... to infinity and beyond? A stinking reeking of evil creeping crud is overwhelming this nation. It has apparently never come up against a wall it cannot conquer. The results are quite clear. The only ones who cannot see them are those willingly blind or firmly implanted within this crud. It is a soulless phenomenon. and crushes the souls of any who concede to it. Already lost is much of America, her ethos, her brash American confidence that it had what it needed to solve the world's problems, to overcome its mistakes made at home.
The world is America's oyster. Unfortunately, however, the slime within this edible creature began to overwhelm and compromise the enjoyment of it. In direct proportion to the increase in the slime, was an increase in the corruption of those who ruled this nation, as it slimed its way down the ranks to the everyday people. Drowning in acrimony and induced despair, not knowing where to turn, to find truth, they simply began to hear only what they wished to hear and see.
Falling willing prey to the bread and circus events and rants of that unqualified, dangerous, demented leader, Trump, ever so crafty and sly in his madness, the situation grew worse and grows worse day by day. Every day yet another outrage and another, and another, and another. No off switch. The puppet ropes held in the greedy hands of Musk, fortified by his horrid Muskrats, go unseen. These abominations have no space between them and their goals and the goals and behavior of the Hitler youth movement, or the Red Guards of Mao, or the Pioneer groups of Russia and North Korea. Indeed, any child sold on the perversion of the antidemocratic forces within their respective nations becomes a lost soul and their disturbed nation merely a battleground ever greedy for more blood. Whatever pleased the dictator killers was the order of the day, a nation at perpetual war, always hungry for more fodder for their war machines,
Unfortunately, success breeds more success. and as time goes on people become inured to what is happening. They can no longer discern truth from lies. They struggle in a daily life so harsh, to simply survive and keep the family safe. Not always successfully at that. Social criminals and standard criminals now find welcoming places within the developing powers. They begin to overcome the sane, the emotionally stable, the generally honest people who usually make up a typical government. Unfortunately, the government of this new dictatorship is corrupt from the ground up. It has no respect to the judiciary. It sets upon those within that judiciary who challenge their usurpation of the branches of government. True judges are much fewer on the ground and the legislators are puppets, bobbleheads, who shake wherever directed to do so.
Religion becomes corrupted and the version is deemed "true Christianity”, becomes the religion of the nation, or so we are told. It begins to intrude into the classroom, into the libraries, into the arts and sciences, into the intelligentsia, into the courts, into every home and institution of this nation. Voila! A new nation. Wonder how we got here? Just take a look backwards and see and understand and know how low we have fallen. How difficult the task to regain, retrieve, all that we have lost, and the almost impossibility to go even further in the right direction on a proper ladder.
Acquiescence is demanded, even necessary for survival. Incompetence and corruption rule. Morally bankrupt people are placed in charge Their goal only to amass wealth and power and obey the words of the leader or his representatives. Or the puppet master.
The end result is a broken 4th world nation whose mighty history, its graciousness, its errors, its history. its contributions, fade. wither away, blown away by the wind. The seeds fail to re implant themselves. Suddenly we have become a segment of a chapter in a textbook on nations that once were and are not any longer. Perhaps an essay for a high school class.
Are we at that point? We are not there yet. I repeat yet, but every day we grow closer and closer. Crazed empowered youngsters raid the workplaces of the federal government. They pry into every aspect of our lives. Privacy, lost. Gone with the wind. The same winds that are blowing away anything decent that remains within this nation. Seeds contributing beauty and oxygen fail to thrive while the weeds grow tall and dominant.
If nations had mood rings ours would present a dark, bottomless depth of blackness. It would consist of the heap of crumbled souls and discarded morals. It would be sprinkled heavily with the broken dreams. Or the social safety nets withered construction crumbled useless. Corruption and greed will rule the day, and we are well along the way to that. Principles and morals are words only, no flesh beneath. So many, too many, are being sucked into this crazed world.
America? Where are Americans? Where are the people, the beliefs we once had? We have apparently fallen into a pit of negativity, of hatred for others, never realizing that we are the others to them. We do what must be done. Will we, in fact, screw our courage to the sticking point and do what we must, clean out the filth of corruption, and hold all to account who partook in the ravaging of our country? Can we rebuild strong enough in a new and improved version? And how will we ensure that this never ever happens again? Of most importance, where will we find the leaders we so desperately need?
I have no answers. Only questions. Way above my pay grade. But at least I do have a presence of mind to understand and recognize what is happening to our nation and in fact, to this world. Think not that you are impervious if you turn off the news and refuse to read papers. No one is immune to the vagaries of life and the dangers posed by nasty, crooked people. Ever.
Can we improve? I hope so. Simply look to our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and understand the offense we have committed in endangering their lives and its quality. Perhaps that will induce us to look with sharper eye and see the truth of the matter. Do I have hope? Well, let's put it this way. It is not in plentiful supply. Will it be on another day? Can it be? Maybe, but not ...
On the morrow.
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