Friday, June 27, 2014


     We have a great problem here in the Village. Those who are supposed to be responsibly running the administration have all reverted to kindergarten age and mentality, and I am sorry for insulting kindergarten students in the comparison. We have the Great Manipulator, David Israel, and his coterie, including Bozo the clown, DonHoHo, his sad group of ladies, including a newspaper editor/vp/tv producer/whatever the hell she wants, who cannot remember anything she says or promises.
     This oh, such a lovely group, have nothing better to do than call names , real clever ones such as "silly slob" "bag of sh^t, hemorroid, silly ass, moron troublemaker, and the list goes on. Moronic Bozo, jealous, because he can't find his own rear end with his own two hands, decides that it is his holy duty to castigate me because I dare to write about things other than his asinine friends and have the nerve to have insomnia. Well, Bozo and buddies - *****you and the asses you rode in on. And the names they call Olga are in similar vein, perhaps even filthier and they generally include me in it - and I am proud to be associated with such an honest and forthright person.
     Where this stupidity gets more serious is when I am told that I need to be blown up by firecrackers, along with various sexual innuendos. Now here is the interesting part. First, when I told David Israel in response to his perceived need for armed guards that maybe I should get armed guards to follow me around as I have reason to fear for my physical safety, he was incensed. It seems only physical and moral cowards such as he are entitled to guards at OUR expense. Second, it is quite interesting that after I told the Officers of these threats that suddenly the comments are reverting back to nursery school. So what does this tell us? That I am right and the a**h*** who is sending these remarks is either David Israel himself with his misogynistic statements as there are some lulus here about women, or one of his close buddies whom he warned about a PBSO case being opened about the physical threat.
     Lovely people we have heading UCO. Lovely people we have with their filthy mouths and nasty souls. Delegates, who voted for David Israel when he took you out of your units to vote and then stuffed you back in again, this is what you have wrought. This is what you have caused. You, the dupes of David Israel, you, the elderly, elderly citizens of our Village, those least able to pay the huge increases that are coming are way - this is what becomes  and befalls people who do not think before voting or let themselves get intimidated into voting a certain way. and if you think there is no increase, read Howie O'Brien's most recent article and then add in the increases not accounted for such as security and ambulance new contracts as well as the perennial paving crap job.
     Buddha is reputed to have said that there are only three things which cannot be kept hidden for a long time - the sun, the moon, and the whole truth. Are you listening out there David Israel, Bozo, Ed Black and the rest of you.

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