Thursday, May 1, 2014

Daily post....

    So good morning everyone. Thank you to those who have commented, either on line or to me personally. I appreciate your input. that is, all except for one pathetic excuse for a human being who thinks that it is okay to call people names and use nasty terms to refer to others. Well, this thing will no longer be allowed to comment here as I have warned him several times and the rules are clear. I do not know why it is so hard for people to not be nasty. Is it all they have in life? Well, please go take a long walk off a short pier and bother the little fishies, not us humans over here!
     So Russia is continuing its takeover of the Ukraine and sometimes I wonder if there is a side to take here, what with both sides in the fight using anti Semitism as it suits them and the whole issue not really being clear. Does the Ukraine have the right to determine its own destiny - eminently YES, and Russia does not have the right to come in and take over a la old times. This is not Hungary in 1956 but putting in Russian troops disguised as "activists" is as wrong as sending in tanks. But then again, how can we expect people with such different backgrounds, be it in politics, religion, or genealogy to get along, especially as they are all armed,  when we here in the Village cannot seem to do that.
     So here I sit, more than a week later after filing apps for committees waiting, waiting, waiting..... for answers that will never come and even should they come, they will be in the negative. Our esteemed great leader has not the courage and honesty of soul to respond in the proper manner nor has he any excuse to deny me a seat on a committee. How else can he then rant and rave that I have not been on a committee if he lets me on! One flew over the cuckoo's nest, yes?
     From now on, all comments will have to be reviewed before they are published, at least until we get rid of that weasel Fred Sanford or he goes off to bother someone else and finds that no audience for his nastiness will prove to be a boring pursuit and he will find another. Maybe one day he will even find a way to become honest and courageous and say who he is. I am not holding my breath and this is the last time you will be spoken about on this blog. Go be nasty on David Israel's blog.

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