Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 ...more than one fell out. For sure true as it pertains to the current situation in the USA. Too many have been rolling over and over and over again. Too many are either dead or playing dead or wishing they were dead, suffering as they are in the shame of this self-initiated extremely contagious horrific disease, suffering with severe cases of Trumpian caused dementia. The awful visible symptoms are ugly and mirror the ugliness of the soul, long abandoned by those with the most severe cases.  

Painful and hideous lip blisters from kissing ass.   Knee problems from constant kowtowing. Back pain from bending backwards so as to not see the truth straight on. Constant runny noses among these sniveling creatures.  Medication not available at this time and in fact, will never be. The demented. RFK Jr. has denied the efficacy of said vaccine, deeming it too extreme and detrimental to the   status of those poor suffering victims - not -. He is correct in that, for it would mean cause a total cleansing of all contaminants and a return to sanity and dignity, a total revamping of their minds, of their souls.  

Those fired from the nation's health systems have done independent research. The cure is here and simple, beneficial actually as tethers to reality, to human dignity and empathy are reconnected. They intuit the cure - replacement or displacement of those who lead the charge against all that made and kept this nation - America. It will be an epic battle to regain the power ceded to the two usurpers - one elected via illusion and Big Lie campaign and the other, self-appointed shadow behind the throne, salivating to take it over completely, along with his rabid hit squad of Muskrats. It is then that the transformation and final defeat would take place. A democracy of a once shining nation, an example to the world, for the world, is filthied up, demeaned and discarded, destroyed, as authoritarian   government emerges. And in place is the ugly sight of a repulsive creature of no morals whatsoever, loyal to himself only. Rest in peace, America. 

This scenario must be stopped dead in its track. America must wake up and become the sleeping giant so capable of doing the right thing and be victorious in its endeavors. It has done so before and can do so again. There will be damage to take into account, but then again, liberty is worth fighting for, is it not? Freedom should be cherished. and defended. But is there no other way than violence to resecure our national ethos, our pride, our unity, our dignity? Are we that forgone? Perhaps.

But there is no other way or rapidly becoming so.  Frankly, I was both most surprised and not so surprised. when I opened the TV as a news analysis and discussion was underway, with both moderates and conservative representatives on board, all well known, respected. bright and intuitive. When one person actually used the term revolt as something that the populace of the nation would have to do, there was no gasping of shock, though there were nods of the head. It has come to that point. The unthinkable point grows ever larger before our eyes. Americans will have to revolt openly. That is a frightening thought. But perhaps inevitable. 

But it should be a last resort, hopefully never to be reached. Demonstrations across this nation have already begun, demanding Musk be outed. Banned from government. Those in Congress, those in state legislatures must see and hear those demonstrations. They must understand that the stains of filth and dishonor upon this nation can only be cleansed. by the total replacement of the crooked minions of this administration. When the federal employees ousted brutally from necessary positions, severed from employment, from life as they knew it, illegally will be reinstated. When the judiciary system will cleanse itself, shed all of those judges who are so partisan they can only see the world, the cases before them through the perverted lying eyes of Trump, Musk, et al. When the Trump train will have its brakes stomped on, halting the ugly government of bribery, nepotism, incompetence, a loyalty to Trump, not nation, a revived spoils system so enriching for Trump and his top henchmen.  

 Chief Justice Roberts warned us that we are becoming a nation ignoring justice and troubles await. He is part of the problem, though he forgets that. All those who cozy up to Trump. All those who cater to their pockets ignoring heart and soul.   All those who have selfish streak running up and down, side to side. All those who think they can remain apathetic. Well, let's draw a line under that and understand the truth. 

The truth is, we all need to be there. No one can stay home. We prove true to ourselves, to our dignity, to our rights or we are lost as is the future. I sincerely hope and pray not. I hope we come to our senses quickly, bring justice to where it is necessary, and call out for heroes and actually have those who answer the call.

Legal and peaceful - before it is too late.  

Legally.   If not, there will not be a pretty picture awaiting to appear. Let us come to our senses before too late and be able to choose the proper road  

I deeply hope and pray that we can. That we can avoid violence.     

The truth will come out. At times it takes a bit longer. but eventually it is seen. The truth will out like it or not. It will out, whether you accept it or defy it. It is there. It cannot be denied. Push comes to shove. 

No more rolling and falling.  

...on the morrow. 



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