Sunday, June 29, 2014


     We readers and fans of Diana Gabaldon have waited five years for the next book in this series, the saga of the Frazer family, original of Scots origin, but have come to represent the story of America and its birth. These books are not short reads, just flipping the pages. The story line is fascinating with time travel happening, but not in a science fiction type of way but rather more mystical, a leftover perhaps from Druidic times. But that is not really important.
     What is important is the development of the characters of this family, the amazing times they live and the love they have for one another. It is amazing to suddenly run across a famous figure out of history in a normal type situation and realize once again that our Founders were people, not mythic figures, supra human. It gives one courage to continue on a difficult path knowing that one can succeed against the odds.
     This novel is set mainly during the late 1770's, a time of fierce battles in the American Revolution and there is quite an interesting take on the manner in which they were fought and of course there are scenes in the past and future all melding together to form a great book. It is a huge tome, over 800 pages and one must have patience and cannot flip thru the pages, but must read carefully for the amazing nuances and tie ins.
     It was a long time to wait and some of the prior details were lost in the fog of time, but while reading, they come back. One can also just read a summary of the prior book and thus enter this one with a remembrance of the past events. I highly recommend this book, but make sure you have the time that it takes to read it! In fact, if you have not read the books in this series, you have a treat waiting for you and they are all available in paperback as well - save your wrists!

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