Thursday, May 29, 2014


     There seems to be a bad policy in this country that leads its government, its politicians and its citizens to deny what is right in front of their faces. It is on the same level of the little boy caught with the chocolate smear on his face who will deny eating the piece even with the evidence right there. It seems the rest of the world has caught on as well, much to the detriment of the residents of the world at large.
     Those in charge of the VA health system thought that by telling lies, either by omission or commission, about its functions and lists and care of the veterans that all would remain hidden and the "malcontents" who complained would be ignored. Well, so much for that.
     GM thought it could deny and lie its way out of the mess it is in and accused the plaintiffs and their "malcontents" of malicious speech and rumors and said they were denying the facts before them, that drivers were responsible for the accidents, not them. Well, so much for that.
     The government and NSA denied, yelled, shouted to the rooftops that they were not spying on American citizens, you know, the normal ones, not the terrorists. Snowden broke that one wide open and while I do not agree with all that he has done, he did force the government to admit what it had done. Me, personally, well, I had been saying for years that I was sure that we were all being listened in on and HA! I was right. Once again, the "malcontents" were correct. The deniers of NSA were outed. Well, so much for that.
     The European countries that expressed indignation at being spied upon had to yell out the other side of their mouth when their spying on the USA was uncovered. Hey, spying has gone on since the beginning of time and it was during the time of Elizabeth I of England that the first modern spy ring was established so, so much for that.
     Here, in CV, we evidently have the same deny mentality as they, those in UCO administration, complain about "malcontents". Well, so much for that. Read between the lines.

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