a better fit. To heighten their chances to find a better life after a hard life this time around, awaiting all who do have that faith and duly practice it, adhering to the dictates of the Religion arbiters.
The proponents of these differing religions then begin to demean the other, claim they are the true religion, the proper faith. Resorting to bloodshed and accusations of witchcraft and heresy lead only to further decay of religion and faith, as despair grows, intensifies and the cycle reignites. There is a deep need within humans to believe in something, a Being, a man, an ism, to believe there are some who indeed are the conduits to G-d, do it much better than they could.
These conduits are rewarded with wealth, with power, and inevitably, there arises a stink of rot and corruption from within those presumed holy people, those who KNOW the wishes of G-d - and take every opportunity to remind you of that, of your need for them. You are urged to know you MUST follow their laws for violation of such laws leads to loss of the world to come, that reward for a miserable life in this world.
Once again, the structural engineers of Religion lose control, and the structure begins to collapse under the weight of its own corruption and loss of soul. Greed of the upper classes, the structural engineers, and the hopelessness of the lower classes interfere with faith, and Religion begins to wane. Again. The cycle begins anew, ever returning as mankind falls prey to its own weaknesses and errors. History is replete with this cycle, its repetitions, and the influence, positive and negative, upon the people of this earth, on the power of Religion, its misuses and abuses, and the durability, against all odds, of Faith. True Faith.
On the morrow I begin to tackle my problems with the arbiters, designers and assigners of these religious structures. Who, how, when, why? What is my connection? Do I have an input? Am I the lesser, discounted due to Tradition, as in "its always been done that way”? Is my gender discounted? What were the qualifications and experience of the builders and the religious heads? Who or what was the source of the inspiration and the regulations of construction? Could there have been misinterpretation of the instructions of the construction? Many, many questions, many, many, many doubts, yet much faith. Will the walls of this construction begin to weaken? Is this merely another restructuring of no permanence?
Humanity needs answers. I need answers and must seek them for myself. It is upon me, upon all of us, to delve into our faith, test its strength, its durability, its maturity, and be ever the better for it.
On the morrow.
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