Sunday, June 8, 2014


     So tomorrow is my birthday and one of my friends told me that we are not getting older, just wiser and better. Not sure about that, but I decided to look back over the past year and see what has been happening and evaluate myself.
     I am proud of myself. I ran for office, taking on a corrupt and incompetent administration run along the lines of the old Tammany network in NYC. Coming from nowhere, I made a damn good showing and am now a great big annoyance in their respective sides. If I can keep them nervous, so much the better. I am always watching and their obnoxious or moronic or obscene comments they send are not a hurdle in my path. So all in all, a positive grade there.
     I have moved out of my comfort zone and as a consequence have made many new friends, wonderful and bright intelligent people with whom one can share a joke or a serious comment, people who want the best for this Village. And all the while, my other friends have been there for me, laughing, chatting and sharing our lives together.
     I have reached out and made new contacts outside the Village in search of information and new areas in which to volunteer, other than the standard ones of hospital, school, etc. My skills and experiences in life have opened many new pathways and I am busy exploring them.
     Finally, I am so proud of my family, of my kids and grandchildren and their strides in life as they reach goals long awaited. They are a wonderful and caring group, with my kids all concerned with their siblings, supporting them as needed, laughing and of course making fun of their parents! and my grandchildren are the best with their hugs and kisses and their belief that we can make anything happen for them. May it continue. And of course, my wonderful Gerry (hope he doesn't read this!) He is the heart of my life and makes my years special.
     So, happy birthday to me - ad meah v'esrim - to 120 - as the saying goes.

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