Thursday, February 20, 2025


Today is a day when the heavens themselves open their gates, greeting the souls of yet four more victims of hate as an entire nation mourns. The monsters have struck at the very core of civilization. They waged specific intentional war upon the elderly and the young, attacked both ends of the lifeline of humanity and all in between.

Purity and freshness of an innocent baby. A sweet youngster. A terrified mother clutching her children to her breast. An elderly man in the twilight of his years. Degraded. Tortured, ripped from their families. Murdered in cold blood. Even as history repeated itself yet again, and the world stood in silence with hands dripping blood, or worse, stood and cheered for the deaths of these four and so many, many more. 

The very fact that the vile creatures of Hamas were gifted with the name of militants rather than the terrorists they are does not bode well for the future of this earth. The very fact that the world conflates the vicious, brutal attack of rampaging beasts of nature upon citizens, children, parents, grandparents, holiday celebrants, dancers celebrating sunrise and its beauty and hope for a better day, a better time - conflated with the defensive actions of Israel, determined once and for all to bring their people home, to stop this eternal cycle of hate and murder. To forbid the slaughter of its people. Conflated!

The battle fought against Hamas, so cruelly and inhumanely, dismissive of their own people, this conglomeration from Hell's lowest levels, of monsters in human clothing, cynically, intentionally, used their people as a weapon of war and a tool of propaganda. Their own brothers and sisters. And the world bought it. Hook, line and sinker. Every act of brutality. Every horror perpetrated upon children. Upon parents. Upon people sleeping in their beds. Or praying. Or dancing. All whitewashed and deemed these aggressors, these initiators of a war that should never have been, as the victims!!!  

The world stood still once again or cheered this abomination. We, the Jewish people, the nation of Israel are still reeling under the consequences. So many dead. So much rancid hatred tainting the world. Mere days ago, a vicious attack by a mob of Hamas supporters upon a group of Jews living their life in a very Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. Barely a mention in the news. And if so, always with accompanying excuse, calling these creatures of brutality, these abominations, "militants and activists" rather than the true name of terrorists and murderers. Refusing to acknowledge that they are terrorists.  

Today's release. of four bodies of people who should never have died under these circumstances is indicative, clearly so, of the inhumanity of Hamas. They prepared yet another stage with which to strut their ugliness, denying their complicity and responsibility in all they began on Oct7, 2023. all the planning and the diversion of funds to their war goals, all that followed, that continues to follow.   Such brave warriors fighting infants and elderly. Blaming resultant deaths of the war they initiated as not of their causation. And the world bought it.

I don't know why Hamas did what they did. Their behavior is inexplicable. At least to the people who believe in humanity and decency. Other than to terrorize the world and hold an entire nation's people hostage, I see no purpose. No other motive.  Their excuses, their twisted thinking, are not valid. None.   

 Hamas took upon itself the role of the Angel of Death, as if carrying out the orders of the Lord. But they were serving the Devil. Emboldened by the unbelievable outrageous support of people round the world calling for the deaths, the   continuation of a genocide aimed specifically at the people of the Jewish nation wherever they live. To deny them a future. How do we know the truth of their goals?

Hear the world. See the four bodies today. Simply look at the title. Shiri. Ariel. Kfir. Oded. Four lions of the Lord. Four more martyrs to the unending hatred of the world. If that does not penetrate your head, your heart, your soul, then read the names again and again and again. Think upon who they were. Think what who they could have been. Their families. Their people.  

Israel is a nation united in sorrow. The face of the enemy is horrific indeed. Nary a whiff of decency or humanity visible.  The Jewish nation round the world wonder why yet again the Lord has allowed his people to be chosen for horror.  

No more of our beautiful children are to be more Kfirs and Ariels. Slaughtered by the hands of beasts, of monsters. No more versions of Amalek.    No more to serve as a deflection from the problems of the world. No more to be the target of ignorance and hate. No more streams of blood from our people. To silence the cacophony of screams of pain, of sorrow and agony rising high unto the heavens. 

Why, G-d, why? 

We pray for a time when nations will not take up arms against other nations. No more necessity to learn the ways of war. When weapons of war will become antique museum relics and provide the material to create tools of productivity, of ingenuity, of brotherhood.  When we break bread with each other and share the same beneficial goals. Together to ensure the continuation of humanity, A deserving humanity.  

 Shiri. Ariel. Kfir. 0ded. May your memories be for a blessing. May you now reside in peace and harmony with members of your family and your people who have gone before. Stand before the Lord and demand an accounting. Ask why your   sacrifice. We stand with you always and forever and may you always stand with us. 

On a personal note, find my grandson, Yitzy, torn from the world he knew at the age of 13. May you all retain your innocence and generate smiles on the face of the adults around you. Always be free of pain and the threat of war. 

As for us, we are now crying, sobbing from deep within, frightened, angry, confused. Deeply immersed in that lake of sadness. But you are home again and will remain so now forever. 

 May your memories be for a blessing.  

May you live forever in peace.

May your deaths bring some understanding to the world and soften the hard souls and blackened hearts of the world.

If not today, then perhaps 

On the morrow.

Shiri. Ariel. Kfir. Oded. 


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