Friday, February 28, 2025


Before I write today's blog I would like to tell you, my readers, that the comments section seems to have been somehow unblocked, and it is now possible to send comments. I am not sure if there is any kind of restriction, nor do I really know how to answer these comments but know that all of those successfully posted have been read.  I thank you. Please keep trying, as I will, to make this entire process function properly. 

 The concept of today's title is responsibility. It is accepting the ensuing consequences of one's decisions, of what one supports. All that follows from those decisions cannot be shrugged off, certainly neither disregarded nor disavowed.      Unfortunately, that is a growing trend these days as this nation is undergoing an existential challenge to its very core. 

Much of this shirking of denial is found in Trump's tents. In those of Musk and his MuskRats, in those who bought into the whole mess, who now deny it all. Who claim ignorance and shock at "how far it has gone". Who say they never expected these results as they twist the notice of firing, of termination of governmental employment, round and round in their sweaty hands. Fired by the very people, the very man who would be King of America, complete with requisite coinage, statues, palaces and regal powers. An obscene ambition of entitlement and fulfillment of his crazed and tainted infinitely destructive goals totally encased within his deep adherence to the fascism and authoritarian bent of his twisted soul. 

Now these abandoned supporters try to backtrack. But they cannot. The immense human pain within this nation now is upon their shoulders. Even unto death, as the policy of denial of the efficacy of vaccines is now in place, a recommended policy with research funds and planning cut dead at the pass, perhaps not even getting to that pass. The result: the death of a child in the benighted state of Texas, run by Abbott, a staunch supporter of Trump et al. He bought it all, the outbreak and harm of bodies and minds, of endangerment to the health and survival of both children and adults. One child dead and more could follow quickly upon the heels of the first.  Back again and thank you RFK Jr. for all that you have enabled. Proud, are you?

Well, folks who voted for that not so funny gang of clowns, of fascist and authoritarian adherents, all of you so eager to enthrone the would be King of America, well YOU OWN IT. You enabled it, cheered it and now, again - YOU. OWN. IT. Up to your neck in it. The resultant horror, the grief of a lost child, of a death which needn't have been, the awful knowledge that more are likely, knowing you played a part in it - you did it, you own it. There are not enough words to deflect the truth.  

Now we must all peer into the future. What is before us?? Standing before us in deep ranks are the arrayed forces of enforcers, followers, intimidators of Trump and his Royal House. Deep ranks of the ignorant, the confused. The greedy. The morally challenged. The fearful and the deluded. Well, certainly the color rose is glaring in its absence. RFK Jr. and his dangerous homicidal policies stand there in full regalia as a general in this nasty new army. 

Federal employees are few and far between, for they have been fired, their ranks decimated by the. very man for whom they voted, who promised the sky as he gave them filth instead.  We have one nation in trouble now, needful of our energies and aid, to live, red state or blue. The sword of hunger and despair has struck us all. And so, we all went down. The social safety net was shredded. and the elections of 2026 so far away. Retaliatory tariffs. Ever escalating prices. New bitter lives of poverty and illness, of drabness and desperation, of hunger, darkness, disease, all subsidies slashed beyond recognition, crops rotting in the field, their sale blocked by retaliatory tariffs. Sufficient food out of sight. out of reach. New items as well.  

Yes, folks, you, me, they, them, we all did it, we all own it, and we all had better step up to the plate, stand before and behind and beside those of the few remaining, those with backbone and heart, who have dredged up the necessary courage and found judges enough who refuse to bow down to the twisted laws and intents of the Trumpian World.  Then, only then, can we reunite as a nation and cease the turmoil within and without, for in trashing our own country, we have trashed world order. 

Our supposed leaders have become comic figures, the butt of comments demeaning and disrespectful, deservedly so. However, that will not stop them on their nefarious pathway to do away with America, her truth and her dreams, her hopes of and for the world. It is upon us to repair our reputation, our standing as a nation, as a leader of the world. 

We must reassume our proper role. Make this nation once again what she is meant to be, properly, within the law, assign blame where blame is due   and carry out justice. Can we aspire to that goal? Safely, nonviolently, legally? I certainly hope so as the alternatives are simply blinding even in contemplation. We must work quickly for to wait till 2026 could be too late, with the Trumpian authoritarian forces too much in control.

No standing aside here. No room or tolerance for that. Choose a side - democracy or fascism and dictatorship. A world of possibilities or a gray world of no hope.  

What have we done? What have we enabled? What are we leaving to our children for their world? We own the choice and the results. Will we step up and realign the nation and the world. Despite the hard work it will entail, the courage it will demand, the determination which must remain strong and intact? Can we?    

We have allowed it. We own it. It is an ugly picture before us. It is up to us to repaint. The necessity, the urgency is already here. Yesterday. Today and certainly 

On the morrow.  





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