Wednesday, May 28, 2014


     David Israel has announced a new salinization program for the pools. I am all for advances in keeping the waters of our pools clean and healthy but I am not sure what this means. The explanation was very brief and does not state if the water will be affected by way of turning salty or not. If that would be the result, I think there is much to think of before moving forward with the project. People need to be asked about their thoughts on this matter. We all know that salt burns an open cut so there are issues. If it does not change the salinity of the pool, then that needs to be stated and an example of such a process needs to be given so we can investigate for ourselves.
     Another question. It has been told to me that the new carpeting in the Clubhouse will only be able to be cleaned by drycleaning methods. Well, what about the fumes and the chemicals that come from this method. There are too many people in this Village with complications of the lungs and for sure they do not need this to be added to their problems. Again, I was only told about this and am looking for any information about this.
     Finally, will someone please tell David Israel to drop this stupidity of stating that we are suing ourselves. Only his deluded followers and sycophants actually believe this because it is just so dumb it is beyond words. So is the statement trying to convince us that giving to the lawsuit is illegal. Not really, David Israel, not really.
     And that does it for the questions right now.
     Whoops! Had to come back and add this in. Just read Elaine Brown's oh so very intelligent posting and I wonder just exactly when did she get her degree in engineering? Reflection cracks?! That is as intelligent as that Canadian woman who said that she had them in Canada, so why not here? Uh huh. A reflection crack does not allow one to stick a hand in and wave hello to underground denizens. A reflection crack is not a raised piece of sidewalk so that people can trip and fall. A reflection crack is not a new pond big enough for fishing, certainly for wading! Please, why not just admit that there were serious errors here and it needs to be rectified and indeed is going to be if the Paving Lady contract works out but that is just a small piece of the mess. Oh, it has been stated that some corrections will be paid for via insurance funds. Really? How did we get insurance money for this? Did we sue M&M for the job? Did we "sue ourselves"? Oh my, oh my. What do we have here.
    Need some answers here, ones that make sense, please.

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