Monday, June 9, 2014


    Today was the best day ever. Granted, I cannot do the same amount of walking, but having Mickey and Minnie call my room and sing Happy Birthday, everyone in the Park wish me Happy Birthday and seeing some great shows was terrific. Now we are waiting for a thunderstorm to move away so we can see the special night show.
     When we look out the window or stand on our balcony we see the animals wandering the savannah - giraffes, zebras, ostriches, elands and the list goes on. It is totally cool.
     But I believe the best part of the day were the calls from kids and grandkids and all the emails, texts and Facebook message from friends and family, old colleagues and former students and parents. It definitely gives one a lift to know that one's life's work had an effect and when one parent says, "our boys have grown into fine men - just as you said" - that is the best gift for a birthday for an educator.
     Of course, I must also say that I have found my true inner self and walked around with a Maleficent hat on - tough on the outside, but really a good person and a softy on the inside. I believe all my students saw through me - and thank G-d they did. We were qble to have great classes and discussions.
     So today, life is good and Sanford, go to hell!

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