Friday, May 2, 2014


     "The more things change, the more things remain the same."
     David Israel has opened up his big guns as he seems to begin an all out war on the financial safety and well being of the Village. He has accused the plaintiffs in the lawsuit of all sorts of dastardly motives, when the truth is that they are trying to get the money for the repaving that we will so desperately need. He tries to pawn off huge gaps in the walkways as mere and unimportant cracks, passes off flooding that occurs to the point that people cannot get out of their homes without boots as mere puddles. Come and see the Waltham and Stratford areas after a heavy downpour. Come and see the "puddles" in the Andover area, "puddles" that were never there before the repaving. David Israel, where the hell do you propose to get the necessary funds for these corrections such as you are planning to do in a small section of the walkway by Dover for $25, 000? Multiply that by all the areas that need immediate work and where, where, where?!!! Or perhaps you should leave it alone and then deal with the many lawsuits as people trip and fall, bikes are upended and safety is compromised for the many who skate, powerwalk, etc every day on the perimeter walkway. Would they then be "suing themselves?!
     Part II of the waste of our money - the new RFP for WIFI. Once again some hard questions were asked about the installation and here is David Israel's answer -
"I believe these issues raised after the vendor selection is made, are matters to be determined in contract negotiation."

Again, RFP response from a company to be determined without questions being posed. Another half assed project.
All the pictures from The Reporter will not change the facts.

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