Monday, March 2, 2015


     I continue to be amazed at the quality of the elections and campaigning. Not once have I heard anything positive or constructive about their platform. All I have heard is the rhetoric, the negative rhetoric and the negative behavior.
     I have not been asked to talk on Channel 63 nor has anyone else I know running for the Exec. Bd. and why not? Is it not OUR Channel 63 too? I just heard Fausto speak and was at first impressed how nicely he spoke, talked of working together and then BAM he blew it. Here in the Village, he says, some people are not happy and become "discontents" (no such word by the way) and do not want to or cannot work with others. Truly, I am sick of this crap and lies. We have been waiting to work with others, many have had experience as officers of UCO, but David Israel CANNOT work with anyone who does not kowtow to him, who does not obey his every wish and command or that of his vizier, or consigliere,Ed Black. He is a small man, a legend in his own mind, but small in deed, small in soul, and small in ideas. How the hell could the news about the golf course be less important than trying to stomp on me or trying to stomp on Olga? And uselessly too.Where is his head at - up his rear?     How can people work together when there are no ideas forthcoming as there are from the opposition. I know I have read their postings and the postings of myself. We have ideas, positive ideas, ways to restore our Village and keep it whole for the future BUT THERE IS NO TALKING WITH OR TO THAT MAN AND HIS ACOLYTES. How can there possibly be any kind of decent campaign when all that comes from there are negative remarks. Should we call them the OG's, the original gangstas since they call us thugs? Should we call them malingerers and liars as they call us "malcontents"?
     Lanny, as usual, cannot get it. Today he wrote an ode to Ed Black, how much he has done for the Village, second only to David and how much they will do to together in the future. G-d help us should that be true. Lanny is correct - ED and David have done many things for the Village. They have broken its back, ruined the roads, f]ruined our financial solvency, gotten us a terrible security contract and company who are great with excuses but not so good on the action, made our waterways disgusting with neglect, drawn us heavily into slush funding accounting, ignored all principles of running meetings and administrations, introduced negativity and nastiness into any opposition - and why - because they are incompetent and the new clothes that the would be Emperor has thought to be wearing, to fool all, are now seen as what they are - nothing - and the emperor is naked in front of all. (Sorry for the image).
     People, this administration must go. We must start ushering in new people and reinstate term limits and get this man gone so we can have our own Marshall plan and get us back to where we should be and go on from there. Help us keep this Village a beautiful, friendly place, with leaders who are OF the people, not thinking they are ABOVE them, who mingle with them, take part in the life and activities of the Village and know and can read the temperature of the Village. The abuse has gone on long enough and the anger evident among the residents was quite clear at the DA and seen by their votes.
     Let us continue to wage the good fight and then join together and remake our Village in the image it should be.
      Just had a report on today's Exec. Bd meeting. There was barely a quorum, the notes from the last meeting were read and the meeting was over in about 15 minutes. THIS IS YOUR CURRENT ADMINISTRATION AT WORK - OR NOT, AS THE CASE MAY BE. No discussion re the water, the golf course, the elections, funding issues, state of the Village - NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH. Time for them to go.

VP - Ziccardy and Gluszak
Exec. Bd. - a maximum of ten, better off bullet voting for about 6. Of course I hope you vote for me, but the choice is yours. These are the names to choose from - and are written in no particular order, only as they came to mind.

Esther Sutofsky                 Stewart Richland
George Lowenstein           Olga Wolkenstein
Howie Silver                      Eileen Pearlman
Carol Szepesi                     Dot Lowenstein
Susan Imp                         Ruth Grossman
Jerry Karpf                       Marilyn Pomerantz
Marcella Schonhaut

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