Wednesday, May 14, 2014


     It seems that we have oh so very delicate souls here in the Village who have never heard a foul word nor said one themselves. I think not. These very same people have used such language on me and others, verbally and in writing, and no one melted from the shock. It just confirmed our opinion of the low levels to which they have fallen and indeed, which they seek. They accuse others of discrimination but conveniently forget that David Israel told a Holocaust survivor to disappear in a puff of smoke, complained about his Jewish support, just as he declaimed against any support I received. This is sad, so very sad, and now because we stand up for our own Constitution, Amendments, and the American way of life, we are denounced as loonies. OH, so very nice.
     Please look in the mirror and check the devil you see. What you seem to see in others is what you actually see in yourselves and for that there is no cure other than to forsake your lies and nonsensical babbling. You quote out of context, masquerade as patriots, when you are obviously not - and gee, David Israel, wonder what the NSA thinks about you now!
   Now not only I, but also Gerry, have been threatened. Really, is that the path you have chosen to walk down, to threaten people as to their safety and well being? It is not enough to send me notes that "never will I grace a UCO committee"? Is it not enough to try now, to run a campaign against me when I have not even decided whether to run again or not, or just remain as a blogger, watching and commenting, a journalist. I am willing to write praise and damnation, whatever is warranted and it is all in your hands. I must say, though, that at this point seldom have I ever crossed paths with such scurrilous and despicable characters, a small group who feel they can control the fate of thousands and do it with a nasty touch.
   Challenge Day 9 is ending and the situation for CV is even worse than I thought.

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